Making Use of Jellyfish on Dry Land 在陆地上运用水母的妙法
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年3月21日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年2月22日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:265
In this interview, John Dabiri, assistant professor of aeronautics and bioengineering at Caltech, tells us why he is fascinated by jellyfish 在这次访谈中,加州理工学院航空学与生物工程学助理教授约翰.达比里娓娓道出他深受水母所吸引的原因
Q: What’s the connection between engineering and jellyfish?
A: When you look at fluid flows …. they can all be described by the same equations. The math and the physics don’t really care whether you’re talking about an airplane, a jellyfish or the human heart. So you can start to understand, for example, what makes a jellyfish efficient, and then use that information to design submarines that are more efficient, or diagnose when the heart is no longer performing efficiently.
Q: Tell us some of what you’ve learned about how jellyfish move.
A: For a long time, people thought of jellyfish swimming as like jet propulsion – like a rocket that shoots out exhaust and goes the other way. But it’s a bit more subtle than that. They create vortex rings, like the smoke rings you might create with a cigar. And those doughnut-shaped swirls of water are an efficient way of propulsion because [the animals] can basically push off of those doughnuts of water.
We wanted to understand how they form these swirling currents, and whether we could build underwater vehicles that could also create these same type of water currents while they propelled themselves.
Q: What is it about jellyfish that you were drawn to?
A: At the beginning, it was just their simplicity. They’re about the simplest things you can think of – it looks like they are just kind of floating around.
It turns out they do have these interesting fluid dynamics, but we only learned this after we started measuring their fluid flow, using different visualization techniques. The problem when you try to study water flow is that it’s pretty much transparent. You can put dye in the water around the animals. The animals will swim through, and then you’ll be able to see the water currents they create while they’re swimming.
…. With the smaller animals, you can do this in a lab. But grad students in my lab and my collaborators will go out to the field and go scuba diving with them.
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aeronautics [͵ɛrəˋnɔtɪks] n. 航空学[术]
bioengineering [͵baɪo͵ɛndʒəˋnɪrɪŋ] n. 生物工程学
propulsion [prəˋpʌlʃən] n. 推进(力)
vortex [ˋvɔrtɛks] (名复: vortexes,vortices) n. 旋涡;涡流
push off 【口】离开; 走开 to leave
Q: To inform engineering, would your research only work with jellyfish?
A: These vortex rings show up in other animals. So you could have picked a trout, let’s say, or a shark.
They have more complicated wake flow patterns: The shape of their fins and the way they move is just more complicated. So, if you were to do that dye experiment it would be messier, and harder to interpret.
Q: What’s the next phase of your research?
A: The bigger picture for our lab is a field of what we call bio-inspired engineering – we study different biological systems and try to understand what they do well and what they aren’t able to do well, then apply that knowledge to engineering systems.
Recently, we’ve been doing work in wind energy to find an alternative to the very large propeller-style windmills. These require lots of land, because you have to space them far apart so the wakes of the turbines don’t interact with one another.
We’ve been interested in how many smaller structures could be situated very close together in order to generate as much power as you get from the very large ones. We were able to learn something about this from how fish school.
Fish like trout or tuna or mackerel will often swim in groups in pretty regular patterns. One of the leading hypotheses is that the individual fish can interact with the vortices that are being shed by the tails of their neighbors and use less energy as a group than [by] going individually through the water.
We tested a mathematical model to describe what arrangement of the fish in a school works for this energy savings – except instead of fish, we had these wind turbines. We … were able to show that using this bio-inspired design for this wind farm, we could actually perform much better than existing technologies that are out there.
The systems don’t need to be identical for you to learn from them.
-by Lori Kozlowski
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show up 出现 to appear
trout [traʊt] n. 鳟鱼
wake [wek] n. 尾迹, 痕迹
space [spes] v. 在……留出间隔;隔开
mackerel [ˋmækərəl] n. 鲭,青鱼,青花鱼
shed [ʃɛd] v. 流出;流下 to diffuse or radiate; send forth or impart
turbine [ˋtɝbɪn] n. 涡轮
Vocabulary Focus
equation [ɪˋkweʃən] n.【数】方程式 a mathematical statement showing that two amounts, or two symbols or groups of symbols representing an amount, are equal
subtle [ˋsʌt!] adj. 微妙的 not very noticeable or obvious
swirl [swɝl] n. 涡流;漩涡 a twisting circular movement
visualization [͵vɪʒʊəlɪˋzeʃən] n. 想象 the act of picturing someone or something in one’s mind, in order to imagine them
inform [ɪnˋfɔrm] v. 使熟悉; 知道 to communicate information or facts
inspired [ɪnˋspaɪrd] adj. 得到启示的 describing who or what provided the idea for something
alternative [ɔlˋtɝnətɪv] n. 供选择的东西(或办法等); 替代方案 something that is different from something else
situate [ˋsɪtʃʊ͵et] v. 使位于, 使处 于in a particular position
school [skul] v. 成群地游 for a large number of fish or other sea animals to orient together in a synchronized fashion and swim in a group; to form such a group
hypothesis [haɪˋpɑθəsɪs] n. 假设; 假说 an idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved
Jellyfish in close-up