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Aquarium Diving 水族馆潜水








Some aquariums will let you swim with the fish  到水族馆和鱼儿共游吧!


I was kneeling under 12 feet of water when the sensation began, the feeling of something soft and velvety on the back of my neck. A minute passed, then another, and it was still there, a feathery pressure.



There were nine sharks, including two very playful zebra sharks, swimming near me, but I wasn’t worried about the tickle coming from one of them. They all kept a respectable distance, even if that was barely a foot away at times. After all, I had told dive master Yves Delpech I would not be intimidated by having the creatures on top of me, in a manner of speaking. But when I decided to reach back and brush away what I felt on my neck, Yves, who was behind me, suddenly pushed my hand.



Gill, a 250-pound goliath grouper, finds great sport in perching on the head or shoulders of folks whose attention is on the prime attractions in the “Dive with the Sharks” program at the Florida Aquaruim in downtown Tampa. He also has several rows of teeth sharp enough to seize the crustaceans that are part of this grouper species’ normal diet.



Up close and personal  近距离接触


The big grouper goofs with visitors as relentlessly as the blind zebra shark, Zoe, who lives in the Wings in the Water tank. The tank is located at the National Aquarium in Baltimore, another of several aquariums in the country that offer the chance to pay for a dive with some exotic critters.



Zoe kept bumping me and rubbing against me, the abrasive quality of her skin evident despite my 3-millimeter-thickwetsuit. The experience provides plenty of fun to divers feeling starved for the pleasure of plunging into warm-water environments. There are also hours of “dry” diversions in the multiple galleries at each aquarium.







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velvety [ˋvɛlvɪtɪ] adj. 天鹅绒般柔软光滑的

feathery [ˋfɛðərɪ] adj. 羽毛似的;轻软的

tickle [ˋtɪk!] n. 搔痒

respectable [rɪˋspɛktəb!] adj.(质、量等)不错的,相当的,可观的

brush away 把(某物)扫掉, 刷掉, 抹掉

goliath [gəˋlaɪəθ] n. 巨人;大亨;庞然大物

grouper [ˋgrupɚ] n. 石斑鱼 a heavy-bodied, wide-mouthed fish native to warm waters

sport [sport] n. 娱乐;消遣;乐趣;逗乐

crustacean [krʌsˋteʃən] n. 甲壳纲动物 any of various types of animals, which live in water and have a hard outer shell

critter [ˋkrɪtɚ] n. 生物; 【口】异常动物

bump [bʌmp] v. 碰,撞

abrasive [əˋbresɪv] adj. 粗糙的; 摩擦的

wetsuit [ˈwɛtsut] n. 潜水服 a piece of clothing covering the whole body that keeps a person warm and dry when under water

starve [stɑrv] v. 渴望;极需要[(+for)][+to-v]

diversion [daɪˋvɝʒən] n. 娱乐,消遣









Diving in the city  在市内潜水


Baltimore and Tampa’s programs, which I experienced this spring, and other similar ones are open to certified divers, but age minimums, certification requirements and the equipment provided vary. Check the aquariums’ websites for more information.



The cost is far less than a trip to Hawaii or Belize or the Caymans, to name a few popular dive destinations. You can pair the dive with a trip to a major city, and kids can have a ball in the aquarium and watch through “underwater” windows as their family members frolic with the fish. Also, all learn something about the threats facing our marine habitats.



On top of that, the aquariums’ biggest tanks are so relatively shallow that air consumption is no issue. You won’t run out of air – or things to see.



“You would need 25 years of diving to interact with as many species as you do on these two 30-minute dives,” said John Harman of Atlantic Edge Dive Center, which runs the guest diver program for the Baltimore aquarium. “We have one woman who has done this dive five times.”



The biweekly Baltimore program offers 12 divers a chance to explore the aquarium’s 13-foot-deep artificial Atlantic Coral Reef – with tube and fern coral and other fauna rendered in stunningly real detail – and it’s 9-foot-deep ray tank. Anyone who has dived Stingray City off Grand Cayman will know how enjoyable it is to encounter the rays in shallow water.



The circular coral reef has 60 species of fish, including some spectacularly large angels, several types of grouper, wrasses, margates, snapper and a green moray eel named Oscar. You can glide under archways, squeeze through a “cave” and swim at different levels.







