Revitalizing Exercise 运动使人重获活力
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年1月12日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:352
New research shows the healing power of exercise 最新研究显示运动确有疗效
The standard weapons in the fight against cancer – surgery, chemotherapy and radiation – may soon be joined by something far simpler: exercise. New research shows that regular physical activity helps reduce the risk of recurrence of breast cancer and shows the advance of prostate cancer.
In a few years, exercise will probably be prescribed regularly for cancer rehabilitation, said Melinda Irwin, an expert on cancer and exercise at Yale University School of Medicine. Exercise will become a “targeted therapy, similar to chemotherapy or hormonal therapy,” she said. Exercise offers many other advantages: It fights the fatigue caused by cancer treatment, calms anxiety and helps survivors feel better about themselves and their bodies.
There are 10 million cancer survivors in the United States, 22 percent of them women who have had breast cancer, 17 percent of them men who’ve had prostate cancer. Exercise makes sense for most of them – to live longer, avoid other health problems and just feel better.
Using exercise in cardiac rehab 心脏病患复健加入运动疗法
Heart attack patients are now routinely put on exercise plans. But workouts for cancer patients are neither prescribed by doctors nor covered by health insurance.
“We’re where cardiac rehab was 20 years ago,” Irwin said. Once exercise was shown through research to prevent fatal heart attacks, 12 weeks of rehabilitation became the standard of care for most heart patients. In fact, many hospitals opened cardiac rehab centers.
Even with a low level of exercise, people benefit psychologically, said Rita Musanti, an oncology nurse-practitioner at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey. With so many cancer survivors in the community, she’d like to see informal networks created to encourage recovering cancer patients.
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revitalize [riˋvaɪt!͵aɪz] v. 使恢复元气; 使恢复生气
prostate [ˋprɑs͵tet] adj.【解】前列腺(的)
make sense 合理, 可行; 有意义, 说得通
oncology [ɑŋˋkɑlədʒɪ] n.【医】肿瘤学 the study and treatment of tumors (masses of diseased cells) in the body
practitioner [prækˋtɪʃənɚ] n. 开业者; 从事者,实践者
Exercise and cancer recovery 运动与癌症复原
Researchers are working to understand how physical activity helps fight cancer. Their findings so far suggest: 研究人员目前正试图了解运动如何能协助对抗癌症。迄今的研究发现显示:
- Exercise reduces blood level of insulin, a substance in the blood that causes cells to divide and grow more quickly. Women with high levels of insulin have a slightly higher risk of breast cancer and a much higher rate of recurrence and death. 运动会降低血液中胰岛素的浓度。胰岛素这种人体中的物质,能促使细胞分裂,及更快速地成长。女性体内的胰岛素浓度若较高,则罹患乳癌的机率也会略微增高,而乳癌复发与死亡的机率则会大增。
- Exercise helps repair infection-fighting T-cell, restoring the immune system after it has been damaged by chemotherapy. 运动有助于修复专事对抗感染的T细胞,并使因化疗而受损的免疫系统逐渐复原。
- Exercise reduces levels of circulating estrogen and testosterone, two hormones linked to different cancers. 运动会降低在体内循环的雌激素与睪丸素浓度,而这两种荷尔蒙和一些不同种类的癌症有关连。
- Exercise prevents weight gain and promotes weight loss, important because obesity is associated with lower rates of survival for many forms of cancer. 运动有助于预防体重增加,并促进减重。这一点相当重要,因为对很多种癌症而言,肥胖往往和存活率较低有关连。
The path back to health 重返健康之路
Most of scientific work so far has focused on women with breast cancer. But studies have also shown exercise has positive effects for survivors of colorectal and prostate cancers. Among men older than 65, three hours of vigorous activity a week was associated with a decline in death from prostate cancer.
Exercise is now considered so beneficial that cancer experts are even encouraging patients to begin or resume exercise while treatment is under way. Workouts might need to be scaled back in intensity and pace, but “evidence strongly suggests that exercise is not only safe and feasible during cancer treatment, but that it can also improve physical functioning and some aspects of quality of life,” according to the American Cancer Society. When scar tissue forms after surgery, it limits flexibility. Exercise can help women who’ve had mastectomies and underarm incisions restore the range of motion.
Becoming active again, said one recovered cancer patient, helped her “realize that cancer is not a jail sentence. It’s a big bump in the road. But you can find your new normal, and have a great life.”
−by Lindy Washburn
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insulin [ˋɪnsəlɪn] n. 胰岛素
estrogen [ˋɛstrədʒən] n.【生化】雌(甾)激素 a female hormone that causes development and change in the reproductive organs
testosterone [tɛsˋtɑstə͵ron] n.【生化】【药】睪丸素(一种男性荷尔蒙)a male hormone that causes a stage growth in older boys and change in their reproductive organs
obesity [oˋbisətɪ] n. 肥胖;过胖
colorectal [͵kɑləˋrɛkt!] adj.【解】结肠直肠的
resume [rɪˋzjum] v. 重新开始,继续
scar [skɑr] n. 疤;伤痕
mastectomy [mæsˋtɛktəmɪ] n.【医】乳房切除(术)a medical operation to remove a woman’s breast
incision [ɪnˋsɪʒən] n.【医】切口
Vocabulary Focus
recurrence [rɪˋkɝəns] n. 再发生,复发 the act of something happening again
rehabilitation [͵rihə͵bɪləˋteʃən] n.(病残人的)康复 the process of returning someone to a good or healthy condition, state or way of living
restore [rɪˋstor] v. 修复;修补 to return something to an earlier good condition
vigorous [ˋvɪgərəs] adj. 有力的; 剧烈的 very forceful or energetic
scale back 按比例缩减,相应缩减 to reduce something in size or amount
feasible [ˋfizəb!] adj. 可行的;可实行的; 可能的;合理的 possible or reasonable
jail sentence 被判入狱 a punishment that is suffered for a very long time
bump in the road 路上的一大阻碍 an unexpected, sometimes temporary, minor inconvenience; a problem or setback
Benefits of Exercise for Cancer Survivors