Anorexia: Seeking Help From the Family 厌食症:向家人寻求协助
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年2月18日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:366
New therapies are showing higher rates of success for anorexia suffers 新的厌食症疗法对患者的成功治愈率大增
Twenty years ago, when Cheryl Bergin was a teenager and in the throes of anorexia nervosa, she weighed a mere 54 pounds. Tiny as she was, Bergin made big demands.
“If it wasn’t all natural, she wouldn’t eat it,” said [mother] Carol. “She’d watch everything I did. Anorexics become very manipulative with their families. It was like walking on eggshells.”
In the world of anorexia nervosa, medical experts will tell you, the Bergin family’s experience is common. As a means of coping, exhausted and frustrated parents acquiesce and often back off from discouraging their child’s unhealthy behavior. But that only encourages the anorexic behavior, says Dr. Denise E. Wilfley, professor at Washington University.
For years, anorexics were hospitalized and force-fed as a means of treatment. Success rates were low, as the patient would often go home and relapse.
In recent years, studies involving individual and family therapy have shown a higher rate of success.
So it is that researchers at Washington University are looking for local families with a child between ages 12 and 18 suffering from anorexia nervosa to take part in a 16-week-long study on family therapy. Sessions will include family discussions about the adolescent’s life and developmental issues and concerns, as well as any positive parenting strategies, such as improving communication.
Just as parents of anorexics often back away from issues surrounding food, they also tend to avoid discussing other important life issues for fear of pushing them away, Wilfley says.
“It’s teaching the parents to talk in a positive manner that’s supportive. Again, it helps the parent become part of the solution in that regard,” Wilfley says.
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throes [θroz] n.(常用复数)阵痛;痛苦的挣扎
anorexia nervosa 神经性厌食症 a serious illness often resulting in dangerous weight loss, in which a person does not eat or eats too little because she fears becoming fat
anorexia [͵ænəˋrɛksɪə] n.【医】食欲缺乏(症);厌食
make demands of someone 对…提出要求 to expect someone or something to do something or act in a particular way
anorexic [͵ænəˋrɛksɪk] n. 患厌食症的人,尤其指患有神经性厌食症的人
back off from someone or something 放弃,收回(主张、要求、承诺等)to begin to appear uninterested in someone or something
hospitalize [ˋhɑspɪt!͵aɪz] v. 送…入院治疗
relapse [rɪˋlæps] v. 故态复萌; 旧病复发 to become ill or start behaving wrongly again, after making an improvement
take part 参与, 参加 to participate in something
session [ˋsɛʃən] n. (议会等的)会期
parenting [ˋpɛrəntɪŋ] n. 对子女的养育
for fear of something 惟恐; 以免(发生危险) out of fear for something; because of fear of something
push away 推开 to show that they do not want someone's help or attention
regard [rɪˋgɑrd] n. 关系,事项
Overcoming the disease 克服疾病
Dr. Cheryl Bergin, now 36, was hospitalized five times during her teens. It was expensive, and she always relapsed.
Her life was a nest of problems and trauma beyond her control. She’d been molested by a male relative. She’d suffered a fractured back while competing as a gymnast. Her grandmother, whom she was close to, died. Her best friend tried to commit suicide. And her dad sank into deep depression and alcoholism. Restricting her eating was the only thing she could control.
“I would come out of the hospital and immediately stop eating again because I [was] back in the same environment that triggered it,” said Bergin.
She overcame the disease while attending university and getting treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder. She’s since become an ophthalmologist and public speaker on the topic of anorexia.
Her mother, Carol Bergin, thanks recovery began when her daughter moved into dormitory, forcing her to manage her own life and preventing her from manipulating her family. The Bergins also attended family counseling, which helped quite a bit.
“As we found out with her illness, you’re afraid to talk about it and open up about things,” she says. “Communication completely breaks down, because you don’t want to upset her.”
Today, Cheryl has a standing date with her parents to eat breakfast every Sunday. They all wish experts knew more about family counseling when they were dealing with anorexia.
“If we would have had help as a family, I think it would have made a big difference,” Carol says. “It may not have sped up her recovery, but it would have helped us know how to react to what she was going through.”
−by Cynthia Billhartz
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a nest of 一窝…, 一套…
nest [nɛst] n.(罪恶等的)温床[(+of)] a place where the conditions are just right for something bad to flourish
molest [məˋlɛst] v. 骚扰; 调戏(女性)
fracture [ˋfræktʃɚ] v. 使断裂;使折断;使骨折
gymnast [ˋdʒɪmnæst] n. 体操运动员
alcoholism [ˋælkəhɔl͵ɪzəm] n. 酗酒
obsessive-compulsive disorder【心】强迫症(OCD)a mental illness which causes the sufferer to do something repeatedly for no reason
obsessive [əbˋsɛsɪv] adj. 妄想的;使人着迷的;困扰人的
compulsive [kəmˋpʌlsɪv] adj. 强迫的;强制的
ophthalmologist [͵ɑfθælˋmɑlədʒɪst] n. 眼科医师 a doctor who treats eye diseases
open up 开诚布公 to talk in a free and honest way
Vocabulary Focus
in the throes of 在…的痛苦中, 苦苦地… experiencing or doing something which is difficult, unpleasant or painful
manipulative [məˋnɪpjə͵letɪv] adj. 操纵的;控制的; 善于摆布(他人)的 describing someone who tries to control people to their advantage
walk on eggshells 如履薄冰; 战战兢兢; 小心翼翼的 to be very careful in dealing with someone in order not to upset them
acquiesce [͵ækwɪˋɛs] v. 默认;默许;默从[(+in)] to accept or agree to something, often unwillingly
back away 因害怕或厌恶而后退; 不愿考虑(+from) to show that you will not promote a plan or idea any longer
in that regard 在那件事; 在那方面 in this particular way or in connection with something previously stated
sink into 堕落; 陷入(消极、不活跃或不愉快的状态) to pass into a condition of unhappiness and hopelessness
break down (因机械、电力等故障)停止运转, 失灵, 失效 to stop working or not be successful
standing [ˋstændɪŋ] adj. 长期的;常设的;常备的 permanent or always continuing to happen
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