From Campus to Commerce 从校园到商场
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年9月29日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:395
Interviews with entrepreneurs and academics about putting the knowledge nurtured at universities to work in the wider world 企业家与学者接受访问,谈及如何把大学培养出来的知识应用在真实世界里
Nada Hashmi and Jean Pierre Nshimyimana 娜妲.哈什米与尚.皮耶.胥亚马纳
Hashmi and Nshimyimana, 29, are fellows at MIT’s [Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s] Legatum Center, established by Grameenphone founder Iqbal Z. Quadir to connect aspiring entrepreneurs with technology experts and potential investors.
Hashmi: “My company will bring mobile health-care vans to remote villages, first in Saudi Arabia at the end of 2011 or the beginning of 2012, and then to other areas in the Middle East. After attending lectures and speaking with my mentors and colleagues at MIT, I came up with the idea of using the vans not only as a way to distribute health care but also as an advertising vehicle for companies and other entities. That way, we can provide the service free to customers.”
Nshimyimana: “I am now developing an environmental engineering consultancy that will provide clean water and green-energy solutions to rural areas, first in Rwanda and then, hopefully, in other developing countries. Legatum has enabled me to understand the practicalities, challenges, and opportunities that exist, and to merge science and business to create a company that really will be able to change things for the better.”
Marjorie Hunter 玛裘莉.杭特
Hunter, 53, markets academic research to companies and entrepreneurs; such collaborations brought the University of Rochester Medical center nearly $70 million in royalties in fiscal 2008.
“I think of myself as a liaison or broker between academics and the business world.”
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academic [͵ækəˋdɛmɪk] n. 学者; 大学教师; 教授
fellow [ˋfɛlo] n.(大学的)研究员
aspiring [əˋspaɪrɪŋ] adj. 有志气的;有强烈愿望的;有抱负的
consultancy [kənˋsʌltənsɪ] n. 咨询公司,顾问服务公司
practicality [͵præktɪˋkælətɪ] n. 实际的事情﹐实际问题;实用性;实例
collaboration [kə͵læbəˋreʃən] n. 合作;共同研究
royalty [ˋrɔɪəltɪ] n. 专利权税;版税
fiscal [ˋfɪsk!] adj. 会计年度的 describing a period of twelve months for which a business, government, etc. plans its management of money
broker [ˋbrokɚ] n. 经纪人,掮客 a person who talks to opposing sides, especially governments, making arrangements for them or bringing to an end of disagreements
“For many years, there was an ivory-tower approach to university research – that it really should be research for research’s sake, and that working too closely with industry might sully or compromise the work’s integrity. But there is a growing desire among academics and research scientists to see their discoveries and inventions result in improvements to society – something concrete that will really help people – especially in the medical area. When our scientists make technological breakthroughs that become products, they actually share in the revenue that the university accumulates.”
Michael Stein 麦可.史坦
Stein, 40, offers companies access to a superfast network that can transfer vast amounts of data, in real time, from 187 universities and research institutions.
“We found a unique asset called the National LambdaRail that was designed and built to move large files within the research community. Darkstrand bought half the capacity of this pipe to run real commercial data alongside R&D data. For example, we’re working with a major insurance company to put weather patterns from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on top of its data mining to create a new actuary table for hurricane policies. The possibilities for innovation are endless if bandwidth isn’t a constraint.”
Lisa Lapin 莉萨.拉宾
Lapin, 45, helped start Futurity, a website that aggregates highlights of the latest research from more than 55 universities, from Yale to Caltech.
“We want the accumulated intellectural output of these universities to be available in one easily accessible place. And there really is a need for this today. The site provides fresh, right-out-of-the-laboratory information that has been vetted by peer review. Our goal is clear: Our audience is not only the public but also policy makers and business and commercial entities – people interested in turning the latest technology and medicine into practical applications.”
−interview by Gay jervey
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ivory-tower 象牙塔的(指脱离现实生活的小天地)describing an attitude of not wanting to know about or avoid the ordinary and unpleasant things that happen in people’s lives
integrity [ɪnˋtɛgrətɪ] n. 完整,完全
concrete [ˋkɑnkrit] adj. 实在的;具象的;具体的
real time【计算机】实时
data mining 数据挖掘;资料探勘 the use of technology to collect information and gain insight from it
actuary [ˋæktʃʊ͵ɛrɪ] n.(保险)精算师;(保险公司)会计 someone who calculates how likely accidents are to happen, and tells insurance companies how much they should charge their customers
output [ˋaʊt͵pʊt] n. 产品;作品
vet [vɛt] v. 调查;检查
Vocabulary Focus
remote [rɪˋmot] adj. 遥远的;偏僻的 far away in distance, time, or relation
entity [ˋɛntətɪ] n. 实体机构 something which exists apart from other things, having its own independent existence
merge [mɝdʒ] v. 合并; 融合 to cause things to combine or join together
liaison [͵lɪeˋzɑn] n. 联络人;联系人 someone who helps groups to work effectively with each other
sully [ˋsʌlɪ] v. 污点;损伤 to spoil something which is pure or someone’s perfect reputation
accumulate [əˋkjumjə͵let] v. 累积,积聚;积攒 to collect a large amount of something over a long period of time
constraint [kənˋstrent] n. 约束;限制 something which controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits
Iqbal Quadir of Legatum Center at MIT and GrameenPhone: Extended Interview