Journey to the West 建筑界的西游记
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年7月29日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月29日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:325
Renowned Asian designers now helm two of the U.S.’s traditionally Eurocentric architecture schools. Here’s what they’re teaching the new generation of American architects 知名亚洲建筑设计师如今双双执掌传统上以欧洲为中心的两家美国建筑学院。一探这些大师如何调教出新世代的美国建筑师
At first glance, Los Angeles might seem like the last place anyone would visit for architectural inspiration: Patchwork quilts of parking lots and strip malls alternate with vast carpets of matching faux-Mediterranean subdivisions, all knit together by a web of eight-lane freeways.
But look closely and you’ll see daring architecture dotting the scrubby hillsides. There are Frank Lloyd Wright homes that resemble Mayan temples, John Lautner’s UFO-inspired residences from the space-obsessed 1960s, and turn-of-the-millennium deconstructions, such as Frank Gehry’s luminous Walt Disney Concert Hall.
That [trend] is, more and more, coming from the other side of the Pacific. Last year, both the University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA) and its crosstown rival, the University of Southern California (USC), named new directors to their architecture programs – and both come from Asia. Hitoshi Abe, UCLA’s new chair, hails from Sendai, Japan, while USC’s dean, Qingyun Ma, keeps offices in his native Xi’an, China, and in Shanghai. The appointments represent an intriguing turn at a time when dynamic new architecture, wrestling with questions of history and urbanization, sprouts all over Asia – and as U.S. architectural programs come under fire from figures such as Rem Koolhaas, who told The Los Angeles Times that they were “shamefully focused on the West.” Says Abe: “Urban design has been Western-centric. Asia has a lot of energy right now, so we have to look there.”
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patchwork [ˋpætʃ͵wɝk] n. 拼凑成的东西
quilt [kwɪlt] n. 被子,棉被; 被状物
strip [strɪp] n. 条,带;细长片
alternate [ˋɔltɚnɪt] v. 使交替,使轮流[(+with)]
matching [ˋmætʃɪŋ] adj. 相配的,相称的,一致的
faux [fo] adj.【法】假的;人造的
subdivision [sʌbdəˋvɪʒən] n. 分割成的小块土地(供开发住房)
Frank Lloyd Wrightz 法兰克.洛伊.莱特 an influential American architect
scrubby [ˋskrʌbɪ] adj. 树丛繁盛的
deconstruction [͵dikənˋstrʌkʃən] n. 解构主义
luminous [ˋlumənəs] adj. 发光的;发亮的
crosstown [ˋkrɔs͵taʊn] adj.(用作定语)穿过城市的;穿越市区的
hail [hel] v.(不用被动式)来自[(+from)]
dean [din] n.(大学的)教务长;学院院长
wrestle [ˋrɛs!] v. 努力解决;全力对付[(+with)]
sprout [spraʊt] v. 很快地成长
shamefully [ˋʃemfəlɪ] adv. 不体面地;羞耻地
Qingyun Ma 马清运
One of Ma’s core ideas – the impermanence of architecture – has particular appeal for anyone who would be happy to see Los Angeles’ relentless sprawl bulldozed. Ma, 43, views today’s Western architecture as a descendant of the Greco-Roman tradition, which is all about building in stone and erecting things that are intended to last forever.
Clearly a son of modern China, Ma questions the West’s preservationist reflex. “Everything has a life cycle, as should buildings,” he says. “Preservation is an action in sacrifice of future possibilities. The future needs its own space.”
The wisdom of razing and rebuilding depends largely on context and execution, of course. Urban renewal failed in some U.S. cities, for instance, and won’t Beijing suffer by replacing its centuries-old hutongs with generic apartment buildings? Yet Ma doesn’t argue that we should jettison the past. His Thumb Island project near Shanghai modernizes the ancient Chinese reverence for landscape. Grass-carpeted knolls created by the undulating roof over a community center pair with a nearby lake, paying homage to the traditional coupling of mountain and water.
Hitoshi Abe 阿部仁史
For Abe, 46, who maintains an atelier in his homeland – one of the world’s most densely populated countries – issues of environment are paramount. Japanese architects have long had to figure out how to build attractive, functional living spaces on the most microscopic slices of land; it’s not uncommon for family homes to occupy just 300 square feet of earth. In 2006, in Saitama, a cluttered city just north of Tokyo, Abe created a combination pediatric clinic/private home that manages to drench three stories of interiors in sunlight, but maintains privacy by wrapping part of the structure in a concrete screen punctuated with asymmetrically placed windows. The building feels open, without putting its residents on display. That sort of solution – and the environment that inspired it – is what Abe wants to expose his students to “Tokyo is the future,” he says. “It is so contemporary: the density issue, the ecological issue, the relation between public and private.”
