Bursting the DNA Bubble DNA泡沫破灭
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年4月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:355
The study of the human genome is popular, but is it actually helping? 人类基因组研究正夯,但真的有帮助吗?
When the human genome was first sequenced nearly a decade ago, the world lit up with talk about how new gene-specific drugs would help us cheat death. Well, the verdict is in: Keep eating those greens.
The genome, as we all know, largely determines what we look like, our traits, and, significantly, our susceptibility to disease and other disorders. Tens of thousands of well-funded researchers around the world are trying to determine which segments of the genome contribute to which disorders. It is one of the biggest scientific endeavors in history, premised on the notion that the results can be used to prevent or fix many things, or possibly everything, that ails the human body – from allergies to cancer to aging itself.
Confusing connections 说不清楚、讲不明白的关系
Scientists have indeed been superb at finding connections between disorders and various strips of DNA. But it turns out that in the vast majority of cases, these connections happen to be convoluted, with any one disorder related to many genes and any one gene affecting many things in the body. Even when researchers are able to highlight a clear relationship between a single gene and a single disorder, they generally have little or no idea how those chunks of DNA are causing problems. Then there’s the disturbing tendency of gene-related treatments either to fail to work on the vast majority of people or else to entail horrific side effects.
Yes, we’ve cracked the genome. Experts can identify every one of the 3 billion bases in every micrometer of DNA in any cell in your body. But so far, that has not given the medical world any more ability to treat or predict most illness.
没错,人类是已经破解了基因组。专家可以辨认出人体任一细胞任一微米DNA 所含的三十亿个碱基,但是到目前为止,这对于医界治疗或预测大多数疾病的能力,并没有多大帮助。
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genome [ˋdʒi͵nom] n.【生】基因组
sequence [ˋsikwəns] v. [生化]确定…的顺序,确定…的化学结构序列
light up 点燃; 喜形于色, 露出愉快的表情
cheat death 逃脱死亡
verdict [ˋvɝdɪkt] n.【口】定论;判断;意见
trait [tret] n. 特征,特点,特性
susceptibility [sə͵sɛptəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 易受影响或损害的状态
well-funded 资金充足;资金充裕的
endeavor [ɪnˋdɛvɚ] n. 尝试; 努力
ail [el] v. 使受病痛
superb [sʊˋpɝb] adj. 杰出的
highlight [ˋhaɪ͵laɪt] v. 使显着,使突出
disturbing [dɪˈstɜːbɪŋ] adj. 令人不安的
entail [ɪnˋtel] v. 导致
base [bes] n.【化】碱;盐基
Humans are surprisingly complex 出乎意料复杂的人类
In truth, scientists knew something was wrong as soon as they counted up the genes after cracking the first genome. Until then, there were thought to be about 100,000 genes, and it seemed remarkable that an entity as complex as a human being could be specified by so few pieces of code. But when the genes in the finished genome were tallied, they came to about 25,000. If there were one-fourth as many genes, then each gene was on average doing four times as much as they’d thought.
It turns out that many dozens or even hundreds of genes each contribute to any given human attribute, and any one gene might contribute to several. Genes, in other words, turn out to work not as simple disease switches, but in impossibly complex networks.
The simple fact is still just don’t know very much about genes, says Craig Venter, who famously spearheaded the push to sequence the human genome and remains a driving force in genetics research. “We don’t know what most genes do, and we certainly don’t know what the variations are in most people.”
More questions than answers 问题比答案多
For scientists, the fact that the genome has raised far more questions than it has answered is a treasure trove of opportunity. The National Institutes of Health has funded roughly 280 new studies that each comb through multiple genomes; one new project alone has set out to map the genomes of 1,000 people. About 35 million strips of DNA have already been catalogued in one form or another as being common to all people, and the number is growing steadily. But solidly verifying most potentially useful gene links would necessitate poring over at least 10,000 genomic samples, and rarer links would require samples from more people than live on the planet.
