Enveloped in Luxury on The Royal Scotsman 苏格兰皇家列车奢华之旅
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年9月17日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:468
Riding the rails: Along with my fellow sojourners, a cosmopolitan lot, I travel up the eastern coast of Scotland, from Edinburg to the Highlands 搭火车之旅:我和来自世界各地的旅客同行,遨游苏格兰东海岸,足迹从爱丁堡远至苏格兰高地
History tells us that Queen Victoria became so enamored of the beauty of Scotland while traveling across the country by train that she decided she must have a castle here. Hence, Balmoral was added to the list of royal residences. Sadly, I wasn’t in the market for a Scottish castle, but I was about to follow in Victoria’s footsteps by taking a rail journey through the country. Since I would be traveling aboard the elegant Royal Scotsman, It was a safe bet that I would enjoy the same standard of service and luxury that Victoria did.
If the boarding process was any indication of what was to come, I’d say even a queen would be impressed. On an overcast October afternoon at Edinburgh’s Waverley Station, my fellow guests and I were ushered aboard the train by Sue, our gracious hostess, to the accompaniment of a kilted bagpiper. Once settled in the observation car, we were invited to nibble on smoked salmon canapés.
“Wow, I could get used to this,” I mumbled to myself.
Scottish scenes 苏格兰风光
I decided that I could get even more used to it when I was escorted to my compartment, which, while not large, was lavishly furnished with burgundy tapestry drapes, built-in beds with glen plaid coverlets, and black-and-white etchings of Scottish scenes. I was to discover, however, during the next four days, that the best pieces of art were the Scottish scenes framed by the four corners of my window. The constantly changing vistas – alternatively bathed in golden sunshine or shrouded in mountain mist -- took in sheep-studded hillocks, bonny braes (that’s Gaelic for “riverbanks”), tranquil lochs, fields blanketed with the last of the summer heather and the occasional pile of forbidding gray stones fashioned into fortresses meant to repel the oft-invading English.
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envelope [ˋɛnvə͵ləp] v. 掩盖;笼罩; 围绕
sojourner [ˋsodʒɝnɚ] n. 旅居者,寄居者
lot [lɑt] n. 某一类的人
residence [ˋrɛzədəns] n. 住所;住宅;官邸
safe bet 万无一失 something that you are certain will happen
overcast [ˋovɚ͵kæst] adj.(被云等)遮蔽的;多云的,阴的
usher [ˋʌʃɚ] v. 引,领;招待;陪同[O][(+in/out)]; 迎接[(+in)]
gracious [ˋgreʃəs] adj. 亲切的;和蔼的;殷勤的
kilted [ˋkɪltɪd] adj. 穿褶襉短裙的
bagpiper [ˋbæg͵paɪpɚ] n. 吹风笛的人 one who plays a type of musical instrument, found especially in Scotland and Ireland, from which you produce sound by blowing air into a leather bag and forcing it out through pipes
nibble [ˋnɪb!] v. 一点一点地咬(或吃)
canapé [ˋkænəpɪ] n.【法】开胃小菜(通常是小饼干或小面包上摆了馅料) a small thin biscuit or piece of bread that has savory food on top and is served especially at a party
mumble [ˋmʌmb!] v. 抿着嘴嚼; 含糊地说,咕哝着说
compartment [kəmˋpɑrtmənt] n.(火车上的)小客房
lavishly [ˋlævɪʃlɪ] adv. 大量地; 奢华地; 浪费地, 丰富地
burgundy [ˋbɝgəndɪ] adj. 紫红色的 a dark purplish-red to blackish-red color
tapestry [ˋtæpɪstrɪ] n. 绣帷;挂毯 a heavy cloth woven with rich, often varicolored designs or scenes, usually hung on walls for decoration and sometimes used to cover furniture
glen [glɛn] n.(尤指苏格兰或爱尔兰的)峡谷
plaid [plæd] n. 格子图案, adj. 有格子图案的
coverlet [ˋkʌvɚlɪt] n. 床罩
etching [ˋɛtʃɪŋ] n. 蚀刻画;蚀刻版 a picture produced by printing from a metal plate that has been prepared with acid
