History for Hire 历史出租
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年8月18日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:340
A Hollywood prop shop helps re-create the past 好莱坞道具店有助重现过往历史
The movie: an adaptation of a novel about a veterinary student who quits his studies to join a traveling circus.
The scene: a group of students, circa 1931, on the campus of Cornell University.
Jim Elyea’s task: to make sure the briefcases the students are carrying look authentic when the film begins shooting.
All in a day’s work 一天的工作
The co-owner of the History for Hire prop house in North Hollywood combs through a 1931 Sears catalog in his 5,000-book library, finds the correct design and selects the appropriate model among his collection of 400 vintage briefcases. It’s just another day at the office for Elyea.
He and his wife and business partner, Pam, established their company 25 years ago and have managed to survive in a Hollywood sector that has suffered several casualties over the last decade. Their secret weapon: avoiding debt and specializing in hard-to-find historical props, including Revolutionary War muskets, vintage Rickenbacker electric guitars and film cameras from the dawn of Hollywood.
他的太太潘身兼他的生意伙伴,夫妻两人在二十五年前成立这家公司。在好莱坞道具行业里,过去十年来有不少公司阵亡,伊利亚夫妇却生存了下来。他们的秘密武器是:避免借贷,并且专精稀有难得的历史道具,包括美国独立战争(译注:独立战争又名War of Independence)的毛瑟枪、李肯贝克电吉他的经典款式,以及好莱坞电影工业崛起初期的电影摄影机。
The company’s props, which fill a 30,000-square-foot warehouse, have been used in films such as Good Night, and Good Luck and The Aviator and numerous TV shows, including The Pacific, the HBO miniseries produced by Steven Spielberg.
“You don’t just rent a physical item; you rent the research that goes with it,” said Jim Elyea, a 59-year-old Texan. “We know our history.”
A love of antiques 热爱古董
The business is a second career for the couple. Pam had worked as a manager for a media buying company and Jim was a courtroom artist before indulging his passion for antiques, which he developed hanging around his mother’s antique shop in Texas.
The Elyeas were still living in their Hollywood apartment when Jim landed his first major job, supplying military gear to Oliver Stone’s film Platoon. He shipped 85 boxes of flak vests, helmets, machetes and other gear to the Philippines.
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prop [prɑp] n.【口】道具(= property)
veterinary [ˋvɛtərə͵nɛrɪ] adj. 兽医的
circa [ˋsɝkɚ] prep.【拉】大约于,大概是在……(用于日期、数字前) approximately, especially in reference to years
authentic [ɔˋθɛntɪk] adj. 真正的,非假冒的
vintage [ˋvɪntɪdʒ] adj. 古老的;最典型的 referring to something old, of high quality and lasting value
sector [ˋsɛktɚ] n. 行业
casualty [ˋkæʒjʊəltɪ] n. 伤亡
musket [ˋmʌskɪt] n. 毛瑟枪,滑膛枪
miniseries [ˋmɪnɪˋsɪrɪz] n. 电视连续短剧
texan [ˋtɛksən] n. & adj. 德州人(的)
hang around 闲混, 厮混
platoon [pləˋtun] n.【军】排
flak vest 防弹背心 a special piece of clothing worn by soldiers and police to protect them from bullets and weapon
flak [flæk] n.【军】高射炮;高射炮火
machete [mɑˋtʃete] n.(中南美印第安人的)大砍刀
The importance of getting it right 如实重现
Opening in a small storefront in North Hollywood, the company rapidly expanded after it acquired a warehouse full of props from Paramount Studios in 1989. A big break came a year later when director Richard Attenborough wanted to rent film cameras, dollies, eyeglasses and beach equipment for his movie Chaplin.
“Richard Attenborough told us that people learn their history from the movies, so it’s important to get it right,” Pam Elyea said. “That has been our philosophy.”
Scores of other projects followed, and by 2007 the company’s annual revenue had climbed to about $2 million. History for Hire’s inventory includes about 1 million props, from a 1920s can of peaches that rents for $5 a week to a camera dolly from Hollywood’s silent-film era that goes for $3,500 a week.
Painstaking historical research is a key part of the business. Hope Parrish, a veteran property master who worked with the couple on The Aviator, recalls how Jim drew a diagram on butcher paper showing precisely where microphones and cameras should be placed to re-create the actual Senate hearings depicted in the film.
“Their attention to detail makes my job 120 percent easier,” Parrish said.
History for Hire also diversified, renting out props not only for films and TV shows but also for commercials, music videos and magazines including Rolling Stone.
Keeping their fingers crossed 祈求老天保佑
As the economy recovers and studios ramp up production again, business has begun to rebound for companies like History for Hire. Sales are projected to climb up to 25 percent this year over last year, says Pam Elyea.
“Things are looking much better as far as production goes, although there is a huge concern about 2011, when the labor contracts expire. Another strike would be devastating.”
−by Richard Verrier
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storefront [ˋstɔr͵frʌnt] n. 店面
break [brek] n.【口】机会;好运
dolly [ˋdɑlɪ] n.【美】(电影等的)移动式摄影车 a wheeled platform which holds a camera operator and camera and is used for making moving shots
painstaking [penz͵tekɪŋ] adj. 仔细的;煞费苦心的
property [ˋprɑpɚtɪ] n. 道具 prop
diagram [ˋdaɪə͵græm] n. 图表;图解
butcher [ˋbʊtʃɚ] n. 屠夫;屠户;肉贩子
labor contract 劳动契约 contract between labor and management governing wages and benefits and working conditions
Vocabulary Focus
adaptation [͵ædæpˋteʃən] n. 改编,改写 a film, book, or play that has been made from another film, book, play, etc.
all in a day’s work 每日常规的一部分, 日常工作 a usual part of a person’s job, even if it may be difficult, unpleasant or strange
comb through 彻底搜查 to search through a place or an area very carefully
the dawn of 开端;曙光,端倪 [the S][(+of)] the start of a period of time or the beginning of something new
indulge [ɪnˋdʌldʒ] v. 沉迷 to allow oneself to have something enjoyable
diversify [daɪˋvɝsə͵faɪ] v. 多样化;从事多种经营 to start offering new services
keep (one’s) fingers crossed 祈求好运 to hope that things will happen in the way one wants them to
ramp up [动词短语]加强,加大 for a business to increase its activity; make bigger or more
Pam Elyea, Owner of History for Hire - I ♥ Glendale Arts
Pam Elyea of History for Hire "I Am Hollywood" video for Film Works L.A. campaign
History For Hire- Movie Equipment