Zambia’s Natural Wonders 赞比亚的自然奇观
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年4月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年3月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:397
Come to this African country for the wildlife, but stay for Victoria Falls 到这个非洲国家欣赏野生生物,更要为了维多利亚瀑布多待一会儿
Oddly, the high point of my trip to Zambia in Africa wasn’t watching nearly extinct white rhinos from 30 paces, or seeing so many hippos in a river that I lost count, or walking next to zebras, or even the surprise bubble bath with a river view.
No, it was jumping into a pool literally on the edge of Victoria Falls and being able to swim to the very rim.
Zambia is where you go in Africa for a more intimate view of nature …. after you’ve done the wildebeest migration with 30 other safari cars on the Masai Mara.
My group of friends wondered initially about splitting the trip between a game park and Victoria Falls, but in the end, it was a perfect combination.
First, you watch animals, which means getting up before dawn and going out again at dusk, sometimes not finishing dinner till quite late. It can be exhausting. Then you go to Livingstone. Here, you make your own schedule, tasting the array of wild adventures.
Elephants, impalas and more 大象、黑斑羚及其他
Any trip that starts with an elephant sauntering past the front door of your lodge promises to be good. And it was.
“A couple of weeks ago, we had an elephant up on the deck drinking from the pool,” said one of the staff at Robin Pope Safaris Luangwa Safari House. “He was very careful not to step on the cushions.”
We got to see elephants around the lodge and all sorts of other game, but the walking safari was better. It’s different when you are on foot. The animals let you get closer. We practically strolled into a group of zebras.
Elephants just went on drinking. Impalas shone like gold against the shimmering sand of the dried-up Luwi River.
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high point 高潮, 高峰时刻 a moment or occasion of great intensity, interest, happiness, etc
intimate [ˋɪntəmɪt] adj. 亲密的
safari [səˋfɑrɪ] n.〔在非洲的〕野外观兽旅行
lodge [lɑdʒ] n. 旅舍;山林小屋
impala [ɪmˋpɑlə] n.【动】黑斑羚(产于非洲中南部)
All of this took place in the 3,500 square mile South Luangwa National Park in central Zambia. This place really is a Garden of Eden…. elephants, baboons, giraffes, birds of all kinds, and in front of Norman Carr Safaris Kakuli Bush Camp, more rhinos than anywhere else in south Africa. I lost count at 100.
Norman Carr originally was an elephant control officer and learned to love walks in the bush. Before the 1950s, it was thought you had to be in a vehicle to be safe, but Carr wanted to share the wonder of walking and worked out how to do it safely. We went out with a guide to explain things and a scout who carried the gum. And then we were off to Livingstone and Victoria Falls.
Dr. Livingstone, I presume? 我猜那就是李文斯顿医生吧?
Yes, that Livingstone: the one who discovered Victoria Falls. Don’t miss the museum in town and the room devoted to David Livingstone’s expeditions, which were unbelievable slogs through the wilderness. He died on the third one of malaria and dysentery.
But that’s not really what the area is known for these days.
“When I first came here,” said Tongabezi lodge owner Ben Parker, “the shops just had red plastic plates, blue plastic plates, Vaseline and peanut butter.”
Parker was among the first to build a lodge in the mid-1990s. Today there are some 15 “A-class” lodges, though most were built only in the last decade. We stayed in Tongabezi on the Zambezi River where I got to soak in a huge old-fashioned bathtub while watching rhinos swim past my window.
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work out 想出 come up with
scout [skaʊt] n. 侦察兵
dysentery [ˋdɪsn͵tɛrɪ] n. 痢疾;腹泻 infection of the intestine with bacteria or amoebae, marked chiefly by severe diarrhea with the passage of mucus and blood
Adventures at Victoria Falls 维多利亚瀑布的冒险之旅
But the star here is Victoria Falls, a rip in the earth that’s 1.7 kilometers wide and 110 meters high. And though the first thing you’d think of at a place with a gigantic waterfall is honeymoons, that’s not the half of it.
