The Next Wave of Solar Gear 太阳能风潮席卷全球
After decades of design neglect, solar-powered gadgets finally get a blast of style 数十年来,(太阳能产品)设计一直备受忽视,但如今太阳能器材终于欢庆美形变身
Solar energy got hot in the 1980s. Innovation Nation put on its thinking cap and began harvesting the resources that were literally falling from the sky: the 1,366 watts of solar energy that constantly rain down on every sunny square meter of earth. Smelling opportunity in those free-flowing photons, huge companies jumped into the sun business. In 1984, the energy giant ARCO teamed up with Fluor, the engineering conglomerate, to erect what was the largest solar farm in the world, a mammoth photovoltaic (PV) cluster in the California desert called Carrizo Plains. It was 120 acres of blue-gray panels, bolted to concrete posts. And if its rumored $65 million cost was accurate, then each watt cost about $10, only to be sold to the local utility, Pacific Gas & Electric, for pennies.
A rough start 艰难的起步
Thus was born solar’s reputation: hopeful, expensive and ugly. Americans who wanted to participate in this new energy-independence movement had to be millionaires with a south-facing roof or hold a PhD in mechanical engineering. They certainly couldn’t care about how their hardware looked.
Solar has since trickled down to the consumer-products market – calculators, alarm clocks, air purifiers – but even there, things haven’t looked much better. “When we took an audit of solar products at the point of use,” says Robert Regen, “we realized that most of them look like bad science experiments. …. There are very few objects I coveted or wanted to use.”
Makeover time! 整容时间!
So Brunner’s design firm, Ammunition Group, teamed with a New Mexican clean-tech venture accelerator called Noribachi to create patented solar-hybrid devices that also happen to be beautiful. Regen’s goal is twofold: Bring charm to a sector that has been devoid of it and satisfy a huge new appetite – customers with an urge to do good.
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neglect [nɪgˋlɛkt] n. 忽略;疏忽
blast [blæst] n. 阵, 一阵
rain down 大量降下 fall from clouds; fall
photon [ˋfotɑn] n.【物】光子
conglomerate [kənˋglɑmərɪt] n. 企业集团 a company that owns several smaller businesses whose products or services are usually very different
erect [ɪˋrɛkt] v. 建造; 竖立; 搭建
mammoth [ˋmæməθ] adj. 巨大的,庞大的
photovoltaic [fotovɑlˋteɪk] adj. 光电伏的 referring to a type of photocell that changes light from the sun into electricity, used in solar panels, pocket calculators, etc.
cluster [ˋklʌstɚ] n.(人,动物等的)群,组
bolt [bolt] v. 闩上,插上
post [post] n. 柱;桩;杆
utility [juˋtɪlətɪ] n. 公用事业;公用事业公司
audit [ˋɔdɪt] n. 审查 a methodical examination or review of a condition or situation
covet [ˋkʌvɪt] v. 垂涎;贪图;渴望
ammunition [͵æmjəˋnɪʃən] n. 弹药,军火
venture [ˋvɛntʃɚ] n. 冒险;冒险事业,投机活动
accelerator [ækˋsɛlə͵retɚ] n. 加速装置; 【化】催化剂;促进剂
sector [ˋsɛktɚ] n. 行业; 部分
devoid [dɪˋvɔɪd] adj. 缺乏的;没有的[F][(+of)]
Combing technology and beauty 结合科技与美学
Regen is not alone in its desire to make solar shine, however. Here are examples of great designs that finally see the light of day.
不过,里根并不是唯一想让太阳发光的公司,以下是其他终于拨云见日的优异设计例子(译注:make solar shine或see the light of day都是隐喻性的用法,用来和太阳能做文字游戏)。
Regen ReVu 里根ReVu
“The ReVe is a perfect example of serendipitous beauty,” says Regen’s cofounder Robert Brunner, of the lamp that uses only 4 watts per hour to generate the light thrown off by a 75-watt bulb, Regen needed enough surface area to collect enough solar power to drive five Cree high-performance LEDs. “By chance, it turned out to be plantlike,” Brunner says.
Regen ReVerb 里根ReVerb
Regen has filed a patent for what it calls a “conformal solar surface” – as an array of small photovoltaic panels that allow a curved surface to generate electric current. It may be the most beautiful and miserly iPhone/iPod dock ever made, drawing only 6 watts but putting out the equivalent of 60 watts.
Schott ASI Glass 施特ASI玻璃
Schott N.A., part of the $3.1 billion German glass giant Schott AG, created integrated PV panels that strike a once-impossible technical balance shade (or complete opacity), natural light, brilliant color, and electricity generation, all in one window. The result is visible at Coney Island’s Stillwell Avenue Terminal in New York, among other places.
Brunton SolarPort 4.4 布鲁顿太阳埠4.4
Bruton, a high-end camping-gear maker, has been building portable solar arrays for years. The SolarPort 4.4 has a USB power output to charge your GPS on the trail. And the foldable SolarPort even doubles as a charger for double- and triple-A batteries.
Samsung Blue Earth 三星蓝地球
The solar-enabled Blue Earth phone has a PV panel on the back to extend the duration of a wall charge and boasts a charger that uses less than 0.03 watts per hour in standby mode. An “Eco mode” lowers screen brightness (and battery draw) and improves Bluetooth efficiency; the “Eco walk” built-in pedometer calculates your CO2 emission reduction when you take a stroll instead of drive.
−by Paul Hochman
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see the light of day 诞生, 出现 to be made available or be known about
throw off (向空中)释放,散发出 to give off; emit
by chance 意外地, 偶然 accidentally; possibly; perchance
plantlike 似植物的 something similar to the shape of plant
conformal [kənˋfɔrm!] adj.【数学】共形的,保形的
dock [dɑk] n. 底座 v. 使…对接
draw [drɔ] v. 汲取
put out 放出; 生产, 制造
integrated [ˈɪntɪgreɪtɪd] adj. 综合的, 完整的
shade [ʃed] n. 遮光物
terminal [ˋtɝmən!] n.(火车,巴士等的)总站,终站
array [əˋre] n.(排列整齐的)一批;一系列
pedometer [pɪˋdɑmətɚ] n. 步数计;步程计
Vocabulary Focus
put on (one’s) thinking cap (or put your thinking cap on) 【口】仔细思量(经思考而努力去解决问题) to start to think seriously about how to solve a problem
trickle down 一滴滴地流下; 向下滴流 to start in the high parts of a system and gradually spread to the whole of the system
be devoid of (something) 无…, 没有…, 缺少… to lack or be without something that is necessary or usual
serendipitous [͵sɛrənˋdɪpɪtəs] adj. 机缘凑巧的; 意外的 referring to the lucky tendency to find interesting or valuable things by chance
miserly [ˋmaɪzɚlɪ] adj. 极少的; 太小的 describes an amount that is extremely small
opacity [oˋpæsətɪ] n. 不透明 difficult or impossible to see through
duration [djʊˋreʃən] n.(时间的)持续,持久;持续期间 the length of time that something lasts
Carrizo Arco Solar
Brunton Solarport 4.4 solar charger
Samsung S7550 Blue Earth solar phone - part 1 of 2