The Pros and Cons of Coffee 咖啡的优缺点
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年11月29日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:404
The coffee health debate 咖啡是否健康的辩论
When you wake up at the crack of dawn each day, like café owner Matalia Kost-Lupichuk, you need your coffee.
“I’m up every morning by 5 o’clock. Coffee gets the energy going,” says the owner of Natalia’s Elegant Creations. Kost-Lupichuk is among 56 percent of American adults who drink coffee regularly, the National Coffee Association says.
Though many refer to their java habit as an unhealthy indulgence, experts say that in moderation, a cup or two of joe a day actually has numerous health perks.
“People always talk about it as if it’s a little bad for you. That’s not necessarily true,” says Donald Hensrud, associate professor of Preventive Medicine and Nutrition at the Mayo Clinic. “Coffee contains over 2,000 different chemical components, including cancer-fighting anti-oxidants.”
Some studies suggest coffee can boost vision and heart health, says registered dietitian Elisa Zied, author of Nutrition at Your Fingertips. Research also has suggested coffee helps people with liver disease, but it has mixed results when it comes to diabetes.
Watch your intake quantity 留意摄取量
Loading up on cream and sugar is a bad idea, Hensrud says. A Starbucks Venti 24-ounce double chocolate chip Frappucino has 520 calories, 14 grams of saturated fat and 75 grams of carbohydrates. Pregnant women and people with anxiety and sleep problems should especially watch their intake, he says.
Also, people metabolize caffeine differently – the result of genetic differences, Hensrud says.
Caffeine’s influence can last for 10 hours or more, says researcher Jim Lane, a professor of medical psychology at Duke. He recommends pacing yourself throughout the day: “It’s nice to have places to meet friends that aren’t alcohol-related, but it does sort of encourage people to ignore the drug effects of caffeine.”
More Information
indulgence [ɪnˋdʌldʒəns] n. 嗜好; 爱好; 沉溺; 放纵
perk [pɝk] n. 利益 benefit
anti-oxidant [͵æntɪˋɑksədənt] n. 抗氧化剂
dietitian [͵daɪəˋtɪʃən] n. 营养学者
pace [pes] v. 调整……的速度(或步调)regulate
More on coffee’s perks and pitfalls: 再谈咖啡的长处与短处
Aging 老化
Recent research suggests caffeine could help protect against cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia, says Mayo’s Hensrud. Large clinical trials are still needed, though, says Duke aging expert Murali Doraiswamy. “We still don’t know the right does for seniors,” Doraiswamy says. “Bottom line: I would not recommend caffeine solely as a preventative strategy for dementia.”
Wakefulness/performance 提神/表现力
Convinced you need a morning cup to wake up? Research online in Neuropsycho-pharmacology suggests frequent coffee drinkers develop a tolerance to the anxiety-producing and stimulatory effects of caffeine. A study last month suggests those who consume caffeine perform better on the job.
Dental 牙齿
Coffee exacerbates bad breath, Zied says. It also can give teeth a yellow tinge.
Heart 心脏
Too much coffee at once can increase blood pressure, but a cup or two a day generally does no harm to heart health, says Carl Lavie, medical director of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Prevention at John Ochsner Heart and Vascular Institute in New Orleans. Rarely, overindulgence can increase heart rate and cause heart rhythm disturbances, he says.
Liver 肝脏
“Coffee intake is associated with a reduced risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer,” Hensrud says.
Migraine 偏头痛
Hensrud says coffee can ease migraines in some people. Coffee lovers who drink at work each day should keep up the habit on weekends, because skipping coffee can lead to withdrawal headaches, he says.
Sleep 睡眠
The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant. It can make you jittery and contribute to insomnia, says sleep expert Craig Schwimmer, medical director of The Snoring Center in Dallas. “It’s all in how you use it,” he says, explaining that caffeine has a half-life of about six hours. A couple of cups in the morning is fine, but for those with sleep troubles, cut coffee at least six hours before bedtime.
−by Mary Brophy Marcus
More Information
dementia [dɪˋmɛnʃɪə] n. 痴呆 a medical condition that especially affects older people, causing the memory and other mental abilities to gradually become worse, and leading to confused behaviors
bottom line 基本意思(或情况)the most important or fundamental aspect of a situation
neuropsycho-pharmacology [͵njʊrəsaɪko ͵fɑrməˋkɑlədʒɪ] adj. 神经心理药物学 a science which studies the affects that drugs have on the mind
pharmacology [͵fɑrməˋkɑlədʒɪ] n. 药理学
tinge [tɪndʒ] n.(较淡的)色调,色彩
rehabilitation [͵rihə͵bɪləˋteʃən] n. 复健; 康复训练
cirrhosis [sɪˋrosɪs] n.(肝脏等的)硬化 a serious disease of the liver which usually causes death
migraine [ˋmaɪgren] n. 偏头痛 severe continuous pain in the head, often with vomiting and temporary vision problems
keep up 保持(同一速度或水平); 继续 to preserve or sustain
insomnia [ɪnˋsɑmnɪə] n. 失眠 when someone is unable to sleep over a period of time (days, weeks, months)
Vocabulary Focus
at the crack of dawn 黎明时分 very early in the morning; at sunrise
java [ˋdʒɑvə] n. 爪哇产的咖啡 a slang term for coffee
joe [dʒo] n.【俚】家伙; 咖啡(非正式用法) a slang term for coffee (informal)
cognitive [ˋkɑgnətɪv] adj. 认知的;认识的 connected with thinking or conscious mental processes
exacerbate [ɪgˋzæsɚ͵bet] v. 使恶化;使加重 to make something which is already bad worse
withdrawal [wɪðˋdrɔəl] adj. 脱瘾症状的 the unpleasant physical and mental effects which result when one stops doing or taking something, especially a drug, which has become a habit
jittery [ˋdʒɪtərɪ] adj.【口】紧张不安的;神经过敏的 shaky and slightly uncontrolled
Is Coffee Bad For You? Discover The Truth About The Health Benefits Of Coffee!