How to Find Work You Love 找到理想工作非梦事
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年6月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:314
All employees, managers and leaders need to find meaning in their work to get the most out of their skills and talents. To help them align their passions, proficiencies and priorities, business consultant Lawler Kang offers business-based exercises and a five-step process for discovering a better way to work and live. Kang writes, “you create your destiny, …. you control the time and terms of your life, and you have an innate responsibility to yourself and the world to heed this call, and heed it with passion.” Passion is the key to Kang’s lessons because, he explains, working your passions is the most productive, least risky, and happiest way to get the most from each day.
When he was 14 years old, Kang suffered a cerebral aneurysm that left him disfigured and in a wheelchair. After more major health problems and three life-altering operations, he earned an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, helped the U.S. subsidiary of a Japanese firm grow from a $ 2 million to a $40 million operation in five years, and became a highly successful consultant.
The five Ps 五P步骤
To help readers make their work more satisfying and grow in their journey through professional life, Kang presents a process made up of five Ps. This process, he writes, is intended to show readers the path toward the answers to the questions that fundamentally impact the details of their daily lives. These include what they do and why they are doing it. Each of the Ps he describes helps readers progress in their awareness of who they are, what they want from life, and how they can reach their goals. “Combined,” he writes, “they present a compelling framework to enable you to live happily in the time of your life.”
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get the most out of 最充分地利用…
term [tɝm] n.(契约,谈判等的)条件;条款
innate [ˋɪnˋet] adj. 与生俱来的;天生的;固有的
cerebral [ˋsɛrəbrəl] adj. 大脑的
aneurysm [ˋænjə͵rɪzəm] n.【医】动脉瘤 a sac-like widening of a blood vessel resulting from disease or a weakening of the blood vessel wall
disfigure [dɪsˋfɪgjɚ] v. 使…变丑; 破坏…的面貌
subsidiary [səbˋsɪdɪ͵ɛrɪ] n. 子公司 a company that is owned by a larger company
Here are the five Ps Kang describes and the questions that play a crucial part in finding them:
1. Passion. What is your mission? 热情:你对什么充满了使命感?
2. Proficiencies. What can the whole and impassioned you be the best at? 专精:彻头彻 尾、充满热情的你,最擅长什么?
3. Priorities: What is most important to you, where you are in life? 优先级:什么对你来说最重要?你目前处在人生中的哪个阶段?
4. Plan. How do you bring yourself to market? 计划:你该如何营销自己(译注:bring to market 原指出售、推出上市,引申为营销)?
5. Prove. How do you fund your plan? 证明:你如何为自己的计划筹资?
Kang explains that the first P, passion, helps us focus on discovering the driving forces behind our journey. Without it, he points out, life is frustrating and “counterintuitive,” When passion is found, our work and our relationships are transformed.
The second P, proficiencies, is the crossroads where our innate skills, values and experiences arrive to equip us with the “how” by which we actualize our mission and passions. Kang points out that combing the deliverables from these first two Ps can provide some valuable and novel insights that will illuminate the best options for our work.
Kang writes that the third P, priorities, helps us define the importance of specific aspects of our present and future lives. As our lives change, so do our priorities. To this point, Kang writes, “Intuitively, as your priorities change, so might the nature of your work need to change to accommodate these new pulls and demands on your LifeTime.” Understanding our priorities and being able to consciously and proactively reassess them as our lives evolve is a “powerful and pragmatic tool” to have at our disposal, he adds.
To help us quickly prioritize the most important things in our lives, Kang provides a matrix that shows us how to define our working life options and reduce them down to the ones that require our most immediate attention.
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whole [hol] adj. 整个的;完整的
impassioned [ɪmˋpæʃənd] adj. 充满激情的;慷慨激昂的
counterintuitive [ ˌkaʊntərɪn'tjuɪtɪv ] adj. 违反直觉的
crossroad [ˋkrɔs͵rod] n. 交叉点; 十字路口; 重大抉择的关头
deliverable [dɪˋlɪvərəb!] n. 可以做得到的事
pull [pʊl] n. 拉力;引力
proactively [proˋæktɪvlɪ] adv. 主动地
reassess [͵riəˋsɛs] v. 重新考虑
pragmatic [prægˋmætɪk] adj. 务实的; 实际的 based on practical judgments rather than principles
at one’s disposal 由某人做主, 听某人之便, 受其管理, 由其支配 something is available to be used by you
matrix [ˋmetrɪks] n.【数】矩阵
Where are we going? 未来要走的路?
