The Legends of Niagara 尼加拉瓜瀑布的冒险传奇
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年10月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:641
Few destinations hold the romance and mystery of these waterfalls 少有其他去处能和尼加拉瓜瀑布相比,因为这儿既浪漫,还蒙上神秘的面纱
The Formidable Falls 令人叹为观止的瀑布
Maybe it’s the thunderous music the roaring water creates, the majestic beauty of the mist that arises from its base, or its colorful history. Somehow Niagara Falls, actually made up of the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the comparatively tiny Bridal Veil Falls between them, has a mysterious ability to attract daredevils.
The Niagara area is home to some of the most beautiful, rolling landscape in North America. This spot at the border between Canada and the United States holds a particular enchantment, including many to travel here for a relaxing holiday. But those who arrive expecting to have a picnic overlooking the falls and then perhaps visit the Butterfly Conservatory or Niagara Aquarium may be surprised by the sense of adventure Niagara will awaken.
Adventurous activities 冒险活动
It’s hard to choose among the exciting ways to experience the falls. The most popular is probably the Maid of the Mist boat tour. Climb aboard, don your souvenir poncho and hold on tight as you travel toward the 670-meter-wide Horseshoe Falls. Be warned: You will get drenched.
In New York state, you can take an elevator to the top of the Observation Tower for a bird’s-eye view of the American Falls. You can also go on the Cave of the Winds tour, climbing a wooden walkway to the Hurricane Deck, located a mere six meters from Bridal Falls.
If you’re visiting the Canadian side, an unforgettable option is to take the Journey Behind the Falls. Travel through tunnels first excavated in 1889 and view the immense curtain of falling water from behind. Or travel 70 meters down to the White Water Walk near the base of the Horseshoe Falls where you can view the Whirlpool Rapids, which travel at about 48 km per hour. This spot also features photos of some of the “stunters” who attempted to conquer Niagara in the past.
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Niagara [naɪˋægərə] n. (北美洲)尼加拉河
formidable [ˋfɔrmɪdəb!] adj. 难克服的; 难对付的; 令人钦佩的
thunderous [ˋθʌndərəs] adj. 像打雷的;轰隆轰隆响的
rolling [ˋrolɪŋ] adj. 起伏的; 汹涌的
enchantment [ɪnˋtʃæntmənt] n. 魅力,迷人之处
conservatory [kənˋsɝvə͵torɪ] n. 暖房
poncho [ˋpɑntʃo] n. 南美人的披风式外套 a piece of clothing made of a single piece of material, with a hole in the middle through which you put your head
bird’s-eye view 俯视, 鸟瞰
walkway [ˋwɔk͵we] n.【主美】走道;通道
excavate [ˋɛkskə͵vet] v. 挖掘(穴、洞等);开凿
rapid [ˋræpɪd] n. 急流;急湍
stunter 特技表演者 a person who performs a difficult or unusual or dangerous feat; usually done to gain attention
stunt [stʌnt] n. 惊人的表演,绝技;惊险动作
Attracted to Danger 深受危险所吸引
Some 100,000 people stood in awe as a band played the French national anthem. They were watching an amazing feat never before accomplished in history. The date was June 30, 1859, and Jean-Francois Gravelet, a well-known French tightrope walker, was attempting to walk across the Niagara Gorge on a rope two inches thick. Gravelet, better known by his stage name, Blondin, stepped onto the rope carrying his 35-foot balancing pole. The rope, strung 150 feet above the water, sagged in the middle, meaning that part of Blondin’s trip would be uphill. Observers were speechless as Blondin sure-footedly scampered across the rope, but many gasped audibly when he sat down on the rope halfway across. To their astonishment, he lowered a rope to the Maid of the Mist below, and brought back up a bottle of something to drink. Then he continued his trip across, taking a mere 15 minutes.
Over the next 12 months he would continue to thrill spectators with more exciting and dangerous crossings. These included balancing a chair on the rope and standing on the chair, carrying his manager on his back, and crossing while shackled in chains. But Blondin was only one of many adventurous individuals to have encountered the falls in a unique way.
First daredevil 首位冒险犯难者
The first of the Niagara daredevils was Sam Patch, a mill worker from Rhode Island. In October of 1829, he announced he would dive 120 feet into the abyss from a platform fastened to the cliff of Goat Island between the two falls. Due to enormous newspaper publicity, a huge crowd gathered for the event. Patch first paused on the platform, then kissed the American flag in a patriotic gesture and leaped, feet first, arms straight by his sides. He hit the water at an estimated 60 miles per hour. When his head emerged from under the water, the hushed crowd went wild.
