Walking Your Extra Weight Away 走出苗条人生
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年8月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:311
Small movements throughout the day make a big difference 一天中无论任何时候,都趁机小小活动筋骨一下,对减重大大有帮助喔
Walking is a simple exercise that almost anyone can do anywhere. While walking may not burn calories like more vigorous activities, it helps lead to big differences in who is lean and who is overweight.
Dr, James Levine at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota has done studies showing that the calories people burn during daily nondescript activity is far more powerful in helping people to maintain or lose weight than the time they spend at the gym. He and his colleagues devised a [way to] measure all movement that a person did during the day. They fitted a device onto two groups of people – one group was thin, the other overweight – and they measured their daily activity.
美国明尼苏达州「梅约医学中心」詹姆斯.雷文博士所进行的研究显示,一般人从事日常生活平凡无奇的活动所燃烧的卡路里,对维持或减轻体重所具有的功效,远比花时间上健身房还高。雷文博士和同僚研发出一套方式,能计算出一个人在日常生活中的所有活动量,并让胖、瘦两组人分别佩戴特殊器材(译注:该器材全名为「姿势与活动检测器」〔Posture and Activity Detector〕)以测量其日常活动。
What they found was that the thin folks moved, on average, 2.5 hours more each day than the overweight folks, burning about 350 calories from this movement. The thin group also tended not to gain weight even when overfed; they just moved more.
Exactly what kind of activities did these thin people do? No, they weren’t running marathons; they just stood more, walked, fidgeted and used their arms and hands when they talked. Levine showed that thin people walked on average 3.5 miles per day more than their overweight counterparts; and when both thin and overweight folks were overfed, they all started to walk less. Overeating seemed to increase the tendency to move less, which then increased the risk for weight gain.
Can you become one of those restless, fidgety people who naturally burn calories? You may not be genetically programmed to do that, but by putting yourself into environments that encourage more physical activity, you will cultivate your own capacity to move.
So, why not start a walking program where you work?
-by Drs. Kay Judge and Maxine Barish-Wreden
More Information
vigorous [ˋvɪgərəs] adj.(体育活动)剧烈的,强度大的
fit [fɪt] v. 安装
overfeed [ˋovɚˋfid] v. 喂得太多;吃得太多
genetically programmed 由基因决定的 relating to the biological process by which the characteristics and qualities of parents are given to their children through their genes
Vocabulary Focus
lean [lin] adj.(人或动物)瘦的 not having fat
nondescript [ˋnɑndɪ͵skrɪpt] adj. 单调的,没趣的 very ordinary, or having no interesting or exciting features or qualities
fidget [ˋfɪdʒɪt] v. (由于紧张或无聊)摆弄,拨弄 to make continuous small movements
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