vista [ˋvɪstə] n.(从两排树木或房屋等中间看出去的)狭长的景色;远景
take in 参观, 参加, 观赏
stud [stʌd] v. 散布于;密布于;点缀[(+with)]
hillock [ˋhɪlək] n. 小丘,山丘
bonny [ ˈbɑnɪ] adj. (attractive, fine) 漂亮的
brae [bre] n. 斜坡;山坡
Gaelic [ˋgelɪk] n. 盖尔(人)语
tranquil [ˋtræŋkwɪl] adj. 平静的;安静的;安宁的
loch [lɑk] n.【苏格兰】湖;海湾
heather [ˋhɛðɚ] n.【植】石南属植物 a low spreading bush with small pink, purple or white flowers, which grows wild, especially on hills
forbidding [fɚˋbɪdɪŋ] adj. 严峻的;令人生畏的
fashion [ˋfæʃən] v. 把……塑造成[(+from/out of/into)]
repel [rɪˋpɛl] v. 击退;驱除
Eilean Donan 爱利安多南城堡
Scotland is known for its castles, and two of its most beautiful and historic were on our itinerary. Eilean Donan, situated on a rocky promontory at the meeting point of three sea lochs, has been called the most photographed castle in the world and is the perfect embodiment of medieval splendor. Except that it isn’t.
A fortified structure of some sort has existed here for 800 years – possible as protection from Viking raids – but the current castle, rising from the ruins of its predecessor, was rebuilt in the early 20th century by the MacRae clan. Still a tour of the courtyard, billeting room and magnificent banqueting hall will have you feeling as if you had stumbled back to the 17th century, and if you stick around until sunset to watch the castle illuminated in soft light, you’ll know there can’t be a more magical spot in all of Britain.
Ballindalloch 贝林达洛城堡
A castle of a different sort is Ballindalloch, known as “the pearl of the north” and one of the few privately owned castles to have been lived in continuously by the original family. In the case of Ballindalloch, the family is the Macpherson-Grant and her husband, Oliver Russell, take Royal Scotsman guests on a private tour of their home.
Located in the cleft of the Spey Valley, the castle, with its turrets and gabled roof, looms over majestic parklands and spectacular gardens. Among the interior features are a circular stone staircase winding up to a watch tower dating to 1602; a series of elegant rooms whose décor ranges from antique Chinese porcelain to a cut-glass chandelier whose design of intertwined English roses and Scottish thistle might have been intended to celebrate the 1707 union of the two countries.
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itinerary [aɪˋtɪnə͵rɛrɪ] n. 旅程;路线
promontory [ˋprɑmən͵torɪ] n.【地】岬,海角 a narrow area of high land that sticks out into the sea
embodiment [ɪmˋbɑdɪmənt] n. 具体化;化身
splendor [ˋsplɛndɚ] n. 壮丽;壮观;辉煌
fortified [ˋfɔrtəfaɪd] adj. 加强的
Viking [ˋvaɪkɪŋ] n.【史】北欧海盗; 【口】北欧人
clan [klæn] n. 氏族;部落
billeting room 军队暂时的住宿处 a place especially for soldiers to stay in for a short time
billet [ˋbɪlɪt] v. 投宿;驻扎
banquet [ˋbæŋkwɪt] n. 宴会,盛宴
stumble [ˋstʌmb!] v. 失足,犯错误;步入歧途
illuminate [ɪˋlumə͵net] v. 照亮;照射
cleft [klɛft] n. 裂缝,裂口
turret [ˋtɝɪt] n. 角塔,塔楼 a small circular tower that is part of a castle or a large building
gabled [ˋgeb!d] adj.【建】有山形墙的,有人形墙的
loom [lum] v. 隐约地出现
parkland [ˋpɑrk͵lænd] n. 温带之草木区; 绿地
décor [deˋkɔr] n. 装饰,室内装潢
porcelain [ˋpɔrslɪn] n. 瓷;(总称)瓷器
cut-glass 刻花玻璃的
intertwine [͵ɪntɚˋtwaɪn] v. 纠缠;编结
thistle [ˋθɪs!] n.【植】蓟
Scone Palace 斯康宫
Scone Palace, while not strictly a castle, is nevertheless one of the most hallowed spots in Scotland. The traditional coronation site for Scottish kings, it saw both Macbeth and his enemy Malcolm rule here in the 11th century, Robert the Bruce crowned here in 1306, and Charles II, the last king to be crowned here in 1651, in defiance of Oliver Cromwell.
