The Future of Reading 你Vook了吗?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年1月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月21日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:276
Technology is changing the way we read. Can publishers keep up with the trend? 科技改变了人们阅读的方式,而出版商是否跟得上这股潮流?
More than 550 years after Johannes Gutenberg printed 180 copies of the Bible on paper and vellum, new technologies as revolutionary as the printing press are changing the concept of a book and what it means to be literate.
Sound, animation and the ability to connect to the Internet have created the notion of a living book that can establish an entirely new kind of relationship with readers.
As electronic reading devices evolve and proliferate, books are increasingly able to talk to readers, quiz them on their grasp of the material, play videos to illustrate a point or connect them with a community of fellow readers.
The same technology enables readers to reach out to authors, provide instant reaction and even become creative collaborators, influencing plot developments and the writer’s use of dramatic devices.
Digital tools are also making it possible for independent authors to publish and promote their books, causing an outpouring of written work on every topic imaginable.
Advantages for visually impaired 视障者的福音
Vook (the name is a mash-up of “video” and “book”) has published more than two dozen titles. In addition to displaying pages from a book, digital e-readers can read them aloud, opening up a literary trove for the blind and the visually impaired who have long had only a thin selection of audio and Braille books to choose from. Devices made by Inc. and Intel Corp. are able to convert text into speech.
所谓的Vook(结合video和book等英文字所创的词语)(译注:Vook[影像电子书]是由Bradley Inman所成立的公司名,也是其产品名称,这是结合了影像和书籍内容的电子书,可供下载,并透过计算机、苹果公司的iPhone等行动装置或Kindle电子书阅读器来阅读。读者可以一边读书籍的文字内容,一边看配合文字内容的影片)至今已出版了二十几部以上的作品。除了显示书本的页面之外,数字电子阅读器还能够把书本内容大声念出来,为过去只有少数有声书及点字书可供选择的盲人与视力障碍者开启了文学宝库的大门。亚马逊公司与英特尔公司推出的器材都能够把文字转为语音。
“You now have the ability to make a book talk,” said George Kerscher, head of the Digital Accessible Information System Consortium in Zurich, Switzerland. Kerscher, who studied computer science at the University of Montana and is blind, has spent two decades lobbying publishers to make books more accessible to visually impaired readers.
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vellum [ˋvɛləm] n. 羊皮纸手稿; 羊皮纸
literate [ˋlɪtərɪt] adj. 能读写的
animation [͵ænəˋmeʃən] n. 卡通片;卡通片绘制
evolve [ɪˋvɑlv] v. 使逐步形成;发展
quiz [kwɪz] v. 对……进行测验
grasp [græsp] n. 理解,领会
reach out to someone 接触,联系 to try to communicate with a person or a group of people, usually in order to help or involve them
outpouring [ˋaʊt͵porɪŋ] n. 倾泄,流出
mash-up 混搭 Slang. a creative combination or mixing of content from different sources
impaired [ɪmˋpɛrd] adj. 受损的
consortium [kənˋsɔrʃɪəm] n. 合伙;联合
Making books social 把书本变成社交媒介
Digital technology is also transforming reading from a famously solitary experience into a social one.
Now that anyone with an Internet connection – or even a cell phone – effectively owns a digital printing press, the distinction between professional and amateur writers is rapidly blurring. Digital publishing has uncapped a geyser of creative output from authors who may never have made it into print or wouldn’t have thought to try.
On, thousands of cell-phone-toting authors write novels via text message, one or two sentences at a time. Aspiring writers can sign up on the free site and begin writing, either from phones or computers. Readers can follow the stories online or receive a text every time their favorite author adds a plot twist.
On, writers and digital pack rats are building a huge swap meet for written works of every length, many of which once existed on paper. Visitors can browse digital versions of novels and nonfiction books – some by established authors, others by complete unknowns.
As in many places online, free content is the rule. Writers who are intent on making money will have to find creative ways to attract readers and build an audience.
How do you make people want it? 如何吸引读者的目光?
The proliferation of amateur content poses a conundrum for publishers, who must find a way to make a profit in a sprawling marketplace increasingly filled with free content.
Part of the answer may be found on, a digital library and social networking site where millions of members can log in and chat about any book they want, including many that will never see print.
Lori Hettler runs one of the largest book clubs on Goodreads, with nearly 7,000 members chiming in from all over the globe. Discussions can go on for hundreds of messages, with readers passionately championing – or eviscerating – the club’s latest selection.
