Lost City of the Jaguar 失落的黑豹城
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年2月25日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:437
The amazing Mayan city of Ek Balam has been pulled from the jungles 从丛林中被挖掘出土的马雅古城艾克巴兰,展现出令人惊艳的风貌
The view from near the summit of The Tower is pure Yucatan. It is breathtaking: low and level scrubland as far as the eye can see, though studded here and there by small, tree-covered mounds.
The Tower has an unsurpassed view because it is one of the taller ancient Mayan ruins – a six-level palace and religious compound 100 feet tall – the equivalent of a 10-story building. It is larger than the famed Temple of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza, 40 miles southwest.
Look down from The Tower. You won’t see the souvenir booths that surround Chichen Itza. You won’t see hundreds of tourists, either.
Now turn to face The Tower. Ek Balam – Mayan for “Black Jaguar” or “Star Jaguar” – was abandoned and covered with dirt and vegetation long before the Spanish conquistadors looted the Mayan heartland. It was only in the last two decades that archaeologists carefully peeled back the earth to expose an untouched limestone metropolis decorated with 1,000-year-old bone-colored statuettes.
Ek Balam brought back to life 艾克巴兰重见天日
In 1986, a 34-year-old grad student named Bill Ringle began to awaken Ek Balam. He was wrapping up his work in anthropology at Tulane University and visited Valladolid, a market town in the middle of the Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, in connection with his dissertation. Ringle today is a professor of anthropology at Davidson College in North Carolina.
“An explorer named Charnay had been there in the 1880s and even took some photographs, so it’s not like we ‘discovered’ Ek Balam. Still, it had pretty much been ignored,” Ringle says.
“Ek Balam was difficult to get to, and was completely covered with trees 60 to 80 feet tall. You could tell a huge mound was there only when you walked up this big hill. We ate lunch right on top of it – unaware we were literally on top of a beautifully preserved building.”
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jaguar [ˋdʒægwɑr] n.【动】美洲虎,美洲豹
Yucatan [ˈjukətɑn] / [ˌjukəˈtɑn] n. 犹加敦半岛;尤卡坦半岛
level [ˋlɛv!] adj. 同高度的,同水平的
scrubland [ˋskrʌb͵lænd] n. 灌木丛林地 an area of land covn.ered with short trees and bushes, growing on dry ground of low quality
souvenir [ˋsuvə͵nɪr] n. 纪念品,纪念物
booth [buθ] n.(有篷的)货摊
vegetation [͵vɛdʒəˋteʃən] n.【植】植被
conquistador [kɑnˋkwɪstə͵dɔr] n.【西】征服者 one of the Spanish people who traveled to America in the 16th century and took control of Mexico and Peru
heartland [ˋhɑrt͵lænd] n. 心脏地区, 中心地带
peel [pil] v. 剥,去(皮,壳等)
limestone [ˋlaɪm͵ston] n.【地】石灰岩,石灰石
metropolis [məˋtrɑp!ɪs] n. 主要都市,大城市,中心城市
statuette [͵stætʃʊˋɛt] n. 小雕像
bring back to life 复活;起死回生
wrap up【美】【口】完成, 结束
anthropology [͵ænθrəˋpɑlədʒɪ] n. 人类学
peninsula [pəˋnɪnsələ] n. 半岛
dissertation [͵dɪsɚˋteʃən] n.(博士学位)论文;(专题)论文;学术演讲 a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done as a part of a course at a university
“I could see bits and pieces of things on the ground – stone covered with plaster. You could see walls in the vicinity, and a shaft that went down into the heart of something large. Again, keep in mind everything was overgrown: It was an adventure just to get from one building to another.”
Much of what he sought was truly underfoot. There’s not a lot of soil in the Yucatan flatlands, but the centuries covered the site with 6 inches to a foot of dirt.
Still, Ringle had seen enough.
A year after his dissertation, he and George Bey, a colleague from Tulane, received a grant from the National Geographic Society to explore Ek Balam. “We kind of built on that,” Ringle says, “and we worked there most years until 1999.”
Ringle and Bey were the principal investigators. They recruited some of their students to come and help. They also hired farmers from around Ek Balam as the excavation crew.
What emerged from the jungle was an impressively intact Mayan city-state: 4 to 8 square miles holding several hundred buildings, walls and causeways.
Taking a closer look 近距离观察
Walking among the ruins of Ek Balam – and into some – for the lost-world sensation.
The purpose of some buildings isn’t immediately clear. The so-called Oval Palace clearly had a live-in role, with 15 exterior doorways leading into individual, windowless rooms with remarkably smooth and flat floors. Each room is the size of a small car.
Ruins of matching, side-by-side temples are called The Twins.
Most identifiable is the Ball Court, which resembles those at Chichen Itza and other Mesoamerican sites – a rectangular ground-level sports venue whose long sides are marked by steeply sloping smooth walls.
