Namibia: Africa’s Natural Wonderland 纳米比亚:非洲的自然奇境
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年6月14日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:406
From sand surfing to exotic wildlife, adventures abound in the world’s oldest living desert 从滑沙到异国风情的奇特野生动物,这片世界上最古老的活沙漠(译注:living意指有动植物生长的沙漠,而非不毛的沙漠)充满冒险刺激
I ran a few steps and threw myself across a waxed slab of Formica, starting a screaming free fall down a huge sand dune in Africa. Sandboarding, both on your stomach and, better yet, on your feet, is bigger than big here in Namibia.
I came to this country expecting the usual Africa experience: elephants, giraffes, lions, zebras.
Who figured I would also find the adventure capital of the continent? My trip was complete with sliding down sand dunes on snowboards, sidehilling on ATVs, trekking by camel, parasailing…. oh yes, and hugging a 300-pound seal.
But first, there was Swakopmund, a town up the coast of Namibia, which is just above South Africa on Africa’s Atlantic coast.
Adventures on sand and sea 沙与海的冒险
The sandboard day starts on four-wheeled ATVs, or quad bikes as they are called here. At the base of a 200-foot dune, you pick up your “board” and trudge up to a knife-edge ridge. Up top, you flop across the board and head down, though if you’re chicken like me, you’ll drag your toes. It’s one thing to drive alongside sand dunes in a Jeep, but quite another to surf down the middle of them, floating through a sea of frozen, golden waves.
And the seal? That was a whole different experience. The seal’s name is Robbie. He greets tour boats regularly, happily letting people pet him while joyfully nuzzling back. We took off in a small tour boat and were hardly 15 minutes from the dock when Robbie showed up, his large wet eyes expectant.
The captain held up a fish and Robbie wiggled aboard, where he sat patiently while everyone fed and petted him. And then came the snow-white pelicans, with glowing orange beaks. And the line of cormorants. And the dolphins.
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slab [slæb] n. 厚板,平板;厚片
Formica 福米加 a type of hard plastic made into a thin sheet, which is used to cover tabletops and other subjects
dune [djun] n.(风吹积成的)沙丘
on one’s stomach 俯卧, 趴在地上
better yet 更恰当地
ATV (all-terrain vehicle) 全地形车; 沙滩车 a vehicle designed for use over roadless, rugged landscape
trek [trɛk] v. 艰苦跋涉;缓慢地行进 to travel a long distance, usually over land such as hills, mountains or forests
parasailing [ˋpærə͵selɪŋ] n.(驾降落伞由汽艇牵引的)帆伞运动
quad [kwɑt] bike 四轮摩托车
ridge [rɪdʒ] n. 屋脊,山脊
flop [flɑp] v. 扑通落下(或倒下); 沉重地躺下
chicken [ˋtʃɪkɪn] adj.【俚】胆怯的
frozen [ˋfrozn] adj. 一动不动的
nuzzle [ˋnʌz!] v. 用鼻紧挨;用鼻爱抚
wiggle [ˋwɪg!] v. 摆动;扭动
pelican [ˋpɛlɪkən] n.【鸟】鹈鹕
cormorant [ˋkɔrmərənt] n.【鸟】鸬鹚
The oldest living desert 最古老的沙漠
We were beginning to realize Namibia was nothing like the rest of Africa. Originally, this long expanse of desert belonged to South Africa but won independence in 1990. It is miles of sand, grass and mines that spit out everything from gold and diamonds to uranium. But above all, it is part of the Namib, the oldest living desert on Earth.
Our afternoon was spent on the dunes with Tommy Collard, who runs his “Living Desert Tour.” We took out over the dunes, planing weightlessly in our Land Rover like a boat on water.
Suddenly, Tommy leaped out of the car, dug through the sand and came up with a sand-diving lizard, which latched onto his thumb and just hung there.
But our real experience with the dunes came at Sossusvlei to the south. The sand here is made of powder-fine bits of quartz, among other minerals. The more the quartz has oxidized, the redder the sand becomes. And at Sossusvlei, the sand is blood red.
In early dawn light, the dunes were an incredible swirl of colored patterns outlined in the sand. The light crept up the sand, turning the beige a vibrant salmon. An endless blanket of yellow grass glowed and people atop the dunes cast shadows in a montage of angles and lines.
Nature’s invitation 大自然的邀请
Our host, Hilmar Tonnemacher of Abenteuer Afrika Safari, surprised us with a sundown celebration just outside Swakopmund. Hilmar’s staff had spent hours setting up hundreds of luminarias, creating a sea of glittering lights that climbed the sides of a narrow canyon. Dinner was waiting in a small courtyard.
Slowly, we began to relax and understand. “In Namibia, nature reaches out and touches you,” Hilmar had said. “It’s subtle. You might not feel it the first day, but it will make you feel well and happy.”
