Harnessing the Power of Creativity 活用创意的力量
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年7月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:318
Learn how to apply the principles used by the inventor of the light bulb 学一学如何运用电灯发明者爱迪生使用的原则
With more than 1,093 patents to his name, Thomas Alva Edison ranks as the archetypal inventor and innovator – a modern day Prometheus, the figure from Greek mythology whose wily intelligence allowed him to steal fire from the gods and harness it for mankind.
For Edison, who actually encouraged such lofty comparisons, the results of his creative “fire” are admired for their sheer volume and breadth: electric lighting, electric power, the phonograph, motion pictures, improvements to the telephone and telegraph, domestic cultivations of rubber, artificial cement and even wax paper.
In terms both reverential and candid, Edison on Innovation portrays a man at times mythical in his creative prowess but whose work often centered on creating reliable income streams and exploiting under-served markets with modest or incremental improvements. Ever the self-promoter, Edison deliberately blurred distinctions between minor innovations and major innovations, making itappear that everything he was working on represented a sophisticated breakthrough, and he rarely gave credit to any of his employees, experimenters, scientists and craftsmen.
Still, there remains the question: Can we harness Edison’s creative genius and apply it to spark our own innovative thoughts and deeds in a focused and consistently productive way?
Duplicating the process 复制爱迪生的创意过程
Author Alan Axelrod, who has penned numerous business and management books, answers that question with a resounding “Yes!” by reducing Edison’s creative process into 102 pithy lessons.
“The truth is that most of us, most of the time, feel as remote and removed from creativity as we do from genius,” Axelrod writes. “What the example of Edison demonstrates is that creativity of the very highest order can indeed be made to happen, summoned up at will, and even reduced to a reliable working method and set of principles.”
More Information
Prometheus [prəˋmiθɪs] n.【希神】普罗米修斯
wily [ˋwaɪlɪ] adj. 诡计多端的; 使用计谋的
admire [ədˋmaɪr] v. 钦佩;欣赏[(+for)]
breadth [brɛdθ] n. 宽度;幅度
phonograph [ˋfonə͵græf] n.【美】留声机,唱机
cultivation [͵kʌltəˋveʃən] n. 栽培;养殖
reverential [͵rɛvəˋrɛnʃəl] adj. 虔诚的; 恭敬的
candid [ˋkændɪd] adj. 坦率的,直言的
mythical [ˋmɪθɪkəl] adj. 神话的;神话般的
prowess [ˋpraʊɪs] n. 非凡的能力;高超的本领
under-served [͵ʌndɚˋsɝvd] adj.【美】未受到政府足够关心的
credit [ˋkrɛdɪt] v. 功劳[U][(+for/to)]
spark [spɑrk] v. 发动;引发; 激励;鼓舞
resounding [rɪˋzaʊndɪŋ] adj. 响亮的
pithy [ˋpɪθɪ] adj. 简洁有力的;简练的
removed [rɪˋmuvd] adj. 远离的;分离的
order [ˋɔrdɚ] n. 状况;良好的状况
summon up 唤起; 使想起
summon [ˋsʌmən] v. 使出,唤起,鼓起(勇气),振作(精神)[(+up)]
at will 随意地, 任意地
While his book is not a biography, Axelrod loads it with enough historical perspective to provide the proper context to each management lesson. Fortunately, he has abundant resources from which to draw, including Edison’s meticulous notes, extensive diaries and detailed memos he used to keep his assistants in the loop. To ensure the reader makes the appropriate connection, each segment ends with a key management message.
For instance, after a detailed explanation about Edison’s work on the carbon button transmitter used to improve the fidelity of telephone transmissions, Axelrod writes, “By thoroughly understanding the properties – the inherent potential – of whatever materials you work with (and this includes ideas and people as well as physical substances), you increase your chances of discovering new applications for all that you already possess or have access to.”
The success of failure 失败为成功之母
Just as Edison learned from his mistakes, Axelrod helps us learn from our own mistakes. One particularly intriguing episode involves the electric vote recorder that Edison tried to sell to local, state and federal legislative bodies with the idea of providing a quick and efficient way of recording votes. But Edison failed to do his homework. While the machines worked as promised, he discovered the legislative process thrives not on efficiency but on the extra time involved in the roll-call process that gave legislators time for marshaling the required votes.
From that moment on, Edison resolved to determine “the existence of a market and a need before embarking on any other invention,” Axelrod writes. “From him, that lesson was sufficient to turn momentary failure into lifelong success.”
Similarly, Axelrod portrays with admiration Edison’s relentless pursuit of the ideal filament material to use in his incandescent lamp. For Edison, any trial or any experiment that yielded data was a success, even if it did not produce the result that had been anticipated or hoped for.
Axelrod also digs deeper into Edison’s philosophy on failure: “Only if the failure is the result of a careful process – the best thought and work we are capable of – can one reasonably assess the reason for the failure and thereby learn something of value.”
All total, Edison on Innovation makes for an enlightening read.
−Review by Tom Moore
More Information
biography [baɪˋɑgrəfɪ] n. 传记
context [ˋkɑntɛkst] n.(事件的)来龙去脉,背景
in the loop 在参与机密的智囊团内; 圈内 having knowledge of and involvement in something
fidelity [fɪˋdɛlətɪ] n. 保真度; (声音、色彩等)逼真
intriguing [ɪnˈtrigɪŋ] adj. 引起兴趣的
do (one’s) homework 做准备工作
thrive on 因……蓬勃发展; 喜欢…
roll-call 点名;点名号角;点名时间
determine [dɪˋtɝmɪn] v. 确定
filament [ˋfɪləmənt] n.(电灯泡的)白热丝,灯丝
incandescent [͵ɪnkænˋdɛsnt] adj. 炽热的,白热的
enlightening [ ɪn'laɪtnɪŋ] adj. 有启发作用的,使人领悟的
Vocabulary Focus
archetypal [ˋɑrkɪ͵taɪp!] adj. 典型的; 有代表性的; 原型的 referring to a typical example of something
lofty [ˋlɔftɪ] adj. 崇高的,高尚的 of high principles or standards
creative prowess 创新能力 an exceptional ability to use one’s imagination to create new ideas or things
exploit [ɪkˋsplɔɪt] v. 开发; 利用 to use something well for one’s advantage
incremental [ɪnkrəˋmənt!] adj. 递增的 increasing gradually in regular amount
meticulous [məˋtɪkjələs] adj. 过分精细的;小心翼翼的 very careful and with great attention to every detail
inherent [ɪnˋhɪrənt] adj. 内在的;固有的,与生俱来的 existing as a natural or basic part of something
marshal [ˋmɑrʃəl] v. 召集; 安排;整理 to gather or organize people or things, especially in order to achieve a particular aim
embark on 着手, 开始 to start something, especially something large, important or new