Oysters in Danger 幼牡蛎神秘死亡事件
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年1月30日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:430
Is the Pacific Ocean’s chemistry killing sea life? 太平洋海水中所含的化学物质,会是杀死海中生物的元凶吗?
The collapse began rather unspectacularly. In 2005, when most of the millions of Pacific oysters in this estuary failed to reproduce, Washington State’s shellfish growers shrugged it off. In a region that provides one-sixth of America’s oysters, everyone knows nature can be fickle.
美国牡蛎数量骤减的情况最早开始发生时,其实完全没有引起人们的注意。在二00五年,这处海湾(译注:美国华盛顿州的Willapa Bay)数以百万计的太平洋牡蛎繁殖幼苗失败之际,华盛顿州的贝类养殖者当时并不以意。全美有六分之一牡蛎都产于华盛顿州,而在这个地区里,大家对于大自然的无常多变,早就习以为常,见怪不怪了。
But then the failure was repeated in 2006, 2007 and 2008. It spread to an Oregon hatchery that supplies baby oysters to shellfish nurseries. Eighty percent of that hatchery’s oyster larvae died, too.
Now, as the oyster industry heads into the fifth summer of its most unnerving crisis in decades, scientists are pondering a disturbing theory. They suspect water that rises from deep in the Pacific Ocean may be corrosive enough to kill baby oysters.
If true, that could mean shifts in ocean chemistry associated with carbon-dioxide emissions from fossil fuels may be impairing sea life faster and more dramatically than expected. Scientists seeking to explain what’s plaguing these coastal oysters say the link to more corrosive water is strong but anecdotal. It could be just one of several factors.
But the possibility leaves some shellfish farmers uneasy about more than just their future business. Indications that ocean acidification may already play a role in the decline of oysters are a “sign of things being out of balance, and that scares the living daylights out of me,” said third-generation oysterman Brian Sheldon.
Who is to blame? 谁才是元凶?
Normally, oysters spawn in the water, producing larvae that swim and eventually attach to a hard surface – typically other oyster shells. This creates oyster seed, called a “set.” These mollusks are then moved by hand throughout the bay and take two to five years to fatten up. But somewhere between the larval stage and settling on a shell, these embryonic oysters are dying.
Researchers at first blamed an explosion of Vibrio tubiashii, an ocean-borne, larvae-killing bacteria. When researchers sampled the marine waters that get sucked directly into the hatcheries from the sea, they found bacteria counts nearly 100 times above normal. Even after installing extensive water-treatment systems, larvae died.
研究人员起初把矛头指向了名为Vibrio tubiashii的细菌数量暴增的缘故,因为这种生存在海中的细菌会杀死牡蛎幼苗。研究人员从孵化场自海里直接汲取上来的海水中取样,结果发现,这种细菌的含量超出正常含量近百倍之多。即使之后再装置大型净水处理系统,幼牡蛎照样纷纷死亡。
Then they noticed the water’s PH – the scale measuring acidity and alkalinity – sometimes dropped below normal, becoming more acidic. Seawater typically is slightly alkaline, but when oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere – as they have by the hundreds of billions of tons since the Industrial Revolution – they become more corrosive.
Researchers believe that might be what’s already happening on the Northwest coast. If oyster larvae are swimming in marine waters – whether pumped from the sea into a hatchery or in the bay – as deep, acidified water is pushed toward shore, that could be a problem.
Small improvements 小小的改良措施
In 2009, hatcheries have been able to improve production because of fewer upwelling events. Combined with new piping and technology, oyster production could stabilize before consumers notice a change.
But without major changes in the marine environment, small operators who count entirely on nature, like Sheldon, will likely continue to struggle.
−by Craig Welch
More Information
unspectacularly [͵ʌnspɛkˋtækjəlɚlɪ] adv. 普通地;不引人注目地 not spectacularly
estuary [ˋɛstʃʊ͵ɛrɪ] n. 河口;海口湾 the wide part of a river at the place where it joins the sea
shellfish [ˋʃɛl͵fɪʃ] n. 贝;有壳的水生动物
shrug [ʃrʌg] v. 耸肩表示
fickle [ˋfɪk!] adj. 易变的,无常的
hatchery [ˋhætʃərɪ] n. 孵卵所; 孵化场 a place where large numbers of eggs, especially fish eggs, are hatched and the young are taken care of
nursery [ˋnɝsərɪ] n. 苗圃;养鱼场;动物繁殖场
larva [ˋlɑrvə] n.【动】幼虫;幼体 (名复: larvae, larvas) a form of an insect or an animal such as frog that has left its egg but is not yet completely developed
ponder [ˋpɑndɚ] v. 沉思,默想;仔细考虑
disturbing [dɪsˋtɝbɪŋ] adj. 令人不安的
impair [ɪmˋpɛr] v. 损害,损伤
plague [pleg] v. 使受灾祸; 使染瘟疫
say [se] v. 假定; 假设 to suppose; assume
anecdotal [͵ænɪkˋdot!] adj. 传闻的;轶事的 based on rumor; based on casual observations or indications rather than rigorous or scientific analysis
acidification [ə͵sɪdəfɪˋkeʃən] n. 酸化,成酸性
to scare the living daylights out of somebody 把某人吓得半死: 把某人吓的魂不附体 scare somebody to death
daylights [ˋde͵laɪts] n.【俚】生命;意识;理智;daylight的名词复数
mollusk [ˋmɑləsk] n.【美】软件动物
fatten up 使…长肥 make fat or plump
embryonic [͵ɛmbrɪˋɑnɪk] adj. 胚芽的;胎儿的; 初期的 relating to an animal that is developing either in an egg, or a plant that is developing in a seed
-borne [born] comb.(用于复合词)由…携带的,由…运载的
alkalinity [͵ælkəˋlɪnətɪ] n.【化】(含碱物质的)碱浓度;碱性 the degree to which something contains alkali, a substance that has the opposite effect of or chemical behavior to an acid
Industrial Revolution 工业革命 the period of time during which work began to be done more by machines in factories than by hand at home
Vocabulary Focus
shrug (something) off 对…满不在乎; 对…不加理会 to not worry about something and treat it as unimportant
unnerving [͵ʌnˋnɝvɪŋ] adj. 使人胆怯的;使人紧张不安的 making someone feel less confident and slightly frightened
corrosive [kəˋrosɪv] adj. 腐蚀的;侵蚀性的 causing damage to something by a chemical action
spawn [spɔn] v. 产(卵); 生育 to produce large numbers of eggs or young
upwelling [ʌp'wɛlɪŋ] n. 上涌,上升流(指海水由较深层上升到较浅层的过程)referring to a process by which warm surface water is drawn away from along a shore by offshore currents and replaced by cold, often nutrient-rich waters from the ocean depths
stabilize [ˋsteb!͵aɪz] v. 稳定;安定 to become fixed and stop changing before becoming worse
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