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stand in awe 肃然起敬 to be overwhelmed with respect for someone or something
anthem [ˋænθəm] n.(对母校等的)颂歌;国歌
tightrope [ˋtaɪt͵rop] n. 绷紧的钢丝; 绷紧的绳索
string [strɪŋ] v.(用线,绳)缚,扎,挂
sag [sæg] v. 凹陷; 下垂; 下弯
sure-footedly [ˋʃurˋfutɪdlɪ] adv. 步履稳健地 confident and capable; unlikely to fall, slip, or stumble
gasp [gæsp] v.(因惊讶等)倒抽一口气[(+at/with/in)]
audibly [ˋɔdəblɪ] adv. 可听见地,听得见地
encounter [ɪnˋkaʊntɚ] v. 遭遇;迎战 to confront in battle
mill [mɪl] n. 工厂
abyss [əˋbɪs] n. 深渊;深坑;深处 a very deep hole that seems to have no bottom
hushed [hʌʃt] adj. 寂静的
Queen of the Mist 雾之女王
This title was given to a 63-year-old schoolteacher named Annie Edson Taylor who was motivated by the belief that “barreling” over the falls would make her rich and famous. Taylor’s escapade was even more unusual because she couldn’t swim. Craftsmen carefully built a 54-inch barrel for her. It was held together with iron hoops and cushions were placed on the inside to protect her body. Launched from the American side on October 24, 1901, Taylor went over the falls in 10 seconds and then drifted to the Canadian side. Rescuers pulled the barrel to shore and opened the lid. There sat Taylor, who had been knocked unconscious and was bleeding from a head wound. “Have I gone over the falls?” she asked, somewhat dazed. Later, Taylor would advise others against attempting her feat, saying, “I would sooner walk up to the mouth of a cannon, knowing it was going to blow me to bits, than make another trip over the fall.”
Guardian of the Niagara 尼加拉瓜的守护者
In August 1918, William “Red” Hill Sr. returned from the Great War. He had been wounded twice and his lungs were permanently damaged in gas attacks. He had just arrived home when something happened which restored his spirits and facilitated his physical recovery. On August 6, a huge steel sand scow broke loose from its tugboat upstream and drifted toward the falls. The two men on board were trapped and appeared destined for death. However, the scow became wedged on some rocks just above the brink of the falls. It was Red Hill who helped rescue the men. A gun was used to shoot a 500-foot rope from land to the scow. Hill then shimmied along the rope over the rapids to the scow and helped the men get back to shore. Awarded a medal for his effort, Hill became known as the “Guardian of Niagara.” The scow remains stranded above the falls to this day.
-by Naomi Biesheuvel
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barrel [ˋbærəl] v. 将……装桶
hoop [hup] n. 箍; 箍状物;(孩子玩的)铁环
lid [lɪd] n. 盖子
dazed [dezd] adj. 晕眩的;茫然的
would sooner … than …宁可…,也不 would rather.. than ..
guardian [ˋgɑrdɪən] n. 保护者,守护者;管理员
sand scow 铲沙的大型平底船 a large, flat-bottomed boat with square ends, used to scrape sand from the bottom of a river
scow [skaʊ] n.【主美】敞舱平底驳船
tugboat [ˋtʌg͵bot] n. 拖船
wedge [wɛdʒ] v. 挤,插;卡住
shimmy [ˋʃɪmɪ] v. 优雅地移动
strand [strænd] n. 搁浅;处于困境
Vocabulary Focus
daredevil [ˋdɛr͵dɛv!] n. 铤而走险的人 a person who does dangerous things and takes risks
don [dɑn] v. 穿上;披上;穿着 to put on a piece of clothing
drench [drɛntʃ] v. 使湿透,浸湿[H][(+to/with)] to make extremely wet
scamper [ˋskæmpɚ] v.(孩子等)跳跳蹦蹦; 冲,奔,闯 to run with small quick steps, in a playful or frightened way
shackle [ˋʃæk!] v. 给……带上镣铐; 束缚,羁绊 to restrain someone with a pair of metal rings connected by a chain, usually fastened to the person’s wrists or legs to prevent them from escaping
patriotic [͵petrɪˋɑtɪk] adj. 爱国的 showing love for and pride in one’s country
escapade [͵ɛskəˋped] n. 冒险行为; 恶作剧 an act or situation that is exciting because it shows behavior that is not controlled as it usually is
facilitate [fəˋsɪlə͵tet] v. 促进;帮助 to make something possible or easier
brink [brɪŋk] n.(悬崖,江河等的)边,边缘 the edge of a cliff or other high area
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