Captivating Krakow 冻结历史的城市:克拉科夫
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年1月19日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:368
This Polish city thrives on medieval architecture and college town spirit 克拉克夫这座波兰城市凭借着中世纪建筑和大学城氛围而兴旺繁盛
Completely enchanting. Gracious and romantic. Exciting. Complex. Historic. Krakow is part college town and part delicious fairy tale. It was from this beautiful region that hundreds of thousands of Poles emigrated to Detroit, Chicago and other American cities around 1900. They fled occupation, oppression, poverty and high taxes – leaving this place to make their fortune in a new land.
But what a treasure the city is now. Lacking the cachet of Italy, France or the United Kingdom, Poland got just 331,000 American visitors last year, which is a shame because Poland is still one of the most affordable spots in Europe.
For an old city, it feels very young. Since Copernicus was an undergrad here at Jagiellonian University in the 1400s, Krakow has been buzzing with more than 100,000 students.
It is a 1,000-year-old city that has never been bombed. Occupied, yes. But its 14th- to 16th-century landmarks – its churches, medieval towers and grand, stunning market square – have survived it all. Quaintly, a trumpeter plays a song every hour on the hour in the tower of a local church, just to let people know that all is well.
A bit of background 背景一二
Krakow, the largest city in southern Poland, is nestled between Ukraine to the east, Slovakia to the south and the Czech Republic to the west. It is often included as a brief stop on tours of Eastern Europe. But Krakow, a city of 800,000 people, deserves more time. Most people speak English. You have time to sit on a bench or wander slowly and just absorb the atmosphere.
Sit still, and you will notice the nuns and priests walking the streets in traditional dress. And you will notice the amber jewelry in so many shop windows. It is not a gem, but a smoky resin from the Baltic Sea that is made into necklaces, earrings, magnifying glass handles and little boxes.
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thrive on 靠吃…而繁衍兴旺
enchanting [ɪnˋtʃæntɪŋ] adj. 迷人的,使人着魔的
gracious [ˋgreʃəs] adj. 优美的,雅致的
delicious [dɪˋlɪʃəs] adj. 美妙的; 怡人的; 有趣的
Pole [pol] n. 波兰人
flee [fli] v. 逃离;逃避
occupation [͵ɑkjəˋpeʃən] n. 占领,占据 the control of a foreign country or region by armed force
shame [ʃem] n. 憾事
Copernicus [koˋpɝnɪkəs] n. 哥白尼(天文学家)
undergrad [ˋʌndɚˌɡræd] n. <口>大学肄业生,(尚未取得学位的)大学生
grand [grænd] adj. 雄伟的;堂皇的;盛大的
quaintly [kwentlɪ] adv. 离奇有趣地
trumpeter [ˋtrʌmpɪtɚ] n. 小号手,号手
on the hour 在某一正点 at every hour exactly; one o'clock, twoo'clock, and so on
wander [ˋwɑndɚ] v. 漫游;闲逛;流浪;徘徊[(+about/off/over/through)]
amber [ˋæmbɚ] n. 琥珀色;黄色;黄褐色; 琥珀
resin [ˋrɛzn] n. 合成树脂 a thick, sticky substance that is produced by some trees and that becomes yellow and hard after it is collected
Baltic [ˋbɔltɪk] adj. 波罗的海的
A native’s perspective 在地人的观点
My guide, Barbara Wloch, takes me sightseeing part of each day. She tells me to bargain in the Cloth Hall main market, where sellers hawk amber jewelry, hand-made boxes, wooden toys, Christmas ornaments, lambskin rugs, chess sets and folk art.
The native Krakovian is trained as a lawyer, musician and translator. When I get gushy, she says that Krakow is not so remarkable, that there is a lot of bureaucracy, and people love to complain here. She said entrepreneurial culture is not growing fast enough. But she has seen this place all her life, living in the shadow of Wawel Castle, walking these streets with their carriages and their 15th-century architecture and the intellectual atmosphere.
Much to do 吃喝玩乐走透透(译注:直译为有很多事情可作)
My hotel is on a main street in the old town, which thankfully allows no cars. My room has white lace curtains at the enormous windows. They open up to the cobblestone street below. At night, I hear people strolling past and slips of music. Several times a day, I stop and listen for the trumpet and am reassured.
I eat pierogi. Sit at sidewalk cafes. Wander bookstores. Visit lots of churches, including a must-see stop at St. Francis Basilica, with its Art Nouveau stained glass window, done by a local artist in about 1900.
History is piled upon history here. Walk to the Kazimierz district, and you can see the Pilsudski Bridge, where Polish Jews were forced by the Nazis to cross to a ghetto in 1941. High on a hill above downtown is the kindly-looking Wawel Castle, which was home to centuries of Polish kings and queens and is now a museum full of ancient huge tapestries, furniture, royal apartments, a chapel and a famous bell tower.
But in Krakow, you really don’t need to rush around. Stroll. Take a million pictures. Linger at a café. Absorb. Enjoy.
−by Ellen Creager
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bargain [ˋbɑrgən] v. 讨价还价[(+with/over/about)]
ornament [ˋɔrnəmənt] n. 装饰品
lambskin [ˋlæm͵skɪn] n. 小羊皮
rug [rʌg] n.(铺于室内部分地面上的)小地毯;毛皮地毯
gushy [ˋgʌʃɪ] adj. 易动感情的
cobblestone [ˋkɑb!͵ston] n. 圆石;鹅卵石
a slip of 一点 small, little, tiny
reassured [͵riəˋʃʊrd] adj.(通常指得到帮忙或建议后)放心的,安心的
pierogi [pɪˈroɡi] n.(用肉、鱼、鸡、蛋和蔬菜等做馅子的)饺子形馅饼 a semicircular dumpling with any of various fillings, crimped to seal the edge and then boiled or fried
basilica [bəˋzɪlɪkə] n. 长方形会堂, 长方形教堂
nouveau 新近到达的,新近产生的
ghetto [ˋgɛto] n. 犹太人居住区;贫民区; 少数族裔聚居区
tapestry [ˋtæpɪstrɪ] n. 绣帷;挂毯
chapel [ˋtʃæp!] n.(学校、医院、王宫等的)附属礼拜堂
rush around 东奔西跑; 到处乱闯; 到处奔忙 to try to do a lot of things or to go to a lot of places in a short period of time
Vocabulary Focus
emigrate [ˋɛmə͵gret] v. 移居外国(或外地区)[(+from/to)]to leave a country permanently and go to live in another one
oppression [əˋprɛʃən] n. 压迫,压制 when people are governed in an unfair and cruel way and prevented from having opportunities and freedom
cachet [kæˋʃe] n. 特征;纪念邮戳 a quality, which marks someone or something as special and worth respect and admiration
buzz [bʌz] v.【口】匆忙行走,忙乱 to move quickly and busily; bustle; to be filled with excitement, activity, or sounds
hawk [hɔk] v. 叫卖;兜售 to sell goods informally in public places
bureaucracy [bjʊˋrɑkrəsɪ] n.(总称)官僚 a system for controlling or managing a country that is operated by a large number of officials who are employed to follow rules carefully
linger [ˋlɪŋgɚ] v. 继续逗留,徘徊 to take longer than usual to leave
Kraków In Your Pocket - Kraków, Poland Highlights