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sprawl [sprɔl] n. 蔓生;散乱;杂乱的扩展
bulldoze [ˋbʊl͵doz] v. 以推土机清除
preservationist [͵prɛzɚˋveʃənɪst] n.(对自然环境、古迹文物等的)保护主义者 someone who believes in keeping something as it is, especially in order to protect it from being damages or destroyed
reflex [ˋriflɛks] n. 本能的反应
raze [rez] v. 拆毁,夷平 to destroy a structure completely
generic [dʒɪˋnɛrɪk] adj. 一般的,总称的
reverence [ˋrɛvərəns] n. 敬爱,崇敬;敬畏
knoll [nol] n. 圆丘,小丘
undulating [ˋʌndjə͵letɪŋ] adj. 波浪起伏的;波浪形的
pay homage to 向...表示敬意
homage [ˋhɑmidʒ] n. 尊敬;敬意;崇敬[(+to)]
atelier [ˋæt!͵je] n. 【法】工作室 a room or building in which an artist works
cluttered [ˋklʌtɚd] adj. 杂乱的; 混乱的
pediatric [͵pidɪˋætrɪk] adj.【医】小儿科的
drench [drɛntʃ] v. 使充满,使洋溢
punctuate [͵pʌŋktʃʊ͵et] v. 强调,突出
asymmetrically [͵esɪˋmɛtrɪk!ɪ] adv.【数】非对称地
Multicultural education 多元文化教育
The hiring of these two architects hasn’t instantly transformed the curricula or culture of either school. Which is why both Abe and Ma are taking advantage of Los Angeles’ relative proximity to Asia and sending their students abroad, believing that exposure to what’s happening in Japan and China will inspire fresh thinking in the next generation of American architects. Masters candidates at UCLA are spending this academic year studying urbanism and architecture in Tokyo, looking for lessons that might be applied to L.A. At USC, Ma has established the first-ever American Academy in China – modeled on the venerable American Academy in Rome – where scholars from all over the world can do research individually, as well as share ideas collectively. “The elites from other cultures have been educated in the United States,” Ma says. “If America wants to maintain its position, it has to shift [to become more] about leadership in the arts and the humanities.”
High culture meets pop culture 当上流文化遇到了流行文化
And even as they send students abroad, Abe and Ma are reveling in the atmosphere of their adopted hometown. “Los Angeles is definitely not Western,” says Ma, a fan of the city’s Korean spas and karaoke bars. “It is a fusion,” L.A. embraces both high culture and low, which creates a “real sympathy” with Asia, says award-winning architect Greg Lynn, who teaches at UCLA. “Places like Japan and Korea have a greater respect for popular culture and the industry of popular culture than other places.”
“Los Angeles is constantly making community. [People] are constantly cross-pollinating,” Ma says. Abe’s motivations are similar: “This city allows people to test ideas. You can see so many different experiences.” And after a century of experimental architectural perspectives, L.A. now has two more.
−by Carolina A. Miranda
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curriculum [kəˋrɪkjələm]n. 学校的全部课程
proximity [prɑkˋsɪmətɪ] n. 接近,邻近;亲近
urbanism [ˋɝbən͵ɪzəm] n. 城市生活方式,都市社会物质需求的研究,都市化
first-ever [͵fɝstˋɛvɚ] adj. 破天荒第一次(或第一个)的
model [ˋmɑd!] v. 使仿效; 使模仿[+(on)]
collectively [kəˋlɛktɪvlɪ] adv. 共同地; 全体地
revel [ˋrɛv!] v. 着迷,陶醉[(+in)]
adopted [əˋdɑptɪd] adj. 移居的 favorite, chosen
sympathy [ˋsɪmpəθɪ] n.【物】共鸣(作用); 同感; 同情,同情心
Vocabulary Focus
helm [hɛlm] v. 给……掌舵;指挥 to steer or direct
dynamic [daɪˋnæmɪk] adj. 有活力的;有生气的 creative and enthusiastic; energetic and forceful
come under fire 遭到攻击 to be criticized
impermanence [ɪmˋpɝmənəns] n. 暂时, 无常 the quality of not lasting forever or not lasting for a long time
jettison [ˋdʒɛtəsn] v.(船舶等在遇难时为减轻负载而)投弃(货物); 丢弃 to get rid of something or someone that is not wanted or needed
paramount [ˋpærə͵maʊnt] adj. 至高无上的;最重要的 more important than anything else
venerable [ˋvɛnərəb!] adj.令人敬佩的; 古老的 deserving respect because of age, position or importance
fusion [ˋfjuʒən] n. 融合;联合 the combination of two or more things to create something new
cross-pollinate [ˋkrɔsˋpɑlə͵net] v. 异花传粉;异花受粉(引申为相互感染影响) to inspire or influence in a way that benefits both the giver and the receiver
Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater
INFINITE SPACE: The Architecture of John Lautner - -TRAILER
sketches of frank gehry trailer
HITOSHI ABE - Town Centre for Reihoku, Japan
Thumb Island project
Ftown Building / Atelier Hitoshi Abe