Wii Workout Wii 健身玩
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年8月31日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:343
Try a new way to exercise with Nintendo’s Wii Fit 用「任天堂」的Wii Fit健身游戏机来体验不一样的运动感受(译注:「任天堂」公司指出,Wii命名是取其和we发音相同,以强调该游戏机适合每个人玩,而且简单的发音让全球各地操不同语言的人都容易记,此外,Wii中的ii则象征「独特的遥控器和玩游戏者的形象」)
I found Nintendo’s Wii Fit a wee bit embarrassing. Perhaps that’s just me: A woman with the “Wii Fit age” of 46. I’m 42.
我发觉「任天堂」的Wii Fit健身游戏机令我有点难堪,但也许只有我会这样:因为我被判定「Wii Fit年龄」是四十六岁,而我年方四十二而已啊。
The Wii Fit spit out this nugget of information after testing my “body control” and asking, point blank, if I were prone to clumsiness.
Wii Fit机测量了我的「身体控制度」,并直截了当地问我是不是很容易就会手脚不灵光,之后就大开金口吐出有关我年纪的信息。
Well, yes. But the point here is that Wii Fit, as advertised, should make you faster, stronger, more flexible and, ahem, more coordinated.
嗯,没错,我的确手脚有点不听使唤。但重点是,Wii Fit在营销广告中宣称能让人速度更快、更身强体壮、更柔软灵活、呃哼(译注:ahem是表示怀疑所发出的声音,意指对紧接在后面的身体动作更协调一致的说法存疑),而身体动作更协调一致。
Stores can’t keep Wii Fit packages in stock since it arrived on the market. Every time a shipment of Wii Fit units arrives, they’re gone within minutes. Wii Fit includes software and a balance board. A Wii console must be purchased separately.
自Wii Fit问世后,店家根本就来不及补足Wii Fit套装产品的存货,因为每次只要有新货上门,立刻就会在几分钟之内被抢购一空。Wii Fit共包含了软件和平衡器,而Wii主机则须额外单独购买。
Wii Fit includes four training modes: yoga, aerobics, strength training and balance games. More than 40 activities fall in those categories, such as Hula Hoop, ski jump, soccer head, single-leg extensions, tight-rope walk, basic running, step aerobics, deep breathing and holding yoga positions. The latter requires a user to stand for several seconds on one leg on the balance board with her arms extended over her head, palms touching. A virtual trainer demonstrates the strength training and yoga exercises. The balance board senses if a user is shaking during a pose, and the trainer gives tips on how to calm down with deep breathing.
Wii Fit包含了四种训练模式:瑜伽、有氧运动、肌肉锻炼和平衡游戏,而上述四大类共包含了超过四十种活动,像是呼拉圈、跳台滑雪、顶球、单足伸展、走钢索、基础慢跑、有氧踏板、深呼吸,以及做一些瑜伽姿势,而使用者在做瑜伽时,要单脚在平衡器上站立几秒钟,双手高举过头,双手手心相碰触。此外,虚拟教练还会示范肌肉锻炼的训练以及瑜伽练习。平衡器甚至能感应到使用者在做某个姿势时是否在发抖,然后教练就会传授秘诀,教玩家透过深呼吸来让自己平静下来。
I stepped on the balance board, learned my BMI (which is normal), took the body control test (which told me I’m clumsy), then opted to try basic running. A male Mii appeared on the screen several virtual yards in front of the Mii that represented me and began running, looking back to see if I was catching up.
I tripped over the balance board three times, stubbing my big toe. Several gym users looked at me bemusedly. As I said, a wee bit embarrassing.
-by Cynthia Billhartz Gregorian
More Information
wee [wi] adj. 极小的,很小的
spit out 快速说出 utter with anger or contempt
nugget [ˋnʌgɪt] n. 有趣的消息; 有价值的情报 a small piece; something small but valuable or excellent
point blank [ˋpɔɪntˋblæŋk] adv. 断然地;直截了当地 if you ask or tell someone point blank about something that could upset or embarrass them, you ask or tell them directly
clumsiness [ˋklʌmzɪnɪs] n. 笨拙
ahem [əˋhɛm] int. 啊哼!嗯哼!呃哼!(引起注意,表示怀疑或语塞时所发之声)
console [ˋkɑnsol] n. 控制面板; 控制台 a surface on which you find the controls for a piece of electrical equipment or a machine
fall [fɔl] v. 属(于)[(+into)]
latter [ˋlætɚ] adj.(两者中)后者的
virtual trainer 虚拟教练 a fictional computer character that helps you become stronger and healthier by showing you which exercises you should do and how to do them
BMI 身体质量指数 Body Mass Index, a measurement of fat and muscle in the human body, based on weight and height
trip [trɪp] v. 绊,绊倒[(+over)] to stumble on something
stub [stʌb] v. 使碰踢
Vocabulary Focus
prone to 易于;有……倾向的 likely to show a particular negative characteristic
the latter 后者 the last of people, things or groups previously mentioned
bemused [bɪˋmjuzd] adj. 困惑的;发呆的 slightly confused
Wii Fit -- full trailer from E307