Though no longer home to the Stone of Scone, called the Stone of Destiny (the English returned it to Scotland in 1996, and it is now in Edinburgh Castle), Scone Palace, ancestral home of the Earls of Mansfield, is a veritable repository of the nation’s history, and a treasure trove of antiques and decorative arts. Royal Scotsman guests have the opportunity to roam the palace and grounds at their leisure.
Friendships forged 建立友谊
Other excursions saw us visiting Dalmore Distillery on the banks of the Cromarty Firth and spending a morning at Rothiemurchus Estate, where options included fly-fishing, clay pigeon shooting and a drive around the estate to view the prize-winning Highland cattle.
But it is often not the sites – spectacular though they are – that guests on the train remember the longest, but their fellow passengers. The intimacy of The Royal Scotsman encourages long conversations in the lounge and table-hopping during lunch and dinner. In so doing, friendships are forged. On our last night, as we joined hands and voices in the singing of “Loch Lomond” and “Auld Lang Syne,” I couldn’t help but notice there were more than a few tears among the laughter.
-by Patti Nickell
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nevertheless [͵nɛvɚðəˋlɛs] adv. 仍然,不过,然而 however
coronation [͵kɔrəˋneʃən] n. 加冕典礼 a ceremony at which a person is made king or queen
ancestral [ænˋsɛstrəl] adj. 祖先的;祖传的
earl [ɝl] n.【英】伯爵
veritable [ˋvɛrətəb!] adj. 真正的,名副其实的
repository [rɪˋpɑzə͵torɪ] n. 宝库; 【罕】博物馆;陈列室
treasure trove (为某物提供丰富来源的)宝库; (有价值物品的)宝藏 a place that is full of something good, or something of value
trove [trov] n. 贵重的发现物(= treasure trove)
excursion [ɪkˋskɝʒən] n. 远足;短途旅行
distillery [dɪˋstɪlərɪ] n. 酿酒厂
firth [fɝθ] n.(尤指苏格兰的)河口湾,港湾
estate [ɪsˋtet] n. 庄园
clay [kle] n. 黏土;泥土
intimacy [ˋɪntəməsɪ] n. 熟悉;亲密;亲近
lounge [laʊndʒ] n.(饭店,旅馆等的)休息室,会客厅
table-hop [ˋteb!͵hɑp] v. 周旋于餐桌间(与人交谈)to move around from table to table greeting friends, as in a restaurant or nightclub
Vocabulary Focus
cosmopolitan [͵kɑzməˋpɑlətn] adj. 世界性的,国际性的; 四海为家的 containing or having experience of people and things from many different parts of the world
enamored [ɪnˋæmɚd] adj. 倾心的,被迷住的 liking something a lot
in the market for【口】有意买某物 to be interested in buying something and to have the money to be able to do so
follow in (someone’s) footsteps 效法他人; 步某人的后尘 to do the same things in your life as someone else
escort [ɛsˋkɔrt] v. 护送;为……护航;陪同[(+to)] to go with someone and show him or her a place
bathe [beð] v. 沉浸 to cover with something that causes a pleasant feeling or appearance
shroud [ʃraʊd] v. 覆盖;掩蔽[H][(+in)] to hide something by covering or surrounding it
the embodiment of (something) ….的化身 something that represents a quality or an idea exactly
hallowed [ˋhɑlod] adj. 神圣的 very respected and praised because of great importance or great age
defiance [dɪˋfaɪəns] n. 反抗;蔑视,藐视 refusal to obey someone or something
forge [fɔrdʒ] v. 缔造; 建立 to make or produce, especially with some effort
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