Sherlock Holmes’ London 福尔摩斯的伦敦
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年12月28日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:444
Follow in the footsteps of this famous detective with a newly published guidebook 新出版的指南让读者可以按图索骥,追循名侦探福尔摩斯的足迹而行
Most of us have an attraction to master detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend, Dr. Watson. remains fully stocked with the original Sherlock titles and hundreds of spin-offs, knockoffs and rip-offs. Countless films have been made of the investigative duo and a new, big-budget Sherlock Holmes starring Robert Downey Jr. is being readied for release.
A great deal of its filming last winter was done in London – an elementary decision, as so many cases were set there, and the metropolis retains something of the feel of crimes and clues tucked into waistcoats and fog-darkened shadows.
We recently interrogated Thomas Wheeler, whose childhood interest in Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes novels and stories never abated. His book, The New ‘Finding Sherlock’s London’, lists more than 300 sites.
The absolute must-see 必看景点
The famous apartment Sherlock and Watson shared at 221-B Baker St. never existed, but Baker Street is still the best place to start, according to Wheeler.
“The Sherlock Holmes Museum, on the 200 block of Baker Street, has a sign over the door that reads 221-B. …. The museum’s actual address is 239. But the museum has a replica of Holmes and Watson’s room. ….The ground floor has a kind of curio shop where you can buy Sherlock Holmes items. Across from the museum at the Baker Street Underground station is a statue of the detective.”
Best Sherlockian place to eat 福尔摩斯式风味餐的最佳去处
“Go to the Sherlock Holmes Pub at 10 Northumberland with decent bangers and mash [sausages and mashed potatoes]. And behind glass is a replica of the 221-B drawing room, just as you imagined it.”
The neighborhood that looks most like Sherlock’s turf 最像福尔摩斯的地盘
“I’d say Craven Street, off Northumberland. It’s where a lot of houses were never torn down, and many are Victorian. It’s one of those backstreets just east of the Sherlock Holmes Pub.”
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spin-off 副产品; 衍生商品
knockoff [ˋnɑkˋɔf] n.(售价低廉的)冒牌服装;名牌仿制品
rip-off【俚】剽窃 something, such as a film or story, that is clearly imitative of or based on something else
metropolis [məˋtrɑp!ɪs] n. 大都市;首都;首府
tuck [tʌk] v. 把……塞进,把……藏入
waistcoat [ˋwest͵kot] n.【英】背心;马夹
fog [fɑg]n. 雾;雾气
must-see(指影片等)必须看的东西 a place, event, or entertainment that is highly recommended as worth seeing
block [blɑk] n.【美】(四面围有街道的)街区
curio [ˋkjʊrɪ͵o] n. 美术古董;珍品
banger [ˋbæŋɚ] n.【英】【俚】香肠,腊肠
mash [mæʃ] n.【英】【口】马铃薯泥
drawing room 客厅;会客室
turf [tɝf] n.【美】【俚】地盘;势力范围
backstreet [ˋbækstrit] n. 偏僻街道 a street in a town remote from the main roads
Best short walk for fans 福尔摩斯迷的最佳短途漫步路线
“One [walk] I cover in my book is only six-tenths of a mile and retraces the route to 221-B Baker St., as covered in The Adventure of the Empty House. The walk starts at Cavendish Square and ends up on Baker Street at the true Holmes-Watson site. The buildings on the walk are a mix of commercial and residential.”
“This is in a part of London right off Oxford Street, which has big stores – but you’re taking backstreets. The route is flat; this is an easy walk.”
Best add-on – for mood 能加深印象的最佳附加体验
“Dennis Severs’ House in Spitalfields is a must for seeing how Londoners lived in the 19th century. Their Monday evening tour is the most unique. Advance booking is necessary. They also offer daylight tours of the house. No advance booking is required for the daylight tours.”
Serious fan, exhaustive book 认真的侦探迷,令人筋疲力竭的书
Thomas Wheeler is a member of the Sherlock Holmes Society of London, one of the foremost associations of serious fans.
Die-hard fans are indeed a serious bunch, and The New ‘Finding Sherlock’s London’ is guilty as charged. It could easily be stocked in a bookstore’s travel aisle – or among reference guides in the mystery area.
死忠的福尔摩斯迷的确是十分认真的一帮人,而《新版〈寻找福尔摩斯的伦敦〉》也确实是认真撰写的一本书(译注:guilty as charged原指判决如指控般罪证确凿,此引申为本书的质量证明确是出于很认真的福尔摩斯迷之手)。该书可能会归类在书店的旅游类书架上,或是放在推理区的参考指南类书架上。
The volume is organized in several ways. One is by story/novel according to the year in which each was set. (Got a favorite? Just look up: Review the synopsis and literally view the scenes.) Another section groups sites by which of 80 Underground stations they’re near. Five walking tours are outlined, and two lists in the back tell which adventures feature 450 named characters.
The book is exhaustive, but it makes it infinitely easier for fans to find what they seek in London. As the man with the magnifying glass noted in A Case of Identity (1891), “The little things are infinitely the most important.”
-by John Bordsen
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retrace [rɪˋtres] v. 举(步)折回,折返
exhaustive [ɪgˋzɔstɪv] adj. 详尽无遗的; 彻底全面的; 使枯竭的
bunch [bʌntʃ] n. 一群人
guilty as charged (判决如指控般罪证)确凿; 犯有所控罪行 "Charged" means that you're accused of something (charged with a crime), and "guilty as charged" means that the book did whatever "crime" it’s accused of doing. Usually (outside of court) it is said jokingly.
stock [stɑk] v. 贮存
look up 查询 to check a fact or get information about something
synopsis [sɪˋnɑpsɪs] n. 概要
outline [ˋaʊt͵laɪn] v. 概述,略述
infinitely [ˋɪnfənɪtlɪ] adv. 无限地,无穷地;极其
note [not] v. 提到,指明
Vocabulary Focus
interrogate [ɪnˋtɛrə͵get] v. 提出问题; 审问;质问 to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to obtain information
abate [əˋbet] v. 减少,减弱,减轻 to become less strong
replica [ˋrɛplɪkə] n. 复制品 an exact copy of an object
foremost [ˋfor͵most] adj. 最重要的 most important or best; leading
die-hard 死忠的; 顽固的,死硬的 referring to someone who has a very strong interest in a particular thing
Sherlock Holmes - Official Movie Trailer 2009 [High Quality] - HD
The Sherlock Holmes Museum Baker Street (Best video ever)
Bus Ride down Oxford Street in London (HD) - Must Watch
Dennis Severs House - London UK