Volunteer Tour Guides 旅游经费不足?找导游志工吧
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年4月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:395
Volunteer greeters help tourists experience cities like the locals do (导游)志工接待员让游客能透过和当地人一样的眼光来体验城市
We had taken a stroll through Central Park, cruised past the Statue of Liberty and met friends for dinner in the West Village.
Wandering around New York City on our own a few years ago, my husband, Tom, and I saw the New York most visitors see. Then we met Bernie Young, a volunteer for a group called Big Apple Greeter.
Young met us at our hotel one morning for a few hours of off-the beaten path exploring. We chatted over coffee, then got on a bus to walk around a borough known mainly only to Yankees fans.
With Bernie, a lifelong New Yorker, as our guide, we learned about City Island, New York’s Nantucket, noted for its fish restaurants. Later we strolled along Arthur Avenue, better known for pasta than hot dogs.
Lunch was at a rowdy Italian restaurant called Dominick’s, where we ate family-style at long tables. We ended the afternoon knowing a bit more about New York than we would have found out on our own. Best of all, we made a new friend.
Global Greeters 全球接待者
Whether it’s helping visitors discover an off-the-beaten borough of New York or a hidden corner of Paris, members of an international federation called the Global Greeters Network offer travelers the chance to get to know a city from a native’s point of view.
Rather than professional guides, the volunteer greeters act more like neighbors, taking visitors behind the scenes – either on foot or public transportation – to discover favorite neighborhoods, cafes and parks.
All the programs work a little differently, but the basic are the same. The tours are free and last anywhere from two to four hours. Volunteers tend to be all ages, and there’s an attempt to match people of similar ages and interest.
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greeter [ˋgritɚ] n. 接待员
wander [ˋwɑndɚ] v. 漫游;闲逛;流浪;徘徊
lifelong [ˋlaɪf͵lɔŋ] adj. 终身的,一辈子的
pasta [ˋpɑstə] n. 意大利面(包括通心粉,细面条等)
off-the beaten path (track) 人迹罕至之处, 罕见之处; 人迹较少之处 remote from populous or much-traveled regions
federation [͵fɛdəˋreʃən] n. 联盟;联合会 a group of organizations that have joined together to form a larger organization
neighborhood [ˋnebɚ͵hʊd] n. 小区; 邻近地区
Traversing the world 穿越世界
New York City (USA) 纽约市(美国)
Big Apple Greeter is the pioneer “welcome visitor” program founded in 1992 by New Yorker Lynn Brooks, who believed New York suffered from an image problem. More than 300 volunteers now welcome guests with visits conducted in 22 languages.
Greeters explain the New York City subway and bus systems and show guests around one or more of their favorite neighborhoods. Like many Greeter organizations, Big Apple accepts online donations to help with administrative costs.
Houston (USA) 休斯敦(美国)
Houston Greeters will organize activities such as golf, biking or an outing to an Astros game. Another possibility is to arrange a stroll focused on a particular interest.
Chicago (USA) 芝加哥(美国)
Chicago Greeters help visitors explore one of the city’s many ethnic neighborhoods. The group organizes walks through Ukrainian Village on the Near North Side and Andersonville, home to Scandinavian restaurants and shops, Middle Easter bakeries and a thriving Hispanic district. Guides will also organize tours around themes such as fashion, film or public art.
France 法国
In France, English-speaking volunteers for Parisien d’un Jour lead visitors through hidden corners of Paris, often ending with a lively discussion on a café terrace. Guides in Lyon organize walks around themes such as shopping, markets and sports.
Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹
Meet in Mokum is staffed mostly by Amsterdam retirees. It’s not officially part of the Global Greeter Network, but it’s one of the oldest international programs. Mokum is Amsterdam’s nickname. Visitors choose from several two-hour walking tours that cover historical city center, the Jewish Jordan neighborhood or the harbor. Cost is five Euros per person.
I walked around a while back with Jan, a retired librarian. He took me to the oldest part of the city, where the canal houses lean in and out as if glued together.
I have many photos from that trip, but among the most memorable is one of Jan standing near a canal where he took his first picture as a photography student in the 1950s.
−by Carol Pucci
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outing [ˋaʊtɪŋ] n. 远足;郊游;短途旅游
Scandinavian [͵skændəˋnevɪən] adj. 斯堪的纳维亚的
Hispanic [hɪsˋpænɪk] adj. 西班牙的;西班牙文的;西班牙人的
terrace [ˋtɛrəs] n. 大阳台;(庭院中的)露台
staff [stæf] v. 给……配备职员
Euro [ˋjʊro] n. 欧元(欧洲经济共同体的统一货币单位)the basic unit of money of the European Union
a while back 不久以前;刚才 lately; earlier
canal [kəˋnæl] n. 运河;河渠,水道
lean [lin] v. 倚,靠
Vocabulary Focus
cruise [kruz] v. 漫游于,徘徊于 to travel in a leisurely, casual way, usually by boat
borough [ˋbɝo] n.【美】(纽约市的)区 a division of a large city
rowdy [ˋraʊdɪ] adj. 闹哄哄的; 捣乱的 noisy and disorderly
behind the scenes 私下; 秘密地 carried out privately, especially when something else is happening publicly
traverse [trəˈvɝs] v. 横渡,横越;越过;穿过 to move or travel through an area
conduct [kənˋdʌkt] v. 引导,带领 to organize and perform a particular activity
ethnic [ˋɛθnɪk] adj. 种族(上)的;人种学的 of a national or racial group of people
City Island Video
Nantucket Island
Little Italy -Arthur Avenue- New York City - estate 2006
Big Apple Greeter Making Connections
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