Dazzling Display 色彩缤纷的秋叶
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年10月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:361
As sunlight retreats, trees begin to reveal a riot of color 日照渐减,叶子也开始穿上缤纷色彩的外衣
Glorious yellow, burnished orange, radiant red: The appearance of a rainbow of color in an area’s foliage marks the shortening days and reduced daylight of fall. By happy coincidence, one triggers the other. Each year, as the sunlight retreats, the leaves on deciduous trees show their underlying character. Literally.
Leaves don’t actually “turn” a different color in autumn; rather they shed their green cloak. The apparent color-changing process happens as chlorophyll, the chemical responsible for green growth, disappears with reduced daylight. Chlorophyll is the necessary component for photosynthesis, the process by which plants use sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into glucose.
The reduced hours of daylight, rather than the prevailing temperature, determine when the leaves start to reveal their fall colors. As the nights get longer, the cells at the juncture of the leaf and stem divide rapidly and start to block the nutrients and moisture from the roots reaching the leaves. Once the food supply is cut off, the leaves’ underlying tones of yellow and orange are revealed. In this process, each leaf changes color individually, which accounts for how a tree may have uneven patches of color. What the viewer is observing is actually the absence of green.
The different colors are determined by the different chemicals inherent in each species. Brown leaves, for example, are the result of tannins in the leaves, and are typical of oaks. The orange of the big-leaf maple represents carotenoids, the same chemical that colors carrots. Xanthophyll, an oxidized derivative of carotene, is responsible for the yellow pigment common to box elder, hickories, ginkgo, black maple, aspen and larch.
More Information
riot [ˋraɪət] n.(色彩等的)丰富 a profusion
glorious [ˋglorɪəs] adj. 壮观的; 壮丽的; 光辉的
burnished [ˋbɝnɪʃt] adj. 铮亮的;光洁的
radiant [ˋredjənt] adj. 光芒四射的;明亮照耀的
foliage [ˋfolɪɪdʒ] n.【书】叶,叶子,簇叶 the leaves of a plant or tree
mark [mɑrk] v. 表示……的特征
deciduous [dɪˋsɪdʒʊəs] adj. 脱落性的;落叶性的 referring to a type of tree that loses its leaves in autumn and grows new ones in the spring
underlying [͵ʌndɚˋlaɪɪŋ] adj. 在下面的;放在下面的; 隐含的; 潜在的
cloak [klok] n. 遮盖物
chlorophyll [ ˈklɔrəfɪl ] n. 叶绿素
photosynthesis [͵fotəˋsɪnθəsɪs] n. 光合作用
juncture [ˋdʒʌŋktʃɚ] n. 接合处,连接点
account for 解释…的原因; 是…的原因
patch [pætʃ] n.(颜色等与周围不同的)斑驳,斑点
tannin [ˋtænɪn] n. 单宁酸
carotenoid [ kə'rɑtnˌɔɪd ] n. 类胡萝卜素
color [ˋkʌlɚ] v. 涂颜色于,着色
carrot [ˋkærət] n. 胡萝卜
Xanthophyll [ˋzænθə͵fɪl] n. 叶黄素
oxidize [ˋɑksə͵daɪz] v. 使氧化 to combine one substance with oxygen to form another substance
carotene [ˋkærə͵tin] n.【生化】胡萝卜素
box elder 白蜡槭(北美洲枫树)
hickory [ˋhɪkərɪ] n. 山胡桃木
aspen [ˋæspən] n. 颤杨; 山杨
larch [lɑrtʃ] n. 落叶松属植物
Only some of the bright reds and deep purples, typical of red maples, sweet gum and flowering dogwoods, are actually manufactured at this time of year by anthocyanin, which also colors plums and cranberries. Scientists have not solved the riddle of what purpose this process serves in old leaves, though it appears to offer some protection from both ultraviolet rays and the frost and enables trees to keep their leaves longer.
Thanks to its combination of climate and a wide variety of deciduous trees, the state of Virginia is one of the best places in the world to observe fall color. The “leaf color flow” along the East Coast of the United States actually follows a wave pattern, according to Kim Coder, professor of silvics at the University of Georgia. The wave starts in mid-September in the mountains of New England, first dominated by yellow, followed by a wave of orange, and finally red, all simultaneously moving downward and southward. When the three colors overlap, the effect is the most dramatic.
The best conditions for the brightest colors are when the growing season has ample moisture, thereby creating leaf volume, followed by a late summer that’s moderately dry and an autumn with bright, sunny days and cool nights at around 40 degrees. Cloudy weather – which explains Europe’s lack of fall splendor – and warm nights have the opposite effect and tend to bring drab colors. Both high winds and early frosts put an early end to the display of fall color.
-by Prue Salasky
More Information
sweet gum 香枫;香枫之树叶
flowering [ˋflaʊɚrɪŋ] adj. 有花的;开花的
dogwood [ˋdɔg͵wʊd] n. 山茱萸
anthocyanin [͵ænθəˋsaɪənɪn] n.【植】【生化】花青素
riddle [ˋrɪd!] n. 谜,谜语
frost [frɑst] n. 霜
silvics [ 'sɪlvɪks ] n. 造林学, 森林生态学 the science treating of the life of trees in the forest; the scientific study of a tree’s life and its environment
splendor [ˋsplɛndɚ] n. 壮丽;壮观;辉煌
Vocabulary Focus
coincidence [koˋɪnsɪdəns] n. 巧合;巧事;同时发生 an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising
prevailing [prɪˋvelɪŋ] adj. 盛行的; 占优势的;主要的 existing in a particular place or at a particular time
derivative [dəˋrɪvətɪv] n. 衍生物 a form of something, made or developed from another form
simultaneously [saɪməlˋtenɪəslɪ] adv. 同时地 at exactly the same time
ample [ˋæmp!] adj. 大量的,丰富的,充裕的 more than enough
moderately [ˋmɑdərɪtlɪ] adv. 适度地,有节制地 in a slight or limited manner
drab [dræb] adj. 单调的;无趣的;无生气的 boring, especially in appearance; lacking color and excitement
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