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plaster [ˋplæstɚ] n.【建】灰泥,灰浆
vicinity [vəˋsɪnətɪ] n. 附近地区;近处
shaft [ʃæft] n. 井状通道;通风井 a long, either vertical or slopping, passage through a building or through the ground
overgrown [͵ovɚˋgron] adj. 杂草蔓生的
flatland [f'lætlænd] n. 平原
grant [grænt] n. 助学金,补助金
causeway [ˋkɔz͵we] n.(穿越湿地或浅水的)堤道,砌道 a raised path, especially across a wet area
live-in [͵lɪvˋɪn] adj. 长期有人居住的
doorway [ˋdor͵we] n. 出入口,门口,门道
matching [ˋmætʃɪŋ] adj. 相配的,相称的
Chichen Itza 奇琴伊察(墨西哥玛雅古迹)
Mesoamerican [͵mɛzoəˋmɛrɪkən] adj. & n. 中美洲文明(的) pertaining to the region stretching from central Mexico to Honduras and Nicaragua in which diverse civilizations flourished before the Spanish colonization of the Americas in the 15th and 16th centuries
ground-level adj. 地平面的
The Tower’s steps are steep, and scaling them can be daunting if you’re out of shape or are very young. It’s clear that the 2-acre Tower was the nerve center of the monarchy. Research indicates The Tower is where kings ruled, where at least one king was buried, and where community worship services [occurred].
A total of 72 rooms at The Tower have been restored. Most artifacts unearthed there and elsewhere at Ek Balam are now at the Anthropology and History Museum in Merida, the provincial capital.
When in big-time construction mode, Mayans would simply build new monuments and palaces atop existing ones, carefully covering earlier structures with protective dirt and rubble. The Tower is where archaeologists found pay dirt. The top layer, sheathed in dirt, protected from erosion and Spaniards, is visually breathtaking, particularly around the entrance to the royal tomb, halfway up its southern side.
“A magical experience” 「奇妙的经验」
Ringle: “Nobody was interested in the site before we mapped it. …. And the opportunity to be the first at a site so huge was a magical experience. There aren’t many the size of Ek Balam left these days.”
Yet, there’s no telling what’s underfoot in the neighborhood. Of Ek Balam’s 52 close-in structures, only 17 have been restored. Awaiting research are 600 housing platforms in the jungle immediately circling the site. And there’s the roadway system that Ringle estimates could total 5.75 square miles. So far, only one of those roads leading out of Ek Balam has been excavated. Ringle’s team mapped them; most lead to pyramids or palace-like structures.
And then there are the small tree-covered mounds you see when gazing at the jungle from up on The Tower. Archaeologists believe that each cloaks pieces of the Mayan past.
−by John Bordsen
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daunting [ˋdɔntɪŋ] adj. 令人怯步的;使人气馁的
out of shape【口】处于不良的(健康)状态 not in good physical condition
monarchy [ˋmɑnɚkɪ] n. 君主政治,君主政体
big-time 一流的, 大规模的 significant or important; major
rubble [ˋrʌb!] n. 粗石;碎石;瓦砾堆
pay dirt 有价值的矿藏, 丰富的矿藏, 有利可图的发现 earth, ore, or gravel that is profitable to mine
sheathe [ʃið] v. 覆盖;包装
Spaniard [ˋspænjɚd] n. 西班牙人
there’s no telling 难以预料 it is impossible to guess
close-in 封闭的
housing [ˋhaʊzɪŋ] n.(总称)房屋,住宅
immediately [ɪˋmidɪɪtlɪ] adv. 直接地;接近地 directly
roadway [rodwe] n. 道路,路面
total [ˋtot!] v. 合计为
Vocabulary Focus
stud [stʌd] v. 散布 to be scattered at intervals across the surface of something
unsurpassed [͵ʌnsɚˋpæst] adj. 无比的;卓越的 better than anything else
equivalent [ɪˋkwɪvələnt] n. 相等物 something that has the same amount as something else
loot [lut] v. 掠夺;抢劫 to steal goods, usually during a violent event and by large numbers of people
underfoot [͵ʌndɚˋfʊt] adv. 在脚下面;踩在脚下 under one’s feet or under the ground
excavation [͵ɛkskəˋveʃən] n. 挖掘;开凿 the process of removing earth that is covering very old objects buried in the ground in order to discover things about the past
intact [ɪnˋtækt] adj. 完整的;未损的 complete and in the original state
remarkably [rɪˋmɑrkəblɪ] adv. 非同寻常地; 非常地 in an unusual and surprising manner
nerve center 中枢,核心;中心地区;【解】神经中枢 a place from which an organization or activity is controlled or managed
unearth [ʌnˋɝθ] v. 找到,发现(隐藏或丢失之物)to discover something in the ground, especially after careful searching
cloak [klok] v. 掩盖,掩饰[(+with/in)] to cover or hide something
Ek Balam
Temple of Kukulkan