Language Learning 语言学习
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年9月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:330
Explore some current trends in the world of second-language education 一探现今第二语言教育的趋势
Hebrew 101 希伯来语入门
Learning a new language is rarely easy for adults, but this class is going to be especially challenging. Class participants aren’t there to just pick up a few key phrases to ask where the bathroom is or order food in a foreign country. They have to start at the beginning, with a new alphabet written in strange characters. They have to learn to make sounds that don’t come naturally to English speakers.
But the 28 people enrolled in a seven-week beginners’ Hebrew class are motivated to learn an ancient language that continues to have relevance in modern times. Some of the class members are taking the class to deepen their faith as they learn the language of the Torah, the holy scroll of the Jewish faith that makes up the first five books of the Old Testament. Some have enrolled so they can more fully experience Jewish Sabbath services, which are partly conducted in Hebrew. “It makes me feel connected to the Jewish people,” Miriam Gray, a 30-year-old member of Temple Shalom in Colorado Springs, Colorado, said during a class break.
Terry Thero, a 63-year-old Christian, is taking the class because he’s planning a trip to Israel in a few years. “I have an interest in the Jewish culture and people, and that area of the world is very important right now.”
A Semitic language, Hebrew is believed to have developed about 3,500 years ago. It differs from the Germanic languages, which include English, in that it is read right to left, originally had no vowels (although they were added about 1,500 years ago), and uses 22 letters. Hebrew also has a shorter, simpler sentence structure. As with all languages, Hebrew and English have evolved over time.
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hebrew [ˋhibru] n. 希伯来人(语)
pick up(不费力地)获得,学会 to acquire (knowledge) by learning or experience
alphabet [ˋælfə͵bɛt] n. 字母系统,字母表,全套字母
torah [ˋtorə] n.(犹太教)教律, 律法, 圣经旧约之首五卷
Old Testament(基督教的)旧约圣经;旧约全书
Sabbath [ˋsæbəθ] n.【宗】安息日 the day of the week set aside by some religions as a day of rest and worship
shalom [ʃəˋlom] int.【口】您好;再见
Semitic [səˋmɪtɪk] adj. 闪语族的,闪米特人的 having to do with the Arabs and Jews of the Middle East
Germanic [dʒɝˋmænɪk] adj. 日耳曼语族的
vowel [ˋvaʊəl] n. 元音,元音字母; 元音
Arabic classes scarce 阿拉伯语课程不足
Arabic language classes are still few and far between, despite cash incentives from the federal government. A new class at Passaic County’s vocational high school in New Jersey may be the only public school Arabic class in the state, while classes in Mandarin Chinese have mushroomed in recent years and are now offered in more than a dozen nearby districts. Both are considered “critical need” languages by the federal government, which set aside $114 million to kick-start new classes.
虽然美国联邦政府提供金钱奖励开设阿拉伯语课,但相关课程仍然极罕见(译注:few and far between可以指数量很少,或发生频率极低,间隔很久才发生一次),纽泽西州帕赛郡高职所开的阿语新课程,可能是该州公立学校所开设的唯一阿语课程了,相形之下,中文课程(译注:mandarin Chinese直译为国语)近年来却如雨后春笋般出现,目前附近有超过十二个行政区都有开中文课。阿语和中文均被联邦政府视为「亟需」的语言,特别拨出一亿一千四百万美元供作推出新课程之用。
Across the nation, 90 percent of the grants have funded Chinese classes, federal education officials said, with the rest split among Arabic, Hindi, Farsi, Russian, Japanese and Korean. That’s due in part to a well-funded initiative by the Chinese to send trained teachers to U.S. schools. Instructional materials for Chinese lessons are readily available.
Arabic has had no such support. Indeed, Passaic County Technical Institute decided to offer the class after repeated requests by students, 7 percent of whom speak Arabic at home. Forty-one are enrolled this year, said spokeswoman Sandy Woods.
During a recent class, students and instructor Dina Kataw-Aidabole reviewed vocabulary and shared insights into Arab culture. A word for “sandal” also can refer to wooden shoes worn in the shower, which originated in Turkish baths, she told students. “Yes, even in a house you have to take off your shoes,” added student Ferdi Abedinoski, 17. “The carpet has to be clean.”
“Yes, that’s another cultural thing we should know,” said Kataw-Aidabole.
Abedinoski said he wanted to study Arabic to enhance his religious education and because “it’s a big language in the world. ….. It has a lot of influence.”
