Living With Alzheimer’s 老年痴呆症患者活出尊严
Can those in the early stages of Alzheimer’s stay active and enjoy life? 老年痴呆症患者患病初期能否保持活动力,持续享受生活之乐呢?
Bob Blackwell can rattle off the names of every country in Europe, even the obscure little islands, but most days he can’t remember his computer password or his wife, Carol’s, cell phone number.
The 30-year CIA veteran recalls trips to the USSR on Air Force One with Vice President George H. W. Bush and meetings with Presidents Carter and Reagan, but he occasionally forgets which exit to take on the way home.
At 65, Blackwell, now retired, is experiencing the baffling symptoms of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease, a form of dementia.
He sings in a choir, hikes and kayaks with Carol, breakfasts every week with friends, builds sand castles with his grandchildren and can recount details from a spy novel he’s reading. But sometimes he just can’t summon up the word he wants.
“It can be confusing,” says Blackwell, who holds a Ph.D. in political science but these days leaves tasks such as balancing the checkbook, paying bills and travel planning to Carol. Despite the challenges, he has found that the best way to weather the disease right now is to stay active physically and mentally, hope a cure isn’t far-off and surround himself with family and friends.
Starts with subtle changes 微小变化是病兆
Before Blackwell was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s almost two years ago, his wife and close friends noticed subtle differences in his mood and memory.
“About a year before Bob was diagnosed, he seemed much quieter than he used to be. He was normally happier, outgoing. He seemed somewhat more absent-minded, too, and had trouble figuring out different remotes, things on the computer,” say Carol, his wife of 41 years.
Blackwell had a series of tests, but it took months of doctor’s visits and medical exams because Alzheimer’s can be tricky to diagnose early. “The early stage can last for years, and during that time a person can be very functional,” says neurologist Scott Turner, from the Georgetown Medical Center.
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rattle off 急促地背诵 recite volubly or extravagantly
rattle [ˋræt!] v. 喋喋不休地说话
USSR 前苏联 the abbreviation for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
baffling [ˋbæf!ɪŋ] adj. 令人困惑的,难对付的;难解的
dementia [dɪˋmɛnʃɪə] n. 痴呆 a medical condition that affects especially old people, causing gradual worsening of the memory and other mental abilities, and leading to confused behavior
choir [kwaɪr] n.(教堂的)唱诗班;圣乐团
recount [riˋkaʊnt] v. 叙述,讲述
weather [ˋwɛðɚ] v. 经受住,渡过(难关等)
far-off [ˋfɑrˋɔf] adj.(时间、地点等)遥远的 at a great distance, absolutely or relatively
absent-minded [ˋæbsntˋmaɪndɪd] adj. 心不在焉的,茫茫然的 describing someone who tends to forget things or does not pay attention to what is happening near them because they are thinking about other things
remote [rɪˋmot] n. 遥控器 a remote control device
tricky [ˋtrɪkɪ] adj. 微妙的;难处理的
functional [ˋfʌŋkʃən!] adj. 能起工作的,正常运转的
Every day now, Bob says, is a chance to keep his brain alive and fend off the disease. “I want to beat this thing,” he says. “I want to help find a cure for me and for my kids and grandkids.”
Blackwell plays math and language games on his palm-sized computer, travels, takes international-relations classes and reads. The couple voyaged to New Zealand last year and plan to travel to Ireland this fall. “Recent research indicates staying mentally and physically active may help stave off dementia longer,” Turner says.
Misconceptions abound 不少错误认知
Blackwell’s adult children, Rob and Jennifer, are proud their father is trying to get joy out of his life instead of letting fear consume him.
“When I confided in some close friends and their response was, ‘Does he recognize you?’ I knew I had some clarifying to do. Many people still think Alzheimer’s is a mental disorder or that the people is debilitated and in a nursing home from the start.”
A 2008 report (called “Voices of Alzheimer’s Disease”) from the Alzheimer’s Association “show people are still very active and capable in the early stage of Alzheimer’s” says Peter Reed, the association’s senior director of programs.
Blackwell wants to be valued for the person he is: the boy who was a high school football player, the graduate student who fell in love with Carol, the CIA analyst who advised a president, a loving father who told a great bedtime story, and a doting grandpa.
He says the support of close family and friends helps him stay buoyed, particularly the unfailing love and companionship of his wife. “I couldn’t have made it this far without Carol,” he says, his voice catching.
−by Mary Brophy Marcus
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fend off 抵御, 抵挡 prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening
voyage [ˋvɔɪɪdʒ] v. 航海;航空;航行;旅行
stave [stev] v. 挡开;避开;延缓[(+off)]
confide [kənˋfaɪd] v. 吐露(或倾诉)秘密[(+in)]
clarifying [ˋklærə͵faɪɪŋ] n. 澄清疑虑
clarify [ˋklærə͵faɪ] v. 澄清;阐明
debilitated [dɪˋbɪlə͵tetɪd] adj. 疲惫不堪的;虚弱的; 操劳过度的
from the start 从一开始
capable [ˋkepəb!] adj. 胜任的; 有能力的
value [ˋvælju] v. 尊重;重视,珍视
buoyed [bɔɪd] / [buid] adj. 感到受鼓舞的
unfailing [ʌnˋfelɪŋ] adj. 不懈的; 永久的; 一贯的
companionship [kəmˋpænjən͵ʃɪp] n. 伴侣关系
catching [ˋkætʃɪŋ] adj. (情感等)有感染力的,感染性强的 attractive; catchy
Vocabulary Focus
obscure [əbˋskjʊr] adj. 隐匿的; 偏僻的; 鲜为人知的 not known to many people
summon up 唤起; 使想起 to remember or think about a word, memory or an image
stave off (something) 避免;防止 to try to make something bad happen later
debilitate [dɪˋbɪlə͵tet] v. 使衰弱 to make someone physically weak
doting [ˋdotɪŋ] adj. 溺爱的;偏爱的 showing that you love someone very much
buoy [ ˈbui / bɔɪ] v. 支持;鼓励 to make someone feel happier or more confident about a situation
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