The Golden Gate Bridge 漫步在金门大桥

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For a thrilling perspective of San Francisco, walk its iconic bridge  漫步著名大桥,是眺望旧金山的刺激新方式



The day I walked it, the sky was as blue as vintage china. There was no wind, just the slight breeze from traffic. It was pleasantly cool. A few cyclists sped by, a couple of runners, a handful of walkers. With every step, the orange towers loomed larger. With every step, I felt smaller, a tiny dot above San Francisco Bay.



Walking the Golden Gate Bridge isn’t on everyone’s to-do tourist list. But when this city’s fabled fog parts for sunshine, it could be one of the most memorable experiences you will ever have.



Opened in 1937, the 1.7-mile orange bridge connecting San Francisco to Marin County is one of the few big bridges in the world that welcome walkers and bicycle traffic.



Unlike Michigan’s 5-mile-long Mackinac Bridge, which allows pedestrians only on Labor Day, the Golden Gate span has a dedicated pedestrian/cycle lane.



The celebrity bridge also has its own visitor’s center, gift shop, gardens and café, located at the foot of the span on the San Francisco side. From there, it’s just a few steps up to the walkway.



The perspective from the bridge  从桥上远眺


Once on the bridge, the incline is steady but not steep.



Tourists usually see the Golden Gate Bridge from below on a tour boat, or by bus, car or bike. But standing quietly on the bridge, a walker absorbs both the experience of being on the span itself and the sights beyond its cables and steel.



Look down. See the roiling water of San Francisco Bay more than 200 feet below. Look north and east, and see the undulating green of Marin County, melancholy Alcatraz Island and the tidy San Francisco skyline.



At the same time, up close, you can see that each rivet is the size of a salad plate. The orange paint is slightly ocher. The pavement beneath your feet vibrates a bit from the traffic.






More Information

loom [lum] v. 隐约出现[耸现]

to-do list 执行表;计划表

fabled [ˋfeb!d] adj. 寓言[传奇]中著名的 made known or famous by fables; legendary

part [pɑrt] v. 使分开; 使分离 separate

span [spæn] n. 全长

dedicated [ˋdɛdə͵ketɪd] adj. 专用的

melancholy [ˋmɛlən͵kɑlɪ] adj. 忧郁的,郁闷的; 令人沮丧的;可悲的

Alcatraz [ˈælkəˌtræz] Island 阿卡特茲島(恶魔岛) a small island in the middle of San Francisco Bay, famous for being a maximum-security prison until 1963

tidy [ˋtaɪdɪ] adj. 整齐的;井然的; 【口】相当大的

rivet [ˋrɪvɪt] n. 铆钉 a metal pin used to fasten flat pieces of metal, or other thick materials such as leather, together

ocher [ˋokɚ] n. 黄土色;赭色 a yellowish orange color, or a substance obtained from the Earth which is used for giving this color to paints

pavement [ˋpevmənt] n. 人行道








More than 1.8 billion vehicles have crossed the Golden Gate Bridge since it opened in 1937. Bridge officials don’t keep track of how many pedestrians use the bridge, but there can be as many as 6,000 on a busy summer day, says Mary Currie, spokeswoman for the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District.



In the early 20th century, ferries were the only way across the Golden Gate straits. Why? Nobody thought it was possible to build an earthquake-proof bridge there.



Then, engineer Joseph Strauss and colleagues came up with an idea: a suspension bridge able to move with the wind and anchored securely against peril.



It worked. For 73 years, the Golden Gate Bridge has withstood storms and earthquakes, even the 1989 Loma Prieta quake that cracked the nearby Bay Bridge. It can sway (side to side) 27.7 feet and flex (up and down) 10.8 feet. Can a pedestrian feel it sway? I tried to. I didn’t. But then again, it was a quiet day.



At the bridge’s highest point, walkers stand 271 feet above the water, while the art deco-style towers loom another 500 feet straight up.



Other ways to see the bridge  欣赏金门大桥的其他方式


By foot: 徒步

Most sightseeing tours stop only for a minute for a photo op. But San Francisco City Guides leads free walking tours of the bridge every Thursday and Sunday at 11 a.m.



By bike: 自行车:

Bike and Roll bike rental has a tour [featuring] a 9-mile ride offered daily from San Francisco to Sausalito. Cyclists ride over the bridge, then take a ferry back.

Bike and Roll自行车出租公司每天都有从旧金山到苏沙利多的九哩单车游览行程,单车族骑过金门大桥后,再搭渡轮回来。


By boat:  搭船:

The Red and White Fleet has a one-hour Golden Gate Bridge tour. It’s narrated by an audiotape, which is filled with tales of hair-raising San Francisco events: earthquakes, fired, Alcatraz prison escapes, runaway horses, collapsing buildings – but nothing bad about the bridge, which is good, since your little tour boat passes right under it.



by Ellen Creage





More Information

ferry [ˋfɛrɪ] n. 渡轮,联运船

anchor [ˋæŋkɚ] v. 使固定,系住

peril [ˋpɛrəl] n.(严重的)危险

narrate [næˋret] v. 讲述,叙述

suspension bridge 吊桥 a bridge which is supported by strong steel ropes hung from a tower at each end of the bridge

art deco 装饰艺术 a style of decoration that was especially popular in the 1930s and uses simple shapes and lines and strong colors





Vocabulary Focus

vintage [ˋvɪntɪdʒ] adj. 古色古香的;古老的 of high quality and lasting value, or showing the best and most typical characteristics of a particular type of thing, especially from the past

roil [rɔɪl] v. 彻底搅拌, 搅浑 to make liquid murky by stirring up mud or other substances

undulating [ˋʌndjə͵letɪŋ] adj. 波浪起伏的;波浪形的 describing or having small hills and slopes that look like waves

flex [flɛks] v. 屈曲;收缩 to bend

fleet [flit] n. 船队 a group of ships

hair-raising [ˋhɛr͵rezɪŋ] adj. 令人恐惧的 very frightening




Golden Gate Bridge


Mackinac Bridge




Alcatraz Island and prison tour 2009


more videos

Escape From Alcatraz

Loma Prieta Earthquake, ca. 1989