-by Mark Barna
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few and far between 罕见稀少的, 难得 very few; few and widely scattered
vocational [voˋkeʃən!] adj. 职业的
Mandarin [ˋmændərɪn] n.(M-)华语;中国的官话(北京话)
set aside 留出,拨出 to separate and reserve for a special purpose
grant [grænt] n. 助学金,补助金
Hindi [ˋhɪnˋdi] n. 北印度语
Farsi [ˋfɑrsɪ] n. 波斯语
well-funded 资金充裕的
initiative [ɪˋnɪʃətɪv] n. 新方案 plan, deal, proposal
Turkish bath 土耳其浴 a building in which you sit in a room full of steam and are then massaged and washed
Helping doctors speak English more clearly 协助医师把英语说得更标准
Karen Yates has a discerning ear. A language specialist, she hears native Chinese speakers learning English and failing to pronounce the consonants at the end of their syllables, so they’ll say “blah” instead of “blood.” Indian speakers, she says, often reverse “w” and “v” and, as a result, “heart valve” becomes “heart wow.” It’s precisely these kinds of language issue that convinced Yates of the need to teach foreign doctors and medical students how to speak English with less of an accent.
凯伦.叶姿的听力非常敏锐,身为语言专家的她,听出中文母语人士在学英语的时候,往往不发出英文字最后的子音,所以他们在说血液的英文blood时,往往会发音成blah,而不是blood(译注:blah指没有发出d的音)。叶姿表示,印度语母语人士则往往会把w和v弄反了,结果导致heart valve被念成heart wow(译注:heart valve是「心瓣膜」)。正是这些语言问题让叶姿深信,的确有必要教导外籍医师和医学院的学生如何在说英语时,不要带有太浓厚的家乡口音。
Considering that the average physician conducts an estimated 25 percent interviews a day, clear speech is essential. Some language miscues are more serious than others, of course. “Fifteen milligrams” and “50 milligrams” sound awfully similar. So do the words “breathing” and “bleeding.”
当大家进一步考虑到,平均每个医生一天估计得看二十五个病人之后,就会了解发音咬字清晰实属必要。当然,有些语言小缺失问题的严重性,远大过于其他,例如fifteen milligrams(译注:十五毫克)和50 milligrams(五十毫克)听起来就很相似,而breathing(呼吸)和bleeding(流血)也很类似。
“And if the doctor speaks too quickly, without American-English pausing and rhythm, the patients may nod as if they understand but they may not know the specifics of what was said,” Yates said.
Yates says that people learning English as a second language “hear” the language with their eyes, by reading how a word is spelled instead of listening with their ears to what is really said. For example, in trying to say “eyes,” because it is spelled with an “s” her students will often say “ice.”
Ilse Valencia, 33, a research specialist from Chile, had another complication with English while reading a sentence aloud for Yates’ class. “We increase-sed the dose and stopped the other medicine,” Valencia read slowly, sounding unsure of herself. She’s learning that the pronunciation of “increased” represents one of three ways to say past-tense words with –ed endings. The –ed in this word is actually pronounced with a “t” – “increast.”
-by Jason Roberson
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consonant [ˋkɑnsənənt] n. 子音; 辅音字母
syllable [ˋsɪləb!] n. 音节
precisely [prɪˋsaɪslɪ] adv. 正好,恰恰,确实地(表示强调)
accent [ˋæksɛnt] n. 口音,腔调
specifics [spɪˋsɪfɪks] n. 详情,细节
complication [͵kɑmpləˋkeʃən] n.(新出现的)困难,障碍
aloud [əˋlaʊd] adv. 大声地; 出声地
Vocabulary Focus
character [ˋkærɪktɚ] n.(书写或印刷)符号;(汉)字;字体 a letter, number or other mark used in writing or printing
conduct [kənˋdʌkt] v. 进行; 组织 ;实施 to organize and perform a particular activity
incentive [ɪnˋsɛntɪv] n. 刺激; 激励; 奖励 something that encourages a person to do a specific activity
mushroom [ˋmʌʃrʊm] v. 雨后春笋般地涌现 to grow quickly
kick-start [ˋkɪk͵stɑrt] v. 促使……开始;使尽快启动 to make something start to happen
originate [əˋrɪdʒə͵net] v. 发源;来自;产生 to come from a particular place
enhance [ɪnˋhæns] v. 提高,增加(价值,质量,吸引力等)to improve the quality, amount or strength of something
discerning [dɪˋsɝnɪŋ] adj. 有识别力的;眼光敏锐的 able to make careful judgments about the quality of similar things
miscue [ˋmɪskju] n. 失误 a minor mistake, sometimes in speech or writing
Language and Learning