Dijon: France’s Best-kept Secret 迪戎:法国的秘密花园
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年8月06日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:399
Escape the crowd to delight yourself in wine, mustard and medieval charm 远离尘嚣,纵情于红酒、芥末与中世纪的迷人风情
While world-famous for its mustard and its wine, the medieval city of Dijon has the reputation of being the best-kept secret in France.
About five centuries ago, Dijon was the capital of the vast Burgundy region ruled by dukes who made the city a center of arts and architecture. It is a 90-minute train ride southeast from Paris and sits on the doorstep to Burgundy’s fabled grape-growing region.
Cobblestone streets wide enough for a hay wagon still wind through the inner circle of town, leading to Dijon’s impressive displays of cathedrals, gardens, palaces, museums and gated town houses. The city’s centerpiece, the Palace of the Dukes, contains the Fine Arts Museum and looks out onto the expansive Liberation Square.
The evening of my arrival in Dijon, I dined at one of its fine restaurants, then walked off dinner. Among my discoveries: Gnarly gargoyles staring down from the façade of NotreDame Cathedral; the city’s version of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris; a McDonald’s restaurant with a line of customers at the walk-up window.
Medieval and modern 中世纪与现代交融
The next day, I joined a walking tour with guide Sherry Thevenot, who explained the city’s storied past.
“All of French history starts here in Burgundy,” Thevenot said. “It’s wonderfully situated. I can jump on a night train and be in Venice, in Rome, and it has easy access to Paris.”
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mustard [ˋmʌstɚd] n. 芥末; 芥子酱
best-kept secret 鲜为人知的秘密 a significant fact or characteristic that is not well – known
duke [djuk] n. 公爵;(公国的)君主
wind [waɪnd] v. 蜿蜒;迂回
centerpiece [ˋsɛntɚ͵pis] n. 在正中央的东西; 中心装饰品
walk off 用散步消除 to get rid of by walking
gnarly [ˈnɑrlɪ] adj. 多节的 gnarled; used to describe something old and covered with knobs or knots
gargoyle [ˋgɑrgɔɪl] n. 形象怪异的人
Arc de Triomphe [法国] 凯旋门〈巴黎〉
walk-up window 临街服务窗口 designed to allow pedestrians to be served without entering a building
storied [ˋstorɪd] adj. 历史上有名的; 传说上有名的
Dijon has never been able to toot its own horn, but the city now has decided to invest in its own treasures. In the last four years, the heart of the city has recently changed. They are renovating the 103 townhouses and creating pedestrian streets, all paved in Burgundy stone.
“There are a lot of medieval cities in France, but they are not modern. To be able to modernize the city and keep the medieval feeling, that’s the beauty of Dijon.”
Dijon, of course, is [especially] famous for one product. Our final stop on the tour was at the Maille mustard shop, which has been in business since 1747.
“The mustard seeds are macerated in wine; it can only be bought in this shop and in Paris,” Thevenot said. “Everything else is made with vinegar.”
Wine-lover’s delight 红酒爱好者的最爱
While walking is easy in Dijon, driving can be confusing on its one-way streets. My destination was the medieval city of Beaune, the wine capital of Burgundy. My arrival was timed perfectly; it was the second weekend of November, when the world’s largest wine auction is held. Vendors sold a feast of food from carts piled with breads, cheeses, sausages, spices, mushrooms, chocolates and nougat, a nut-filled confection.
A day later, I hitched a ride with Laurent Delelee, who operates Wine and Voyages and takes visitors on tours of the vineyards. He pointed out the stone houses of the winemakers.
“Winemaker, winemaker, winemaker – if a person doesn’t make wine, he works for someone who does,” Delelee said.
We rode along a 20-mile-long, southeast-facing hillside of limestone covered by a foot of clay, with trees on top and towns on the bottom.
“It’s the geology that feeds the plant,” Delelee said. “Here, we do not irrigate, we do not fertilize.”
The grands crus vintages, the best of the best, come from vineyards highest up the slope, he said. The vineyard was owned by the Romanee-Conti estate, home of the most expensive wine in the world. The average price was 4,000 to 6,000 euros per bottle.
“It’s a very small piece of land,” he said. “It produces about 3,000 bottles a year. Imagine, 3,000 bottles for the world. Think about how many restaurants we have in New York, Japan, Paris – and they all want the grands crus of Burgundy. It’s a drop in the ocean.”
−by Tom Uhlenbrock
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toot [tut] v. 吹喇叭(或号角等);发出嘟嘟声
renovate [ˋrɛnə͵vet] v. 修复; 装修; 整修
macerate [ˋmæsə͵ret] v. 将(植物等)浸软 to leave food in a liquid so that it absorbs the liquid and becomes soft
feast [fist] n. 大量(赏心悦目的事情)
nougat [ˋnugɑ] n. 奶油杏仁花生糖;牛轧糖 a hard chewy candy, usually containing nuts
confection [kənˋfɛkʃən] n. 糕饼; 蜜饯; 甜点
hitch [hɪtʃ] n.【口】搭便车
voyage [ˋvɔɪɪdʒ] n. 旅行,航海,航空;远行
geology [dʒɪˋɑlədʒɪ] n.(某地区的)地质情况
vintage [ˋvɪntɪdʒ] n.(优良品牌的)葡萄酒; 特定年分(或地方)酿制的酒 the wine made in a particular year
a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟 a very small amount in comparison to the amount that is needed
Vocabulary Focus
fabled [ˋfeb!d] adj. 著名的 describes something that has been made very famous, especially by having many stories written about it
façade [fəˋsɑd](建筑物的)正面;前面 the front of a building, especially a large or attractive building
toot (one’s) own horn 自我夸耀 to brag
irrigate [ˋɪrə͵get] v. 灌溉 to supply land with water so that crops and plants will grow
estate [ɪsˋtet] n. 庄园 a large area of land in the country which is owned by a family or an organization and is often used for growing crops or raising animals
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