Medication Mix-ups 上错医院吃错药
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年3月22日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:376
Prescription errors harm millions of people each year 用药疏失每年导致数百万人受害
Slurred speech. Disorientation. Memory loss. Morris Ganaden thought he was having a stroke.
So did doctors in two emergency rooms, but brain scans and other tests turned up nothing wrong.
Turns out Ganaden, 75, wasn’t having a stroke. He was taking the wrong pills.
Despite efforts to prevent medication errors, mix-ups like this are occurring across the country with alarming frequency.
Ganaden was supposed to be taking a common thyroid medication called Synthroid. But a drugstore mistakenly refilled his prescription with Seroquel, a powerful antipsychotic that is used to treat symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
加纳登原本应该是要服用一种称为synthroid 的常见甲状腺药物,可是药局却误把Seroquel(思乐康)这种用来治疗精神分裂症和躁郁症等症状的强效抗精神病药物配给他。
Synthroid tablets are yellow and round. So are the larger Seroquel tablets. Ganaden didn’t detect the difference.
Synthroid 的药锭是黄色圆形的,而比较大颗的Seroquel药锭也一样的,所以加纳登没察觉到其中的不同。
“If it’s in the bottle, you don’t pay too much attention to what it is,” said Ganaden, a retired engineer. “If it was oblong, I probably would have noticed, but it was round and yellow.”
Getting it wrong 开错药
Medication errors – wrong drug, incorrect does or improper use – harm at least 1.5 million people every year, according to the Institute of Medicine. Confusion caused by drugs with similar names accounts for up to 25 percent of the reported errors.
Prostate drug Flomax gets confused with asthma drug Volmax. Premature infants with intravenous lines have received insulin instead of the blood thinner heparin. Patients with epilepsy have received the AIDS drug Keletra, instead of the anti-seizure drug Keppra.
“Unfortunately, these kinds of errors are commonplace,” said Jack Fincham, a professor at the University of Missouri-Kanasa City’s School of Pharmacy. “It’s the sheer number of drugs …. that look and sound alike. There’s lots of room for errors.“
Health care organizations and federal regulators are working to prevent these kinds of mistakes, but the job is daunting.
More Information
slurred [slɝd] adj. 含混不清的
disorientation [dɪsˋɔrɪɛnteʃən] n. 方向知觉的丧失, 迷惑
stroke [strok] n.(病)突然发作;中风
mix-up(计划上的)失误,差错 a state or an instance of confusion; a muddle
alarming [əˋlɑrmɪŋ] adj. 惊人的;令人担忧的;告急的
thyroid [ˋθaɪrɔɪd] adj.【解】甲状腺的;甲状软骨的;盾状的; n. 【解】甲状腺;甲状软骨;甲状腺剂 a gland in the front of the neck which is involved in controlling the way the body develops and works
antipsychotic [æntɪsaɪˈkɑtɪk] adj. 抗精神病的; n. 抗精神病药物a drug used to treat the symptoms of a psychiatric disorder
schizophrenia [͵skɪtsəˋfrinɪə] n. 精神分裂症 a serious mental illness in which someone cannot understand what is real and what is imaginary
bipolar disorder 躁郁症; 双极人格失常;双相情感障碍 a mental illness causing someone to change from being extremely happy and excited to being extremely sad and depressed
oblong [ˋɑbloŋ] adj. 椭圆形的
medication [͵mɛdɪˋkeʃən] n. 药物治疗; 药物
account for(在数量、比例上)占
prostate [ˋprɑs͵tet] adj.【解】前列腺(的)
intravenous [͵ɪntrəˋvinəs] adj. 注入静脉的 into or connected to a vein
insulin [ˋɪnsəlɪn] n. 胰岛素
epilepsy [ˋɛpəlɛpsɪ] n.【医】癫痫;羊痫风 a condition of the brain that causes a person to become unconscious for short periods or to move in a violent and uncontrolled way
school [skul] n. 学院;研究所;系
regulator [ˋrɛgjə͵letɚ] n. 监管者; 监管机构
In a 2008 report, U.S. Pharmacopeia, the organization that sets standards for drugs, found 1,470 drugs implicated in the medication errors, some lethal, caused by brand names or generic names that sounded or looked alike. Together, these drugs created more than 3,000 mixed-up pairs, nearly twice the number the organization counted in 2004.
“There has been a lot of attention paid to drug name mix-ups,” said Michael Cohen, a pharmacist and the president of the nonprofit Institute for Safe Medication Practices. “But we probably haven’t made a lot of progress on the possibility that a patient gets the wrong prescription.”
More than 3 billion prescriptions are filled each year, and the number keeps growing. Errors can be made all along the route from prescribing to dispensing.
A doctor’s illegible writing is mis-read. A bad phone connection makes a called-in prescription unclear. A busy pharmacy worker grabs the wrong pills off a shelf where inventory is kept in alphabetical order.
Analyzing the problem 分析问题
In a case like Ganaden’s, “you can almost see a scenario where a tech or pharmacist picked up the wrong med tray” to fill his prescription bottle, Cohen said.
Ganaden mentioned to his wife that the problem started just after he took his Synthroid. She scrutinized the pills with a magnifying glass. Although the prescription bottle said “Synthroid,” the pills were marked “Seroquel.”
Experts say consumers can do a lot to make sure they are getting the right drugs. For example: make sure your physician writes both the brand name and generic name on each prescription, along with the purpose of the drug.
At the pharmacy, accept the counseling offered by the pharmacist. With the pharmacist, check the labels on the bottles and open them to make sure the right pills are inside.
“Most consumers are in a rush and don’t see a value to it,” Cohen said. “And they’re wrong.”
−by Alan Bavley
More Information
pharmacopeia [͵fɑrməkoˋpɪə] n. 药典;配药书
generic [dʒɪˋnɛrɪk] adj. 非商标的;没有商标名的
pharmacist [ˋfɑrməsɪst] n. 药剂师
prescription [prɪˋskrɪpʃən] n. 处方,药方
dispensing [dɪˋspɛnsɪŋ] n. 配药
alphabetical [͵ælfəˋbɛtɪk!] adj. 字母的;照字母次序的
tray [tre] n. 盘子,托盘
pharmacy [ˋfɑrməsɪ] n. 药房
Vocabulary Focus
commonplace [ˋkɑmən͵ples] n. 司空见惯的事 happening often or often seen or experienced and so not considered being unusual
sheer [ʃɪr] adj. (用于强调)纯粹的,完全的,十足的 used to emphasize how very great, important or powerful a quality is
daunting [ˋdɔntɪŋ] adj. 令人怯步的;使人气馁的 making one feel slightly frightened or worried about one’s ability to achieve something
implicate [ˋɪmplɪ͵ketɪd] v. 牵连;连累 to show that something is involved in or partly responsible for something bad that has happened
illegible [ɪˋlɛdʒəb!] adj. 难读的;难认的 making writing or print impossible or almost impossible to read; not clear
scenario [sɪˋnɛrɪ͵o] n.【义】情节;剧本 a description of possible actions or events
scrutinize [ˋskrutn͵aɪz] v. 详细检查;细看 to examine something very carefully in order to discover information