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count up 算出...的总数 to count things or people to see how many there are
until then 在此之前
specify [ˋspɛsə͵faɪ] v. 详细指明;明确说明
contribute [kənˋtrɪbjut] v. 贡献,提供[(+to/towards)]
variation [͵vɛrɪˋeʃən] n. 变化;变动;变化的程度
trove[ trov] n. 贵重的发现物(= treasure trove)
comb through 彻底检查; 研究; 梳理 to look through something, examining it thoroughly
catalogue [ˋkætəlɔg] v. 归类,编列目录; 登记,记载
solidly [ˋsɑlɪdlɪ] adv. (证据、消息等)可靠地,确凿地
verify [ˋvɛrə͵faɪ] v. 证明,证实
necessitate [nɪˋsɛsə͵tet] v. 使成为必需,需要[+v-ing]
rare [rɛr] adj. 稀有的,罕见的
Little payoff so far 至今无斩获
Many say it’s not fair to claim that the genome hasn’t paid off, insisting that all sorts of marvelous new drugs are still in the decade-long drug-development and testing pipeline. It’s true that the Human Genome Sciences lupus drug suddenly looks promising, but other specific examples are hard to come by.
Others say what we’re getting out of genomics is “personalized medicine.” That is, by having our personal genes read, we’ll find out what diseases we’re at risk for and which drugs will work best for us.
“The question is, What does knowing about a gene give you that you don’t already know?” says Jay Kaufman, who heads product marketing at Affymetrix. Why get tested for genetic risk of heart disease if your doctor has already put you on statins because you’re overweight and have high LDL cholesterol? What can your doctor do with the fact that you carry a gene that puts you at higher risk of Alzheimer’s? Who need a gene test to find out they’re at risk for obesity when they can just look in the mirror?
Does the genome matter at all? 基因组到底重不重要?
None of this is to say we shouldn’t have bothered with the genome, or that we should stop working on it now. But we shouldn’t base our decisions to invest in the science or in the biotech that comes out of it on an incomplete understanding of how long a task we’re facing.
There really has been a payoff from the genome, if an indirect one: In the vast majority of cases, individual genes apparently don’t influence your destiny as much as, or at least any more than, your behavior does. So lose weight. Get some exercise. Breathe clean air. Don’t smoke. It’s pretty much the same advice your great-grandfather got from his doctor. I bet it’s the same advice your great-grandchildren will get from theirs.
−by David H. Freedman
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payoff [ˋpe͵ɔf] n. 收益
pay off【口】(尤指冒风险的政策、做法等)带来好结果, 成功, 行得通
lupus [ˋlupəs] n.【医】狼疮
come by 得到; 获得; 接近 obtain, especially accidentally
bother [ˋbɑðɚ] v. 麻烦,费心[(+with/about)][+to-v][+v-ing]
Vocabulary Focus
verdict is in 裁决有了定论 a judgment or conclusion about something has been reached
premise [ˋprɛmɪs] / [prɪˈmaɪz] v. 提出..为前提; 前提.. ; 假设 to base a theory on an idea or belief that is thought to be true
convoluted [ˋkɑnvə͵lutɪd] adj. 错综复杂的 describes theories, explanations, etc. that are unreasonably long and difficult to understand; complicated
tendency [ˋtɛndənsɪ] n. 趋势,潮流 the likelihood that something will happen, or often happens
crack [kræk] v. 破解(密码),解开(难题等)to find a solution to a problem
tally [ˋtælɪ] v. 计算,清点; 记录 to record or count a number of items
spearhead [ˋspɪr͵hɛd] v. 当……的先锋;带头 to lead a course of action
treasure trove【英】【律】物主不明的贵重埋藏物;有价值的发现(或收藏)物 a place that is full of something valuable
pore over 钻研(某事物); 审察; 审视 to study or look carefully at something, especially a document
in the pipeline (指变化、法令、建议等)在准备(或讨论、酝酿中), 即将发生 something that is being developed and will happen in the future
indirect [͵ɪndəˋrɛkt] adj. 间接的;非直接相关的 happening in addition to an intended result, often in a way that is complicated or not obvious