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spit out 吐出 release
uranium [jʊˋrenɪəm] n.【化】铀
above all 最重要的, 尤其 most especially, most importantly
take out 动身, 开始 Informal to begin a course; set out
dive [daɪv] v. 潜水; 下潜
latch [lætʃ] v. 附着(在某物上)
oxidize [ˋɑksə͵daɪz] v. 氧化;生锈 for a substance to combine with oxygen and lose hydrogen, forming another substance
outline [ˋaʊt͵laɪn] v. 画出……的轮廓,画……的略图
creep [krip] v. 不知不觉地到来;渐渐产生 advance stealthily or unnoticed
beige [beʒ] n. 米黄色
salmon [ˋsæmən] n. 鲑肉色,浅橙色 pink-orange, pinkish-orange
safari [səˋfɑrɪ] n. 非洲的(狩猎)旅行
sundown [ˋsʌn͵daʊn] n. 日落;黄昏
luminaria [͵luməˋnɛrɪə] n.(墨西哥的)传统圣诞灯(一种棕色纸灯,内燃蜡烛)a type of lantern with a lighted candle set in sand inside a small decorative paper bag
glittering [ˈglɪtərɪŋ] adj. 闪闪发光的
courtyard [ˋkortˋjɑrd] n. 庭院;天井
reach out 伸出 move forward or upward in order to touch
Experiencing wildlife in luxury 体验奢华的荒野生活
From Swakopmund, we flew by private plane to Etosha, Namibia’s great wildlife reserve.
Here’s where you find the herds of elephants and giraffes silhouetted against a blood-red setting sun, where jackals skulk near water holes, where rhino and buffalo and herds of springbok wander past.
We found Okaukuejo Premier Waterhole Chalets, the largest of Namibia Wildlife Resort’s safari lodges.
Over the past several years, the lodges have been completely remade into something that could come from the pages of an architectural magazine. Simple but elegant décor includes beds romantically covered in soft pillows, duvets and mosquito netting. With marble floors and tasteful African art, it’s all very, very upscale.
Okaukuejo means “premier water hole.” The gathering at the resort’s water hole just yards from our chalet was nothing less than majestic. The animals moved in at sunset and by 7:30 p.m., there were 14 elephants including half a dozen babies, along with a couple of rare black rhinos, half a dozen wart hogs and who knows what else in the tangle of legs, trunks and hooves.
Eventually, a jackal wandered by, looking like someone’s scruffy lost dog. We were told that bright spotlights keep the animals from seeing us but there’s no doubt that jackal knew. He drank, then came in to look us over and deliberately made eye contact before nimbly leaping over the spike-topped rock wall and disappearing into the darkness between our cabins.
The Jackal was gone but the people stayed. They were still out there at midnight, watching the parade go by.
−by Yvette Cardozo
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silhouette [͵sɪlʊˋɛt] v. 使现出轮廓
set [sɛt] v.(日,月等)落,下沉
jackal [ˋdʒækɔl] n.【动】豺,胡狼
skulk [skʌlk] v. 躲藏;潜伏
springbok [ˋsprɪŋ͵bɑk] n.【动】跳羚(产于非洲南部,受惊时能高跃)
waterhole [ˋwɔtɚhol] n. 水坑;水洼;水泉
chalet [ˋʃæle] n. 瑞士的农舍; 小木屋
décor [deˋkɔr] n. 装饰,室内装潢 the style and layout of interior furnishings
duvet [djʊˋve] n. 羽绒被
upscale [ˋʌp͵skel] adj. 高档的
nothing less than 与...一模一样; 无异于, 完全是 strongly showing this quality; nothing short of something
wart hog【动】(非洲野生)疣猪
tangle [ˋtæŋg!] n. 乱糟糟的一团[S][(+of)]
trunk [trʌŋk] n. 象鼻
hoof [huf] n. 蹄
scruffy [ˋskrʌfɪ] adj. 邋遢的; 不整洁的; 破旧的
spotlight [ˋspɑt͵laɪt] n.(汽车上的)反光灯,探路灯
look someone over 仔细检查, 粗略地看一遍 to examine someone very carefully
spike [spaɪk] n. 墙头钉;尖铁
Vocabulary Focus
trudge [trʌdʒ] v. 跋涉,步履艰难地走 to walk slowly with a lot of effort, especially over a difficult surface or while carrying something heavy
expectant [ɪkˋspɛktənt] adj. 期待着的;盼望着的 thinking that something pleasant or exciting is going to happen
expanse [ɪkˋspæns] n. 广阔区域; 延伸部分 a large, open area of land, sea or sky
plane [plen] v. (水上飞机等)在水面滑行,在水面掠过 to travel over the surface of water, rising partly out of the water and skimming along the surface; to soar or glide
montage [mɑnˋtɑʒ] n. 综合画;拼集的照片 something produced by combining various smaller parts
subtle [ˋsʌt!] adj. 微妙的,难捉摸的 not loud, bright, noticeable or obvious
silhouetted [͵sɪlʊˋɛtɪd] adj. 显出轮廓的,显示影像的 viewed as a dark shape seen against a light background
deliberately [dɪˋlɪbərɪtlɪ] adv. 故意地,蓄意地 in an intentional or planned manner
nimbly [ˋnɪmblɪ] adv. 敏捷地;机灵地 moving in manner that is quick and exact
NAMIBIA: the place of the grace. Experience it yourself
Side Hilling On ATV's
Sandboarding Namibia Vacation video
NWR - Welcome to Okaukuejo Camp