Voice Power 小声音力量大
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年2月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:379
While everyone has a voice, not every voice is one that gets attention – a personal weakness that is often overlooked. Most people are unaware that their voices account for one-third of the total impression they make on others (the other factors are appearance and message).
Throughout Voice Power, Renee Grant-Williams, who has worked with U.S. senators, recording stars, business executives and sales professionals, shares her techniques for improving the quality of your voice. She writes that these techniques can help you train your voice to maximize your effectiveness in any form of speaking – speeches, sales presentations, and even telephone and voice mail messages. She believes that anyone can learn to improve the tone and resonance of his or her voice to make presentations more dynamic, powerful and successful.
Step one: Learning to breathe 第一步:学习呼吸之道
The path to a rich, full and commanding voice begins with the most basic of skills: breathing. With each intake of breath, air is forced over our vocal cords, which then vibrate to produce a tone. All of our speech comes from these tones. Listen to your own breathing and those of others around you – you’ll hear shallow breathers, chest-heavers, gaspers and so forth.
Some voice instructors will tell you to breathe only through your nose or only through your mouth, but Grant-Williams writes that the important thing is to do what is most comfortable or natural for you.
She explains that where you stash the air you breathed in is key. Most often, people find that they breathe into their chests so that their shoulders get filled up. But remember the diaphragm – that’s below the lungs (and therefore below the shoulders and chest!)
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overlook [͵ovɚˋlʊk] v. 忽视; 忽略
effectiveness [əˋfɛktɪvnɪs] n. 有效, 有力; 成效
tone [ton] n. 声调,语调; 音调
resonance [ˋrɛzənəns] n. 共鸣, 回声, 反响, 谐振, 共振 sound quality that is clear and loud
commanding [kəˋmændɪŋ] adj. 威风凛凛的
vocal cords 声带 a pair of folds at the upper end of the throat whose edges move quickly backwards and forwards and produce sound when air from the lungs moves over them
breather [ˋbriðɚ] n. 呼吸者; 喘息
heave [hiv] v.(费力地)发出(叹息等)
gasper [ˋgæspɚ] n. 喘气者
diaphragm [ˋdaɪə͵fræm] n.【解】横隔膜 the muscle which separate the chest from the lower part of the body
The bottom line: Don’t gasp, draw, suck or pull the air into your body. Just relax, open your mouth and let the air fall in. Passive breathing gives you a richer, fuller voice. Grant-Williams explains that shallow breathing cuts off resonance and makes your pitch rise, but breathing into the lower body allows the vocal cords to relax.
Speaking involves an interrelated group of muscles. Taken collectively the system of muscles that help create the voice is called support. Resonance is the way the sound vibrates in the body. Support and resonance work together. Grant-Williams writes that energy is needed to create tone, but the trick is finding the right source of energy that does not compromise the resonance.
Speaking with the entire body 用全身来说话
Grant-Williams says that most people use their throats to create sound, but this damages the body’s resonance. Instead of relying on the throat alone, you need to draw the energy for sound from your entire body. This is called full body support. Creative use of tone, pitch, pauses and elongated consonants can give you an edge in getting people’s attention.
No one enjoys giving a speech. In fact, it’s the top-rated phobia in America. Fear of giving a speech ranks higher than fear of dying in some studies. To help her readers overcome this fear, Grant-Williams covers the best way to write a speech-phrasing decisions and constructing a phrasing schematic, developing physical presence, neutralizing stage fright, and rehearsing.
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the bottom line 关键; 基本意思(或情况) the most important or fundamental aspect of a situation
gasp [gæsp] n. 喘气,上气不接下气
pitch [pɪtʃ] n.【语】【音】音高 the degree to which a sound has a high or low quality
elongate [ɪˋlɔŋ͵get] v. 拉长;伸长;延长
consonant [ˋkɑnsənənt] n. 子音;子音字母
top-rated [͵tɑpˋretɪd] adj.【口】最高级的
phrasing [ˋfrezɪŋ] n. 语法;措辞
stage fright(初上舞台的)怯场
rehearse [rɪˋhɝs] v. 排练,排演
She also provides these practical tips for preparing for the day of the speech:
- Avoid caffeine. It dries out the throat. 避免摄取咖啡因,因为它会使喉咙干燥。
- Eat something light at least two hours before the speech. Skip dairy products because they are much mucus-producing and will make you sound as if you need to clear your throat. 发表演讲的至少两小时前,吃点东西。要避免奶类产品,因为那会使口腔产生黏液,使你的声音听起来好像需要清清喉咙。
- Drink plenty of water. 多喝水。
- Visualize yourself making the speech. 想象自己发表演说的样子。
- Practice voice warm-up techniques. 练习让声音暖身的技巧。
Voice poweralso provides specific advice for managers and executives who are called on to motivate employees for less-than-enviable tasks. For anyone who wants to advance in a corporation, such skills are essential. To be a great motivator, your speech needs to not only touch the hearts and minds of others, but also literally stir them to action. Even if you are not motivated yourself, as a business leader, you will need to sound that way. The tone of your voice must be able to convey how anything negative (i.e., working weekends) can be turned into something positive (i.e., meeting new company goals and gaining more market share). Grant-Williams offers this tip: Having your pitch rise at the end of your sentences will indicate increasing energy and enthusiasm.
Why Soundview likes this book 「桑维德书评」喜爱本书之处
Voice Power is a comprehensive book that can improve anyone’s ability to speak effectively. Grant-Williams provides a thorough look at the many aspects of using one’s voice and the best ways to improve them. Her insights and easy-to-use exercises and tips provide readers with useful professional advantages. Her step-by-step instructions and valuable points make Voice Power a helpful resource for anyone who wants to improve his or her ability to communicate and command the attention of one, two or hundreds of people.
−by Sound view Executive Book Summaries
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dry out 渐渐失去水分而变干 to make or become dry
mucus [ˋmjukəs] n. 黏液 sticky, wet liquid produced inside your nose and throat
call on 请求 to order or request to undertake a particular activity
stir [stɝ] v. 激起;激动;轰动;鼓动;煽动[(+to)]
comprehensive [͵kɑmprɪˋhɛnsɪv] adj. 广泛的;无所不包的;综合的
Vocabulary Focus
account for (在数量、比例方面)占; 解释…的原因; 是…的原因 to form the total of
train [tren] v. 训练,培养[O2][(+as/in/for)] to prepare someone for an activity by learning skills or by mental or physical exercise
vibrate [ˋvaɪbret] v. 振动;震动 to shake slightly and quickly in a way that is normally felt rather than seen or heard
stash [stæʃ] v.【俚】存放,贮藏 to store or hide something, especially a large amount
interrelated [͵ɪntɚrɪˋletɪd] adj. 有互相关系的 connected in such a way that each thing has an effect on or depends on the other
collectively [kəˋlɛktɪvlɪ] adv. 共同地; 集体地 as a group
compromise [ˋkɑmprə͵maɪz] v. 连累,危及 to allow something to be weakened
an edge 优势;优越条件 an advantage
phobia [ˋfobɪə] n. 恐惧症;惧怕 an extreme fear of a particular thing or situation, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained
schematic [skɪˋmætɪk] n. 图表 the main form and features of something which helps people to understand it
neutralize [ˋnjutrəl͵aɪz] v. 使无效,抵销 to stop something from having an effect
enviable [ˋɛnvɪəb!] adj. (指人或物)引起嫉妒的, 值得羡慕的 desirable
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