萝莉.赫特勒在Goodreads网站上拥有规模最大的图书俱乐部之一,有将近七千名遍布全球各地的会员发表意见(译注:chime in原指插话,指世界各地的会员都会在网站论坛里插话发表意见)。讨论主题可能引发多达数百则响应的讯息,只见读者热切拥护或唾弃俱乐部的最新选书。
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solitary [ˋsɑlə͵tɛrɪ] adj. 单独的,独自的
blur [blɝ] v. 变模糊
uncap [ʌnˋkæp] v. 打开(瓶盖) to remove the cap or covering of
tote [tot] v.【非正式﹐尤美】〔尤指经常性地〕随身携带
sign up 注册;报名登记 enlist
twist [twɪst] n. 意外转折
swap [swɑp] n. & v. 【口】交换,交易
rule [rul] n. 习惯,通例 a customary form or procedure; regular course of action
Poor reading experience 不良的阅读经验
Hettler may be broadening reading horizons, but some people worry that new technologies will diminish the classic reading experience.
Whereas printed texts are often linear paths paved by the author chapter by chapter, digital books encourage readers to click here or tap there, launching them on side journeys before they evenreach the bottom ofa page.
Some scholars fear that this is breeding a generation of reads who won’t have the attention span to get through The Catcher in the Rye, let alone Moby-Dick.
有些学者忧心这种现象所养成的下一代读者,专注力将不足以读完《麦田捕手》,更别提《白鲸记》(译注:小说家Herman Meville所写的大部头小说,充满了各种隐喻及典故,以晦涩难懂着称)了。
“Reading well is like playing the piano or the violin,” said the poet and critic Dana Gioia, former chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. “It is a high-level cognitive ability that requires long-term practice.”
“I worry that those mechanisms in our culture that used to take a child and have him or her learn more words and more complex syntax are breaking down,” Gioia said.
Short attention spans aren’t always a bad thing 注意力短促不一定有害
But Larry Rosen, a psychology professor at Cal State Dominguez Hills, said it was a mistake to conclude that young people learned less simply because “they are flitting around all over the place” as they read.
“Kids are reading and writing more than ever,” he said. “Their lives are all centered around words.”
Dr. Gary Small, director of the Center on Aging at UCLA and author of iBrain, said Internet use activated more parts of the brain than reading a book did.
On the other hand, online readers often demonstrate what Small calls “continuous partial attention” as they click from one link to the next. The risk is that we become mindless ants following endless crumbs of digital data.
“People tend to ask whether this is good or bad,” he said. “My response is that the tech train is out of the station, and it’s impossible to stop.”
-by Alex Pham and David Sarno
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cognitive [ˋkɑgnətɪv] adj. 认知的
syntax [ˋsɪntæks] n. 语法;句法
mindless [ˋmaɪndlɪs] adj. 无知的; 毫无目标的
crumb [krʌm] n. 碎屑(尤指面包屑或糕饼屑);a small fragment, scrap, or portion
Vocabulary Focus
proliferate [prəˋlɪfə͵ret] v. 激增; 扩散 to increase a lot and suddenly in number
collaborator [kəˋlæbə͵retɚ] n.〔尤指在科学﹑艺术等方面的〕合作者; 协作者 a person who works together with others for a special purpose
trove [trov] n. 贵重的发现物(= treasure trove)a large collection of valuable items
amateur [ˋæmə͵tʃʊr] adj. 业余的 relating to an activity where the people taking part do not receive money
geyser [ˋgaɪzɚ] n. 喷泉;间歇泉 a hole in the ground from which hot water and steam are sent out
aspiring [əˋspaɪrɪŋ] adj. 有志气的;有强烈愿望的;有抱负的 describing someone who is trying to achieve a goal, such as becoming successful at a certain profession.
pack [pæk] rat 收藏无用东西的人 one who collects many useless things and does not like to throw things away
conundrum [kəˋnʌndrəm] n. 难题; 复杂问题 a problem that is difficult to deal with
chime [tʃaɪm] in 插话〔表示赞同〕to interrupt or speak in a conversation, usually to agree with what has been said; to join a conversation by saying something
champion [ˋtʃæmpɪən] v. 拥护 to support, defend or fight for a person, belief, right or principle enthusiastically
eviscerate [ɪˋvɪsə͵ret] v. 除去……的精华 to remove one or all of the important inner parts of something
broaden horizons (idiom) 开阔眼界 to increase the range of things that someone knows about or has experienced
flit [flɪt] v. 轻快地行进; 掠过 to fly or move quickly and lightly
What is a vook?