Buyology 买物学
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年9月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:358
Must-read book reveals buyers’ secrets 这本必读之书泄漏了买家的秘密
What are the real motivators that fuel the limitless number of purchases the average person makes in a year? Are consumers really telling the truth when they claim to buy a product for its quality and not for the status that it may afford them?
到底是什么样的诱因,刺激一般人在一年中无上限地疯狂购物呢(译注:limitless number指无数次)?虽然消费者宣称,他们购物的动机是因为看上了产品的质量,而不是为了产品能作为他们身分地位的表征,但他们说的是真话吗?
Marketing guru Martin Lindstrom devoted three years and $7 million in research to discover that when it comes to buying, the mind tells truths while the mouth lies. The findings of his groundbreaking research are compiled into the season’s must-read release, Buyology.
It’s all in the mind 答案就在你心中
Consumers are drowning in messaging from advertisers to the point where the effectiveness of the ads raises many questions. Lindstorm explores these in detail, including whether or not subliminal messaging truly exists and whether the use of sexually suggestive advertising has a positive or adverse effect on buyers.
各家广告商发送出来的大量讯息,简直把消费淹没其中,讯息多到令人不禁大大质疑广告究竟能不能达到效果。林斯壮仔细探讨了这些现象,包括是否真的有所谓的阈下讯息(译注:「阈下[潜意识]」讯息被运用为一种广告技巧,广告商在广告中插入一闪而逝、不容易被意识所察觉的种种讯息,来影响人们的下意识,以刺激消费行为。著名的例子是,美国市场研究员James Vicary在一九五七年宣称在电影院中实验,每隔五秒就在银幕上投射「喝可口可乐」和「吃爆米花」等字样仅0.003秒闪过,结果导致戏院可口可乐和爆米花销量大增。但后来有人质疑研究造假,而Vicary也无法复制相同研究结果,并坦承原实验结果采样数据过小,不足以提供有意义的推论)、有性暗示的广告对买家所造成的影响究竟是正面还是反面的。
To accomplish this, his research involves the use of a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner to study the amount of oxygenated blood in areas of the brain. Lindstrom cites basic medical research that shows that certain areas of the brain require more blood (in essence, fuel) when stimulated. His goal was to study the areas that showed increased response in relation to purchasing and compare that to the answers study participants have when asked about why they buy.
More Information
motivator [ˋmotəvetɚ] n. 激发因素; 动因;(行为)动力
claim [klem] v. 自称; 声称
must-read 必须要读的读物
effectiveness [əˋfɛktɪvnɪs] n. 效益效用; 功效; 产生特定结果或发挥特定可测影响的能力
raise [rez] v. 发出; 提出(问题、反对等)to cause to arise, appear, or exist
subliminal [sʌbˋlɪmən!] adj.【心】下意识的;潜在意识的
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 功能性磁共振造影 a radiology technique that uses magnetism, radio waves, and a computer to produce imaging that registers blood flow to functional areas of the brain
oxygenated 充了氧的
Subliminal, rituals and product placement 潜意识、仪式与产品置入
Buyology is loaded with insights that would wow any marketer and make several executives rethink their product’s current advertising campaign. Unlike many of its contemporaries on the marketing end of the business bookshelf, Lindstrom’s European upbringing reveals a global focus that is needed in today’s flattened-world economy.
《买物学》一书满溢许多洞见,不但会嬴得营销人员喝采叫好,也会让一些主管重新检视自家产品现行的广告营销手法。这本书和商业类书架上许多其他营销书籍不同的是,林斯壮的欧洲背景展现出今日扁平世界经济亟需的着眼于全球的宏观视野。(译注:扁平世界一辞出自《纽约时报》专栏作家兼The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century作者Thomas L. Friedman,意指在全球化浪潮和无远弗届的信息网络的推波助澜之下,世界上昔日的历史、地理、经济等藩篱已经被铲平,而成了扁平的竞争场地,所有竞争对手都可以在上头公平较劲,大陆和印度等新兴国家逐渐成为欧美先进国家的强劲对手。)
A particular highlight is the book’s chapter on rituals and superstitions attached to certain products. Companies seeking a way to create a firm attachment between consumers and their product should tie it directly to a routine. For example, why is Ireland’s Magners Cider served over ice, while England’s Strongbow Cider is served straight? Lindstrom reveals that a simple quirk of history forever linked Magners with the need to be “on the rocks,” and consumers would rather die of thirst than have it any other way.
Subliminal advertising also gets a fair amount of text inBuyology. The age-old premise of a movie theater inserting frames of popcorn footage into a regular release is explored and modern equivalents are considered. In addition, Lindstrom’s research into product placements may help well-meaning marketers understand why some consumers have such ire toward their products. Lindstrom’s writing is not without a dose of humor, and his examination of the pop culture phenomenon of “American Idol” provides some great moments.
Buyology is an essential read this year. But when you buy it, think twice about why.
-by Andrew B. Clancy
More Information
product placement 植入式广告;产品置入;置入式营销(将产品或品牌策略性融入电影、电视剧或电视节目之中)
placement [ˋplesmənt] n. 放置;布置;部署
wow [waʊ] v.【美】【俚】赢得……喝采
contemporary [kənˋtɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] n. 同时期的东西
upbringing [ˋʌp͵brɪŋɪŋ] n. 教养
flattened world 扁平世界 a world where information is easily accessible, and people are connected in more ways than ever
attachment [əˋtætʃmənt] n. 情感; 爱慕; 忠诚 a bond, as of affection or loyalty
routine [ruˋtin] n. 惯例; 常规
cider [ˋsaɪdɚ] n.【主英】苹果酒
straight [stret] adj. 纯粹的; 不搀杂的 without anything added
on the rocks 加冰块 served over ice cubes
footage [ˋfʊtɪdʒ] n.(影片的)连续镜头 a piece of film, especially one showing an event
well-meaning [ˋwɛlˋminɪŋ] adj. 善意的; 出于好心的 well-intentioned
ire [aɪr] n. 忿怒
Vocabulary Focus
fuel [ˋfjʊəl] v. 激起;刺激 to increase or strengthen something
groundbreaking [ˋgraʊnd͵brekɪŋ] adj. 开创性的,突破性的 original and important; showing a new way of doing or thinking about things
subliminal messaging 潜意识信息 a signal or idea within something else, designed not to be recognized by the conscious mind, but to still have an influence on it
superstition [͵supɚˋstɪʃən] n. 迷信;迷信行为 a belief that is not based on human reason or scientific knowledge, but is connected with old ideas
quirk [kwɝk] n. (偶然发生的)奇事; 趣事 an unusual habit, or something that is strange and unexpected
premise [ ˈprɛmɪs ] n. ; [prɪˋmaɪz] v. 假定,假设 an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based
dose [dos] n. 一点 a measured amount of something
Magners Original Irish Cider Review (Clonmel, Tipperary, Ireland)
Strongbow Dry Cider Review!
Product Placement in TV/Film/Games
American Idol