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Belize [bɛˋliz] n. 贝里斯(中美洲一国家)

on top of that 此外; 另外 in addition to the bad thing already mentioned

no issue 没有问题

issue [ˋɪʃjʊ] n. 问题;争论;争议 a personal problem

fauna [ˋfɔnə] n.  (尤指某个地区的)动物群

wrasse [ræs] n. 隆头鱼科的鱼

snapper [ˋsnæpɚ] n.【鱼】真鲷

moray [ˋmore] n.【动】海鳝

archway [ˋɑrtʃ͵we] n. 拱门









Six type of rays and Zoe, the zebra shark (she’s actually spotted; their stripes change to spots in adulthood), have been sharing the Wings in the Water tank with an Atlantic tarpon, a blacknose shark and Calypso, the green sea turtle. You will learn about the aquarium’s Marine Animal Rescue Program and its volunteer diver program during the 60-minute dive briefing Atlantic Edge gives.

在水槽侧翼中,有六种魟鱼及佐衣这只大虎鲨(牠身上其实是呈斑点状,因为大虎鲨幼时体表的条纹,会在成年时转为斑点)(译注:此指zebra ahark虽然因幼时的条纹而被以斑马命名,但成年后条纹会不见,转为斑点)和大西洋大海鲢、黑吻真鲨和名叫叫卡利普索的绿蠵龟分享水中的家。你将会在「大西洋边缘」公司举办的六十分钟潜水说明会中,得知有关该水族馆「海洋生物救援计划」和志工潜水员计划的详情。


Dispelling the shark myths  戳破有关鲨鱼的迷思


In Tampa, aquarium dive master Mike Knudsen dispelled some myths about these much-feared creatures during his shark-dive briefing.



Shark populations are dropping worldwide because of demand for their fins (shark fin soup is an Asian delicacy), their meat, teeth and hides. They do not reproduce fast enough to keep up with the numbers being fished out of the seas.



Tampa has five types of sharks, none of them “man-eaters.” The two nurse sharks lay on the sand during my 30 minutes in the tank, debunking the idea that sharks always move.



After exiting the cage used to descend into Shark Bay, the guest diver swims to a spot and is passive in this program, kneeling on the bottom and holding a large rock to avoid significant movement. The tank’s confines are so limited that the sharks, the grouper and a hawksbill sea turtle are almost always at close range as they move.



The zebras did underwater loop-the-loops, a display that seemed purposefully comical. The steely gray sand tigers glided lazily around me, seemingly staring with their eerily bright eyes and revealing the rows of impressive teeth they constantly shed.



Florida Aquarium officials note that from the time it opened in March 1995 through April 2008, volunteer, staff and guest divers have spent more than 44,300 hours diving, completed 49,500 dives, and there have been zero shark incidents.



by Philip Hersh






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tarpon [ˋtɑrpɑn] n.【鱼】大海鲢

briefing [ˋbrifɪŋ] n. 简报

hide [haɪd] n. 兽皮;皮革 the strong thick skin of an animal, which is used for making leather

nurse shark 铰口鲨

confine [kənˋfaɪn] n. 边界,边缘;区域,范围 the borders

hawksbill [ˋhɔks͵bɪl] n.【动】玳瑁

loop-the-loop 翻筋斗; 绕圈圈翻转 a circular motion in which the two ends cross each other, leaving an open space within

comical [ˋkɑmɪk!] adj. 滑稽的;诙谐的;古怪的

steely [ˋstilɪ] adj.(色泽、硬度、强度等)似钢的;钢铁般的

eerily [ˋɪrɪlɪ] adv. 怪异地;恐怖地







Vocabulary Focus

intimidated [ɪnˋtɪmə͵detɪd] adj. 害怕的;受到恐吓的 frightened or nervous because you are not confident in a situation

in a manner of speaking 不妨说; 可以说; 在某种意义上说 one way to say something; so to speak

perch [pɝtʃ] v.(鸟)飞落,暂栖,停留 to sit on or near the edge of something

goof [guf] v. 混; 打发时间 to spend time doing nothing important or behaving in a silly way

relentlessly [rɪˋlɛntlɪslɪ] adv. 不停地; 不懈地; 不间断地 in a severe or extremely manner

have a ball 尽情享乐 to enjoy yourself every much

frolic [ˋfrɑlɪk] v. 嬉戏;欢闹;作乐 to behave in a happy and playful way

render [ˋrɛndɚ] v.(艺术上)表现 to represent something as if in a work of art

dispel [dɪˋspɛl] v. 驱散;消除 to remove fears, doubts or false ideas, usually by proving then wrong or unnecessary

debunk [ˋdiˋbʌŋk] v. 驳斥; 批判 to show that something is not true



National Aquarium In Baltimore Dives  



Dive with the Sharks at The Florida Aquarium



Clinton Dives With The Sharks at The Florida Aquarium



Baltimore National Aquarium



Stingray City Dive in Grand Cayman




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