Seeing Things in a New Light 就是那道光:LED
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年7月26日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:393
Advances in LED and organic LED (OLED) technologies transform light into an inspiring ingredient that refashions everything from home décor to electronics 发光二极管会(LED)与有机发光二极管(OLED)科技的进展,把光线转变为一种充满启发性的成分,从而改变了家饰乃至电子用品等各种事物的面貌。
Charge of the Light Brigade 照明先锋队开疆拓土
Jeffrey McGrew & Jillian Northrup 杰弗利.麦格鲁与吉莉安.诺斯勒
McGrew, 35, and Northrup, 32, are a husband-and-wife design team who recently collaborated to create interactive, LED-infused coffee tables.
McGrew: “We have three tables – the Wave, the Ripple, and the Pulse – with the same lighting on the inside. They see change and light up in response. If you set something down on it, it lights up, but then calms down and stops twinkling. When you move that item, it will light back up again.”
Northrup: “We wanted to showcase two different ways you can use light. The Wave typically has a glass top, so you’re seeing everything – thecircuit board, the LEDs, the patterns they’re making. The Ripple and the Pulse are more of a secret because they have this frosted top that just looks like a really nice table. When you interact with one of them ….. you get this second, wonderful experience.”
McGrew: “The two big problems LEDs have always had – they weren’t very bright and were very expensive – are going away. We’re leveraging whatever we can get our hands on to help us make cool stuff.”
Anil Duggal 阿尼尔.达格
Duggal, 44, leads the GE team that’s creating OLED lighting sheets, which are produced the way ink is applied to newsprint.
“Organic LEDs are very thin (100 nanometers) organic materials that you sandwich between two electrodes, put a voltage across, and light comes out. …, GE has committed to offering OLED lighting sheets as early as the end of 2010. But to make this a reality that’s good for our business, we need to produce more than 100 lumens per watt and a long lifetime, better than what fluorescents can do today. OLEDs can do it, but no one wants to pay for a lightbulb what you spend on a TV. Our challenge is to try to marry low with performance.”
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see (someone or something) in a new light 对…有了新的认识; 用新的眼光看待…. to understand someone or something in a different way [than before]
refashion [riˋfæʃən] v. 重新设计
brigade [brɪˋged] n. 旅, 队, 组
LED (light-emitted diode) 发光二极管 a device which produces a light especially on electronic equipment
infuse [ɪnˋfjuz] v. 使充满
twinkle [ˋtwɪŋk!] v.(星等)闪烁;闪耀
circuit board 电路板; 印刷电路 a set of electrical connections made by thin lines of metal fixed onto a surface
frosted [ˋfrɔstɪd] adj.(玻璃等)有霜状表面的
leverage [ˋlɛvərɪdʒ] v. 起杠杆作用;发挥重要功效
newsprint [ˋnjuz͵prɪnt] n. 新闻用纸
electrode [ɪˋlɛktrod] n. 电极 the point at which an electric current enters or leaves something
voltage [ˋvoltɪdʒ] n.【电】电压;伏特数 the force of an electric current, measured in volts
lumen [ˋlumən] n.【物】流明(光束的能量单位) a unit of measurement for the total amount of light falling on a surface of one square foot
watt [wɑt] n.【电】瓦(特) the standard measure of electrical power
fluorescent [fluəˋrɛsnt] n.<美口>荧光灯;日光灯; adj.(发)荧光的
Scott Birnbaum 史考特.伯尔尼包姆
Birnbaum, 48, helps Samsung think about how LED applications can push consumer electronics to do more than ever before.
“Today, we use LED for backlighting, which enables a very slim form – the width of your finger – plus higher contrast ratio, better picture quality, and longer battery life. … We recently demonstrated visual light technology that uses the backlighting on a notebook, computer or digital sign to broadcast a frequency of light. Samsung has so many devices that can operate well with each other, this can make a kind of unique statement. If you see a TV for a new car, you can hold up an enabled device such as a cell phone and capture which dealers are selling that car, at what price, and what incentives are being offered. Things that can’t normally be shown on a television commercial or an airport sign can reach consumers in a much more personal way. It’s really fun to look into the future to see what consumer experiences are going to look like.”
Hannes Koch 汉尼斯.柯奇
Koch, 34, and his cofounders Florian Ortkrass, 34, and Stuart Wood, 29, are designing art that transforms LED and OLED technologies into interactive experiences.
