The Treasure of Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加的珍奇异宝
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年9月23日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:421
The beauty of Central America proves all that’s gold doesn’t glitter 中美洲之美,证明了真正的瑰宝未必非得金光闪闪不可(译注:作者在玩gold的文字游戏,黄金会闪闪发亮,但此处的gold指瑰宝、宝藏,指本文中的大自然宝藏,所以不会像黄金一样闪闪发亮)
In 1502, as explorer Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic Ocean on his fourth trip to the New World, he discovered Costa Rica. Unfortunately for Columbus, the country’s gold-adorned natives captured his attention, causing him to overlook the real wealth of the land – nature’s bounty.
A paradise of wildlife 野生物天堂
If Columbus had realized he’d discovered a “living” gold mine, it may have changed the course of history. He had no way of knowing, however, that Costa Rica (meaning “rich coast”) contained over 500,000 species (of which some 300,000 are insects). That puts this Central American nation among the 20 countries with the greatest biodiversity on Earth.
Pacific Coast treasure hunt 太平洋海岸寻宝记
Although Columbus only made port on the Caribbean Coast and never saw the Pacific side of the country, only 75 miles separated the country’s two coasts at its narrowest point. So the sky’s the limit these days for seeing wildlife in this third-smallest Central American country with its mountainous cloud forests, volcanic valleys and tropical lowlands. Over 25 percent of Costa Rica’s national territory is protected, which is the largest percentage of total area set aside in the world. The country’s 780-mile-long Pacific Coast (from its border with Nicaragua in the north to Panama in the south), which harbors some of the country’s most abundant species-rich areas, is a guaranteed hotspot to find “treasure.”
In the wild 置身野外
A visit to Manuel Antonio National Park, the country’s smallest, lets me know I’m on the right course. The park attracts some 150,000 visitors a year who come for the unspoiled, white-sand beaches and to catch sight of some of this biological haven’s 109 mammals and 184 bird species that inhabit this tropical, lowland wet forest (or rainforest). Manuel Antonio’s concentrated diversity exemplifies the kinds of areas that help make Central America and central Mexico known as a Mesoamerican biodiversity hotspot.
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bounty [ˋbaʊntɪ] n. 慷慨的赠予;礼品;赠款
biodiversity [baɪo͵daɪˋvɝsətɪ] n. 生物多样性 the number and types of plant and animal species that exist in a particular environmental area
make port 入港 enter (a) port
set aside 存储, 留出 to separate and reserve for a special purpose
harbor [ˋhɑrbɚ] v. 包含
unspoiled [ʌnˋspɔɪld] adj. 未损坏的;未受破坏的
Mesoamerican [͵mɛzoəˋmɛrɪkən] adj. & n. 中美洲文化(的)
The park certainly lives up to its reputation for easy wildlife spotting. As I walk along one of its trails, the wildlife seems to come out of the woodwork. High up on a tree, a three-toes sloth sits motionless. On the forest floor, an agouti, a hare-sized rodent, scurries past.
Hanging out in some nearby trees, a group of White-Faced Capuchins, the most curious of the country’s four monkey species, live up to their nature by watching me as I watch them. Being in the wild with the wildlife was truly a moment to treasure.
Treasured, fleeting moments 美好时光瞬间飞逝
I’m definitely primed for exploring when we make port at Corcovado National Park, situated on the Osa Peninsula. This park’s reputation as the crown jewel of Costa Rica’s national parks is well-deserved – it has some 400 birds, 140 mammals, 115 amphibians and reptiles and 500 tree species. It also protects the country’s largest populations of Scarlet Macaws. White-Lipped Peccaries and jaguars. Corcovado is also home to the other three monkeys species – Spider, Squirrel and White-Faced.
A blue morpho butterfly stops me in my tracks as it flutters past. The contrasting colors of its bright iridescent blue backside and dull-brown underside mesmerize me until the squawking of Scarlet Macaws pierces the tranquility. Though the dense tangle of trees prevents me from seeing these almost 3-foot-long, brilliantly-colored, bright-red birds, hearing them is joyful.
Traipsing on with my eyes on the ground to avoid tripping over the mosaic of tree roots helps me sidestep a Whiptail Lizard as it races past my feet with a non-venomous, a-foot Vine Snake hot on its tail. Soon a musky scent of the White-Lipped Peccary fills the air. This 22-inch, 75-pound, pig-like mammal that has a penchant for charging happily stays out of sight.
I savor each sensory experience, big or small, seen or unseen, as a treasured fleeting moment.
