Ordinary Greatness 平凡中的不凡
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年4月29日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:312
Having trouble finding outstanding workers? Maybe you’re not looking hard enough 杰出员工难寻?也许是你的观察不够仔细喔
Unsung heroes are just about everywhere one looks. In their book Ordinary Greatness: It’s Where You least Expect it ….. Everywhere, co-authors Pamela Bilbrey and Brian Jones remind us that superior performance is out there, but we just have to pay more attention to the people working around us to recognize and reward it.
Bilbrey and Jones learned to understand what greatness is all about when they were leaders at Baptist Health Care, a company that was recognized by Fortune magazine as one of the “100 Best Places to Work” in 2007 and a winner of the 2003 Baldrige National Quality Program Award. Today, Bilbrey and Jones are consulting partners with Patrick Lencioni’s consulting firm, The Table Group. In Ordinary Greatness, the authors show leaders how to engage and motivate their people by recognizing the impressive, yet often overlooked, contributions they make to their organizations.
毕柏蕊和琼斯是在浸信会医疗中心担任主管时,体会出「不凡作为」的真谛。浸信会医疗中心在二00七年获选为《财星杂志》「百大最佳工作环境」之一,也是二00三年美国国家质量奖得主(译注:该奖记念已故美国商务部长Malcolm Baldrige)。毕柏蕊和琼斯目前是派屈克.兰奇欧尼的管理顾问公司「圆桌集团」的顾问合伙人。在《平凡中的不凡》一书中,作者教领导者应如何藉由发掘一些明明有为公司做出优异贡献,却常被忽视的同仁,以凝聚、激励员工。
Unexpected circumstances 突发状况
The authors define “ordinary greatness” as the “superior and often unrecognized characteristics, qualities, skills or effort found in someone who may be otherwise undistinguished; sometimes discovered in response to unexpected circumstances.”
Lessons from great leaders in business, politics, entertainment, sports and daily life fill Ordinary Greatness with examples that demonstrate the power of “ordinary” people to positively affect the lives of others.
Leaning to see greatness 学习看出不凡所在
One way the authors explain that we can find the ordinary greatness around us is by removing the natural blinders that keep us from seeing it. They point out that these blinders can come in the form of the preconceived notions we have about other people.
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Baptist [ˋbæptɪst] adj. 浸礼会的; n. 浸礼会教友
engage [ɪnˋgedʒ] v. 吸引(人);引起(注意、兴趣)
recognize [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] v. 认识; 认出; 识别
undistinguished [͵ʌndɪsˋtɪŋgwɪʃt] adj. 不杰出的;平凡的
blinder [ˋblaɪndɚ] n. 眼罩
preconceived [͵prikənˋsivd] adj. 已有先入之见的,已先入为主的,已有成见的
While our pre-existing ideas can help us move more quickly through our daily routines, the authors write that they can also blind us to the exceptional behaviors that people around us are exhibiting in ways that are different from our expectations. By acknowledging the ways we compartmentalize people and label them with our personal biases, or overlook them because of over-busy schedules, we are better able to see past our blinders and recognize the hidden greatness in people.
Creating a nurturing context 营造出适合养成的环境
The authors offer strategies leaders can use to create a context where “ordinary greatness” can prosper and proliferate. One of these strategies is to create a “servant leader mindset.” This idea, which has been around since Lao Tzu first wrote about it in The TaoTe Ching thousands of years ago, entails a mindset in which leaders see themselves as servants to their subordinates. This means creating a greater connection with people by working to support those on the front lines. Bilbrey and Jones write that ordinary greatness can also be built within an organization by improving the visibility, accessibility and approachability of leaders. By interacting with employees more, leaders gain the insight that helps them recognize the greatness of people that might otherwise be overlooked.
Creating role models 树立典范
Other strategies that can help leaders develop and grow ordinary greatness in their organizations include leading by example, improving communication among leaders and employees, and promoting those who exhibit ordinary greatness.
Through numerous examples of “ordinary” people who have become exceptional role models for others, Bilbrey and Jones show leaders what they are missing when ordinary greatness goes unrecognized, and how to inspire and motivate people by bringing this powerful resource into the light.
−by Chris Lauer
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context [ˋkɑntɛkst] n.(事件的)来龙去脉,背景
proliferate [prəˋlɪfə͵ret] v.(使)激增
entail [ɪnˋtel] v. 使…成为必需
visibility [͵vɪzəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 能见度;明显性
accessibility [æk͵sɛsəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 易接近; 可及性;可达性
insight [ˋɪn͵saɪt] n. 洞悉;深刻的理解
bring into the light 阐明.. to present or reveal someone or something to the public
Vocabulary Focus
unsung heroes 默默无闻的英雄; 无名英雄 those who have done something of value, but have not been noticed or praised for hard work, bravery or great achievement
blinders [ˋblaɪndɚz] n.(常复数)马的眼罩 something that causes one to be able only to see things one way and be unwilling or unable to consider other possibilities
exceptional [ɪkˋsɛpʃən!] adj. 优秀的;卓越的 much greater than usual, especially in skill, intelligence or quality
compartmentalize [͵kəmpɑrtˋmɛnt!aɪz] v. 划分;区分 to divide people or things into categories
bias [ˋbaɪəs] n. 偏见,成见;偏心 an unfair personal opinion that influences one’s judgment
subordinate [səˋbɔrdnɪt] n. 部下,部属;下级职员 a person who has a less important position than another in an organization
approachability [ə͵protʃəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 可接近性,易接近性 the characteristic of being friendly and easy to talk to or deal with