I thought Swakopmund in Namibia was Africa’s adventure capital but Victoria Falls gives Swakopmund a run for its money. Whitewater rafting, game viewing from canoes, walks with lions by your side, flights in microlights (think glider with a lawnmower engine), bungee jumping, and some craziness that involves swinging on a cable like a pendulum over the falls.
我原本以为纳米比亚的斯瓦科普蒙德是非洲的冒险首都,但相较之下维多利亚瀑布却一点也不逊色(译注:give…a run for …money指竞争激烈、丝毫不逊色)。激流泛舟、搭乘独木舟欣赏野生动物、徒步行走在狮群身边、搭乘微型飞机飞行(就像滑翔翼挂上割草机的引擎一样)、高空弹跳,还有吊着钢索在瀑布上方来回摆荡的疯狂之举。
And, of course, Devil’s pool.
You take a boat to Livingstone Island, which is where Livingstone first saw the falls on November 16, 1855, and named then after Queen Victoria. Devil’s Pool was discovered by fishermen around 1970, but didn’t become a tourist destination until the ’90s. You hike a bit, swim through a shallow pond and scramble over some rocks. Then you jump into the pool – a large basin 10 meters across and 3 meters deep with a sturdy rock lip at the very edge of the waterfall.
Our guide and his buddies scrambled over the rocks like they were crossing the street. We, meanwhile, let the current push us against the rocky rim where we clung, watching the sparkling water thunder from our shoulders to the chasm below.
The guides stood on the lip where their ankles formed a sort of fence. It was tempting to grab a foot but, well, it’s such bad form to knock your guide over the edge. So we just hung there and gawked.
In the end, my most vivid memory of Zambia was watching a waterfall, up close and personal. I did love the animals, but when I close my eyes and think back, it’s the thundering water I see.
-by Yvette Cardozo
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rip [rɪp] n. 裂口;裂缝;破洞
the half of it 【口】最重要的部分; a portion of something, typically implied to be the most important or significant part
give someone a run for someone’s money 争得难解难分; 丝毫不逊色 to be as good at something as someone who is known to be extremely good
whitewater [͵hwaɪtˋwɑtɚ] n. 急流
lawnmower [ˋlɔn͵moɚ] n. 割草机
cling [klɪŋ] v.〔尤指感觉不安全而〕紧紧抓住[抱住]
thunder [ˋθʌndɚ] v. 发出雷鸣般响声 to move fast and heavily
chasm [ˋkæzəm] n. 深渊; (地表的)陷窟 a deep, steep-sided opening in the earth's surface; an abyss or gorge
up close and personal 近距离地; 亲密地 intimately
Vocabulary Focus
migration [maɪˋgreʃən] n. 迁移;(候鸟等的)迁徙 the process of animals traveling to a different place, usually when the season changes
game [gem] adj. 狩猎的;猎物的 wild animals and birds that are hunted for food or sport
saunter [ˋsɔntɚ] v. 闲逛;漫步 to walk in a slow and relaxed way, often in no particular direction
stroll [strol] v. 散步,溜达;缓步走 to walk slowly in a relaxed manner, especially for pleasure
shimmering [ˋʃɪmɚlɪ] adj. 闪烁的 reflecting a gentle light which seems to move slightly
expedition [͵ɛkspɪˋdɪʃən] n. 远征;探险 an organized journey for a particular purpose
slog [slɑg] v. 步履艰难地行(路)a long and difficult walk, for example through wet, sticky soil or snow, or when very tired
pendulum [ˋpɛndʒələm] n. 摆锤;钟摆 a device consisting of a weight on a stick which moves from one side to the other, especially one which forms a part of some types of clocks
scramble [ˋskræmb!] v. 爬行,攀爬 to move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using hands to help
sturdy [ˋstɝdɪ] adj. 强健的;坚固的 physically strong and solid or thick, and therefore unlikely to break
gawk [gɔk] v.【美】【口】痴呆地看;张口瞠目 to look at something or someone in a stupid or rude way
Girls defy death at Victoria Falls! Devil's Pool, Livingstone Island, Zambia
A Tourist's Guide to Livingstone, Zambia
Robin Pope Safaris | Luangwa Safari House | Safari Zambia | South Luangwa
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Tongabezi lodge, Livingstone, Zambia