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live up to 无愧于; 实践; 符合〔标准〕to carry out; fulfill; to prove equal to
spotting [ˋspɑtɪŋ] n. 定位 the act of detecting something; catching sight of something
agouti [əˋgutɪ] n.【动】刺鼠
scurry [ˋskɝɪ] v. 急匆匆地跑
capuchin [ˋkæpjʊ͵tʃɪn] n.【动】中南美的卷尾猴
fleeting [ˋflitɪŋ] adj. 转瞬间的;短暂的
prime [praɪm] v. 使准备好 completely prepared or in condition for immediate action or use or progress
well-deserved 当之无愧
macaw [məˋkɔ] n. 金刚鹦鹉
peccary [ˋpɛkərɪ] n.〔生活在中﹑南美洲的〕西貒; 【动】(原产热带美洲的)野猪
flutter [ˋflʌtɚ] v.(鸟)振翼,拍翅
iridescent [ɪrɪˋdɛsənt] adj.〔因光线不同而〕变色的 showing many bright colors which change with movement
backside [ˋbækˋsaɪd] n. 背部
underside [ˋʌndɚ͵saɪd] n.下侧; 下面; 底部
mesmerize [ˋmɛsmə͵raɪz] v. 迷住;迷惑
squawk [skwɔk] n. 粗厉的叫声
tangle [ˋtæŋg!] n. 乱糟糟的一团
traipse [treps] v.【口】游荡,闲荡
trip [trɪp] v. 绊,绊倒[(+over)]
mosaic [məˋzeɪk] n. 马赛克式的东西; 镶嵌图案 a pattern or mixture of many small things
sidestep [`saɪdˏstɛp] v. 横跨一步以避免〔被打击或撞到人〕
hot on someone’s tail 紧跟某人(物) close to and likely to catch someone you have been chasing
musky [ˋmʌskɪ] adj. 有(或似)麝香气味的
charge [tʃɑrdʒ] v. 向前冲 to rush forward in or as if in a violent attack
out of sight 看不见;目所不见之处 not visible
A taste for the flora 品味植物之美
The golden opportunities for making treasure stops along this coast are endless when traveling by ship. While the two previous ports had road access, there are no roads to this spot that’s nestled on Golfs Dulce (meaning Sweet Gulf), one of only three tropical fjords in the world. Casa Orquideas, a family-owned, one-acre oasis that’s been cultivated and tended for almost three decades, is filled with tropical trees, exotic plants and some 100 different orchid species, hence its name, meaning “Orchid House.”
The paths through the manicured grounds wind past endless species of palms, bromeliads and cycads. There’s even a ylang-ylang, an aromatic plant used as a base for numerous expensive perfumes. Several other species with outlandish-sounding names like cannon ball tree, pickle tree, and gourd tree just reinforce Costa Rica’s status as a “growing” power. There are only two seasons here called verano (or summer, the dry season) and invierno (or winter, the rainy season).
修过的地面上有小径蜿蜒穿过各式各样的棕榈树、菠萝科植物、苏铁类植物,甚至还有一棵依兰树,这种芳香植物是许多昂贵香水的基底。好几种名字相当奇特的植物,如:炮弹树、木胡瓜、酸瓠木,再度证实了哥斯达黎加新兴(栽种)势力的地位(译注:growing power一般指「日渐强大的势力」,grow也有「栽种、培育」之意,在文中一语双关)。哥斯达黎加只有两个季节:夏季,即干季;冬季,即雨季。
Orquideas’ collection also includes heliconias, a tropical plant native to the Americas that has around 200 species. The heliconias, named after Mount Helen in Greek Mythology, seems an appropriate name since these plants can grow up to 30 feet high. While heliconias are a favorite for hummingbirds, I’m more partial to nibbling on the sweet pulp around the chocolate seed from a cacao tree at Orquideas’ garden. Now that leaves me with a taste for the flora.
Rich coast glitter 美丽海岸闪闪发光
After days of natural treasure hunting along this coast, I know I’ve only scratched the surface of the country’s hundreds of thousands of species, but that’s all it takes to convince me that the treasure of Costa Rica is nature – it doesn’t have to glitter to be true gold.
−by Susan Zimmerman
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fjord [fjɔrd] n.〔挪威海岸邊的〕峽灣
oasis [oˋesɪs] n.(沙漠中的)綠洲 a calm, pleasant place, usually in a desert, where there is water and therefore plants and trees
manicured [ˋmænɪkjʊrd] adj.(花園、草坪等)修剪整齊的,整修的
bromeliad [broˋmili͵æd] n. 鳳梨科植物
cycad [ˋsaɪkæd] n. 蘇鐵屬植物;蘇鐵
pickle [ˋpɪk!] n. 醃菜, 泡菜
gourd [gord] n. 葫蘆屬植物;葫蘆
hummingbird [ˋhʌmɪŋ͵bɝd] n.【鳥】蜂鳥
partial [ˋpɑrʃəl] adj.【口】偏愛的[F][(+to)]
nibble [ˋnɪb!] v. 一點點地咬(或吃)
flora [ˋflorə] n. 植物群(尤指某一地區或某一時期的植物群)
glitter [ˋglɪtɚ] v. 閃閃發光,閃爍
Vocabulary Focus
adorned [əˋdɔrnd] adj. 穿着, 佩戴着…的 adding something decorative to a person or thing
the sky’s the limit【口】【谚】没有限制 something which means there is no limit to what something or someone can achieve
hotspot [ˋhɑtspɑt] n. 热点 a place of intense activity
haven [ˋhevən] n. 安全地; 避难所 a safe or peaceful place
exemplify [ɪgˋzɛmplə͵faɪ] v. 作为……的例子; 是…的范例 to be a typical example of something
come out of the woodwork 突然出现, 没有预期的出现 to appear after being hidden or not active for a long time; to appear suddenly and unexpectedly
penchant [ˋpɛntʃənt] n. 【法】嗜好﹐爱好〔尤指别人有点不赞成的事物〕a liking for or a habit of doing something, especially something that others might not like
outlandish [aʊtˋlændɪʃ] adj. 古怪的﹐奇異的 strange and unusual
scratch the surface 略懂皮毛, 不夠介入研究 to discover or deal with only a very small part of a subject or problem
Costa Rica- Manuel Antonio National Park
Corcovado National Park Wildlife, Wildlife Refuges in Costa Rica
White Faced Capuchin Monkeys Costa Rica
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