The fourth P, plan, provides the road map that will explain where we are going, the milestones that will show us our progress, and the costs we should expect on the way. Kang writes that generating this plan lets us define the length and relative ruggedness of the path we choose for ourselves based on our “intrinsic openness to various sorts of risk – finances being a prime example.”
The final P, prove, tells us whether our plan has what it takes to succeed. “If people believe in what you are building enough to give you their money, the plan’s chances for success must be better than good,” Kang writes.
The rest of Passion at Work offers advice and inspiration for preparing for the journey that the earlier parts of the book set in motion. By detailing the pitfalls that can loom ahead, such as baggage, finances and lack of commitment, and offering the steps that can be taken to overcome them, Kang thoroughly clears the way to satisfying career.
Why we like this book 本书优点
Passion at Work overflows with pertinent case studies; inspirational quotes from corporate giants, modern media, and song lyrics; personal stories; and easy-to-understand charts, tools, templates and graphics. Kang describes the journey to a better life and career. With his own experiences and insights at the core of his message, Passion at Work resonates with a sincerity and mission of purpose that can breathe fresh life into any daily grind.
《热情工作》一书满布贴切的个案研究;引述自企业巨子、现代媒体和歌词的鼓舞人心的语句(译注:inspirational quotes from corporate giants, modern media, and song lyrics前后以分号与其他项目隔开,意指这些quotes是来自corporate giants、modern media 和song lyrics等三个小项);亲身经历,并搭配简明易懂的图表、工具、模板和图形等。康描述了通往更美好的生活和职涯的旅程。作者把自己的亲身经历和真知灼见融入所传达讯息的核心,使《热情工作》萦绕着真诚和使命感,足以为任何人单调的日常例行工作注入新生。
−Review of Passion At Work by Lawler Kang
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road map 准则;指示;说明
intrinsic [ɪnˋtrɪnsɪk] adj. 本身的;本质的;固有的;内在的 being an extremely important and basic characteristic
set in motion 发动, 启动 to give impetus to
detail [ˋditel] v. 详述,详细说明
loom [lum] v. 隐约地出现;阴森地逼近
baggage [ˋbægɪdʒ] n. 精神包袱
overflow [͵ovɚˋflo] v. 充满;洋溢[(+with)]
pertinent [ˋpɝtnənt] adj. 贴切的;中肯的
quote [kwot] n.【口】引语,引文
template [ˋtɛmplɪt] n. 范本; 样板, 模板
grind [graɪnd] n.【口】苦差使;单调的事
Vocabulary Focus
align [əˋlaɪn] v. 使一致; 使结盟;使密切合作 to bring the different parts of something into orderly position
proficiency [prəˋfɪʃənsɪ] v. 精通, 熟练, 精练 the quality of having great skills, competence and experience
heed [hid] v. 留心,注意 to pay attention to something, especially advice or warning
fundamentally [͵fʌndəˋmɛnt!ɪ] adv. 根本地;重要地 in a basic and important way
compelling [kəmˋpɛlɪŋ] adj. 令人信服的 making you believe or accept something because the argument for it is so strong
crucial [ˋkruʃəl] adj. 决定性的,重要的 extremely important or necessary
actualize [ˋæktʃʊəl͵aɪz] v. 实现;实施 to make something happen
illuminate [ɪˋlumə͵net] v. 阐明;启发 to explain and show more clearly something that is difficult to understand
intuitively [ɪnˋtjuɪtɪvlɪ] adv. 凭直觉地 in a way that doesn’t require reason to discover or figure something out
ruggedness [ˋrʌgɪdnɪs] n. 崎岖不平; 起伏 not easy to travel over
pitfall [ˋpɪt͵fɔl] n. 隐藏的危险;易犯的错误;意想不到的困难 a likely mistake or problem in a situation
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