当前位置:Home 英语教材 Advanced English Psychology (心理学) Is TV Causing Our Reactions to Boil Over? 人们反应过度,电视才是元凶?

Is TV Causing Our Reactions to Boil Over? 人们反应过度,电视才是元凶?









Some experts think there may be a link between TV and our emotional responses  有些专家认为,电视可能与人们的情绪反应有关


Marcie Fenster knows the reality TV shows she watches are purely for entertainment. She doesn’t take them seriously and knows they’re not that real.



She also knows the political pundits on cable TV, and even Sunday morning news programs, can get agitated. She’s well aware that some of the ranting she sees is purely theatrical.



“My thought is probably the producers are encouraging the real highs and the real lows so the viewership will stay,” says Fenster, 57, of Maryland. “I think most people I come in contact with – they know this isn’t the way to behave.”



Like Fenster, most of us know the “out-there” reactions we see on reality and cable TV are largely for effect. But behavioral researchers say we may be more affected than we realize.



The fact that there’s much more exposure to all kinds of media today just may alter our sense of emotional norms so exaggerated responses seem normal, some experts say.



“People can be seduced into thinking that’s the most common way of reacting to life, when it’s not,” says Roderick Hart, a professor of communication studies and government at the University of Texas-Austin. Because of this “tutoring” of emotions, Hart says, people are becoming culturally conditioned to think “it’s OK to be more overreactive.”



“Reality television has hyped all the emotions. You can’t just be happy. You have to be ecstatic. You can’t be upset. You have to be violently angry,” he says.



One example is the flak President Barack Obama took for not displaying enough anger at BP’s failure to stop the gushing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. He has been called “No Drama Obama,” and a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed his job approval ratings down.





More Information

boil over 【口】非常恼火 to lose one's temper

theatrical [θɪˋætrɪk!] adj. 戏剧性的;夸张的

viewership [ˋvjuɚˌʃɪp] n.(总称)电视观众 collectively, the viewers of a television program

out-there [ˋaʊtˋðɛr] adj. 极端的;异乎寻常的 unconventional or eccentric

norm [nɔrm] n. 标准; 准则; 规范

seduce [sɪˋdjus] v. 诱惑;引诱

tutor [ˋtjutɚ] v. 辅导;指导 to be instructed by a tutor; study under a tutor

conditioned  [kənˋdɪʃənd] adj. 受制约的

hype [haɪp] v. 人为地刺激;使增加;大肆宣传 to publicize or promote, especially by extravagant, inflated, or misleading claims

gushing [ˋgʌʃɪŋ] adj. 迸出的,喷出的

approval ratings 支持率








A lost virtue?  一种失落的美德?


Staying calm under pressure used to be considered a virtue, but Obama’s unflappable demeanor has become a public relations debate. When Gen. Stanley McChrystal criticized the Obama administration in Rolling Stone magazine, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs even made a point of telling reporters the president was angry.



But why this need to see angry displays?



“At some level, banging on a table or being excessively angry is not going to solve the problem,” says Scott Schieman, a sociology professor at the University of Toronto, Canada. “But there’s definitely research that suggests when people display angry and it’s perceived as appropriate, the person is perceived as more competent and more in charge.”



Schieman’s newest research on anger found that the well-educated are less likely to experience anger, and when they do, they are more likely to act proactively and try to change the situation.



Understanding the difference  了解其中差异


There is an audience for overreactive responses, says Michael Nichols, a psychology professor at The College of William & Mary in Virginia, and author of The Lost Art of Listening.



“I may be a meek person in my own life. People may push me around. I may wish I could fight back and don’t. Yet I can listen to a blowhard denounce this person and I can enjoy that vicariously,” he says.



“There’s a difference between being emotional, which means being reactive, vs. taking a strong stance, which means taking a forceful yet considered position,” Nichols says.



These subtleties are examined in a new book called Stop Overreacting, by Judith Siegel, an associate professor of social work at New York University.



“An overreaction is about emotions that are bigger than the immediate situation calls for,” she says. “You may be releasing a lot of frustration, but your response is far greater than what is justified.”



And that means you may do something you’ll have to apologize for later.



by Sharon Jayson




More Information

unflappable [͵ʌnˋflæpəb!] adj. 不慌张的;镇定的

make a point of 强调 to turn someone or something into an important matter

competent [ˋkɑmpətənt] adj. 有能力的,能干的

meek [mik] adj. 温顺的,柔顺的

push someone around 欺侮; 把...呼来唤去 to threaten to hurt someone who is smaller or weaker

blowhard [ˋblo͵hɑrd] n.【美】【口】吹牛专家

denounce [dɪˋnaʊns] v. 指责,谴责

stance [stæns] n. 立场;态度

considered [kənˋsɪdɚd] adj. 考虑过的;经过深思熟虑的

subtlety [ˋsʌt!tɪ] n. 细微的差别;微妙之处

call for 要求, 需要 to require; demand

justified [ˋdʒʌstəfaɪd] adj. 有正当理由的;情有可原的






Vocabulary Focus

pundit [ˋpʌndɪt] n.〔经常接受咨询的〕权威﹐专家 a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and is therefore often asked to give an opinion about it

agitated [ˋædʒə͵tetɪd] adj. 激动的 feeling anxious or angry

rant [rænt] v. 怒气冲冲地叫嚷[抱怨] to speak or shout in a loud, uncontrolled or angry way, often saying confused or silly things

ecstatic [ɛkˋstætɪk] adj. 狂喜的﹐ 欣喜若狂的 extremely happy

flak [flæk] n.【非正式】强烈的批评﹐抨击 strong criticism or opposition (informal)

demeanor [dɪˋminɚ] n. 举动,行为;风度 a way of looking and behaving (formal)

proactively [proˋæktɪvlɪ] adv. 前瞻性地;积极地去面对 done in a way that takes action by causing change instead of only reacting to change when it happens

vicariously [vaɪˋkɛrɪəslɪ] adv. 由于共鸣而感受地 something that is experienced as a result of watching, listening to or reading about the activities of other people, rather than by doing the activities oneself




Barack Obama NO Drama



President Obama accepts resignation (fires) General Stanley McChrystal




当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Advanced English Psychology (心理学) Is TV Causing Our Reactions to Boil Over? 人们反应过度,电视才是元凶?