The Future of Transportation 未来世界的交通运输
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年9月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:413
One expert offers insight to new ways of getting around without damaging the environment 看专家如何提供洞见,探讨让大家能享受到四通八达的交通运输、却不至于破坏自然环境的新方式
Here’s one key to Daniel Sperling’s vision for the future of mobility. He doesn’t like to drive ….. petroleum-powered, single-occupant vehicles. His new book: Two Billion Cars: Driving Toward Sustainability, is a plan for how we can do better.
With coauthor Deborah Gordon, Sperling lays out a path to cleaner cars, greener fuels and – the biggest change – a richer menu of transportation options, from “smart” microbuses to shared neighborhood vehicles.
“We can provide a transportation system that’s cheaper and provides a better quality of service and more environmental benefits than the system we have now,” he said.
Sperling, 57, is the founding director of the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis. He is California’s Air Resources Board’s acknowledged expert on vehicles and fuels.
A push for new policies 推动制定新政策
Sperling has been thinking for years about many of the policies the air board is now enacting. Fuel efficiency in the United States hadn’t improved since the early 1980s. Detroit was captivated by fast-selling SUVs, and a hodgepodge of policies had pushed one alternative fuel, then another, to little lasting effect.
“I was frustrated by the nature of the public debate,” said Sperling. “It was not a very well-informed discussion.”
But by the time the book was released in December, the gears had begun to turn. New federal standards are set to improve fuel-efficiency to 35 mpg by 2020, and state officials are pushing for even higher targets. A new state law requires land developments to be designed to reduce driving. State regulators are hustling to cut California’s greenhouse gas emissions – roughly 40 percent of which come from vehicles – back to 1990 levels by 2020.
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get around 随意走走; 旅行
key [ki] n.(解决问题的)线索;秘诀;答案
single-occupant vehicle 单一乘客的自用车 a privately owned and operated vehicle, which is mainly for the driver’s own personal use
occupant [ˋɑkjəpənt] n. 乘坐者; 占用者
sustainability [sə͵stenəˋbɪlɪtɪ] n. 持续性;能维持性;永续性
lay out 规划,布置,设计(场地或建筑); 阐述;讲解;说明 to make a detailed plan for; to display
acknowledged [əkˋnɑlɪdʒd] adj. 公认的
SUV 多功能越野车(= sport utility vehicle) a very large vehicle that looks like a small truck and can be driven where there are no roads
mpg 每加仑行驶的英里数 miles per gallon
hustle [ˋhʌs!] v. 急速行进; 【口】拼命做
Balancing reason and vision 理性与愿景兼顾
Much of the book, Sperling said, is informed by conversations over decades with executives in global auto and oil industries. Those connections are part of what makes his transportation dreams, radical as some are, feel plausible. He knows what drives corporate decision makers, and recognized how quickly – or how slowly – their companies can realistically change.
“He has been a voice of reason and vision,” said David Cole, an industry expert. At the same time, Sperling has earned respect from the mainstream environmental community, which cheered his appointment in 2007 to an air board spot held in the past by auto industry insiders.
“I think he has a much broader perspective and therefore does command more respect on the board,” said Bill Magavern, director of Sierra Club California.
A look into the future 展望未来
Two Billion Carstakes its name from the number of vehicles projected to be on the world’s roads by 2020. If we get to that number with our current “transportation monoculture” of petroleum-burning cars and trucks, Sperling argues, we’ll end up stuck in ever-worse traffic, scouring the planet for oil and polluting the atmosphere.
For vehicles, Sperling expects that most of the basic technology we’re likely to see in the next 15 years has already been invented. In many cases, it’s on the way to show rooms.
The most noticeable change, he expects, will be that nearly every automobile eventually will use batteries and an electric motor. Some vehicles will draw power from a wall socket, others will blend the electric drive with a combustion engine like today’s hybrids. Further in the future, at least some will get their electricity from a hydrogen fuel cell.
Toughest of all, Sperling says, will be figuring out how to develop cheap, convenient alternatives to driving solo.
-by Jim Downing
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inform [ɪnˋfɔrm] v. 赋(思想或特质)于; 渗透入
radical [ˋrædɪk!] adj. 极端的; 过激的; 激进的; 彻底的
realistically [͵riəˋlɪstɪk!ɪ] adv. 切合实际地
cheer [tʃɪr] v. 欢呼,高呼;向……欢呼
appointment [əˋpɔɪntmənt] n. 任命,委派 the job or position to which such a person is appointed
spot [spɑt] n. 职位,职务 a job in an organization
insider [ˋɪnˋsaɪdɚ] n. 圈内人; 内部的人
command [kəˋmænd] v. 博得; 赢得 receive, get
project [prəˋdʒɛkt] v. 预计,推断
monoculture [ˋmɑnə͵kʌltʃɚ] n. 单一文化; 单一栽培;单一经营 a society that lacks diversity
scour… for something 搜寻, 寻找, 追寻…to search through or over thoroughly
scour [skaʊr] v. 急速穿过;走遍(某地)搜索
socket [ˋsɑkɪt] n.【电】插座;插口
combustion [kəmˋbʌstʃən] n. 燃烧
hybrid [ˋhaɪbrɪd] n. 混合动力车;油电混合车 a vehicle that uses two kinds of power sources, such as both fuel and electricity
hydrogen fuel cell 氢燃料电池 a device that produces electricity from the gases hydrogen and oxygen, and never loses its charge as long as the gases are supplied
Vocabulary Focus
mobility [moˋbɪlətɪ] n. 流动性;移动性;【社】流动 the ability to move freely
enact [ɪnˋækt] v. 制定(法律);颁布(法案)to put something into action, especially to change something into a law
hodgepodge [ˋhɑdʒ͵pɑdʒ] n. 混杂物;大杂烩;一团糟 a confused mixture of different things
well-informed [ˋwɛl ɪnˋfɔrmd] adj. 见多识广的; 有见识的 having a lot of knowledge about a particular subject or things in general
plausible [ˋplɔzəb!] adj. (借口或解释)有道理的; 可信的 seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed
mainstream [ˋmen͵strim] adj. & n. 主流派(的) referring to the way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people within a society
solo [ˋsolo] adv. 单独地 alone; without other people
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