“OLED offer a new way of engaging in light, so the idea of turning them on and off with a normal light switch, that’s last-century thinking. By mixing camera tracking and gesture tracking with OLEDs, our You Fade to Light piece uses the human body to control the intensity and quality of the light. As soon as people understand that, they start moving in silly ways, dancing and quite generally enjoying themselves.
We see a huge potential for this kind of interaction to be implemented in our day-to-day environment.”
−distributed by Tribune Media Services
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backlight [ˈbæklaɪt] n./ v. 背后照明
broadcast [ˋbrɔd͵kæst] v. 传布; 播送
statement [ˋstetmənt] n. 表达方式,陈述方式
look into 深入地检查,研究;调查 investigate scientifically
engage in 与…建立密切关系 become involved in; participate in
fade [fed] v. 使(声音等)变微弱;使(光等)变暗淡;使…逐渐消失
Enlightened Illumination 智能型照明
The “Sustainable City Light” developed by Dutch electrical giant Philips shows that you don’t have to create something new to change the world – simply change something that’s already been invented.
Streetlights. Windmills. Solar Power. Philips reworks these existing technologies into one system, which results in a revolutionary streetlight ready to illuminate the night and blossom like a flower in the daytime.
The lampposts look like stems with large flower bulbs on top. In the morning, the petals of the bulb gradually open up to soak up the maximum sunlight possible by slowly adjusting to the sun’s position. Gobbling up this bounty of sunrays with its solar-panel petals allows the SCL to store this solar energy for later on.
On cloudy, windy days, the petals move into an upward position to become a wind-driven turbine. The rotation generates energy that is converted into stored electricity in a shared grid.
All this hard work during the day allows SCL to shine at night – not just a bright, directionless glow – but a distinct, purposeful beam that sheds light precisely when and where it is needed. Much like flowers in your garden, SLC gently closes its petals for the evening, and then emits a soft glow as it stands sentry. When there is movement below, sensors initiate a targeted emission of light around its base, guiding the way for pedestrians while saving energy and minimizing light pollution.
By itself, the SLC is an aesthetic and engineering marvel. As a network of urban light solutions, SLC offers a sustainable, eco-friendly option.
−by Bill Quinn
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enlightened [ɪnˋlaɪtnd] adj. 进步的; 明智的
illumination [ɪ͵ljuməˋneʃən] n. 照明,照亮
illuminate [ɪˋlumə͵net] v. 照亮;照射
blossom [ˋblɑsəm] v. 开花
lamppost [ˋlæmp͵post] n. 街灯柱
petal [ˋpɛt!] n. 花瓣
turbine [ˋtɝbaɪn] n. 涡轮(机)a type of machine through which liquid or gas flows and turns a special wheel with blades in order to produce power
grid [grɪd] n.(输电线路、天然气管道等的)系统网络
directionless [dəˋrɛkʃənlɪs] adj. 没有目标的;没有方向的
shed [ʃɛd] v. 散发;放射
sentry [ˋsɛntrɪ] n.【军】步哨;哨兵
light pollution 光污染,光害(包括光害骚扰、过度照明、眩光、杂乱及天空辉光等)unwanted and excessive artificial light that blocks a clear view of the night sky
Vocabulary Focus
interactive [͵ɪntɚˋæktɪv] adj. 相互作用的 describes a system or computer program which is designed to involve the user in the exchange of information
showcase [ˋʃo͵kes] v. 展示 to show the best qualities or parts of something
marry [ˋmærɪ] v. 结合 to combine two different qualities
ratio [ˋreʃɪo] n. 比;比率;【数】比例 the relationship two groups or amounts, which expresses how much bigger one is than the other
enabled [ɪnˋeb!d] adj. 启动的 provided with a particular type of equipment or technology
tracking [ˈtrækɪŋ] n. 追踪; 跟踪 the process of following the movements of an object by using electronic equipment
rework [riˋwɝk] v. 重做; 修改 to change something in order to improve it or make it more suitable for a particular purpose
gobble [ˋgɑb!] up 狼吞虎咽; 贪婪地抓住;攫取 to use a lot of something
convert [kənˋvɝt] v. 转变,变换[(+to/into)] to cause something to change in form
stand sentry 站岗 to stand, usually at an entrance, and guard a place
initiate [ɪˋnɪʃɪɪt] v. 开始 to cause something to begin
aesthetic [ɛsˋθɛtɪk] adj. 美的;艺术的 relating to an object showing great beauty
CES Gadgets: OLEDs Makes for Foldable TV
You Fade to Light (image video)