As The World Turns 世界改变了
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年7月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:388
A funny thing has happened on the way to globalization: Innovation now trickles up from emerging to advanced economics. And it may be the way of the future 在全球化的过程中,发生了一件耐人寻味的事情:那就是如今创新风潮反而是从新兴经济体开始,然后再传到先进经济体,而这很可能将成为未来的趋势。
We know how innovation works. We get iPhones; those less fortunate overseas get whatever we recycle. Innovation has always been about people in rich nations getting the latest stuff and the rest of the world getting our castoffs.
So why is Nokia looking to use Kenya to debut a free classifieds service (think a mobile-phone version of Craigslist), complete with a first-ever feature that lets people shop using voice commands to browse for goods?
那么,为什么如今「诺基亚」公司却要选在肯亚首推免费的分类广告服务(不妨试着在脑海中想象一下就是有点类似「克格清单」的服务,只不过要改成手机版本)(译注:Craigslist命名源自于创办人Craig Newmark,他原本在一九九五年透过电子邮件列表来告诉亲朋好友当地大事记,后来渐渐演变成一个推出各种分类广告的网站),破天荒地推出让手机用户能声控浏览商品的功能呢?
The answer is that the traditional model of developing new products is quietly reversing course. Call it “trickle-up innovation,” where ideas take shape in developing markets first, then work their way back to the West. “If it’s radically innovative and reduces costs, it’s going to get looked at and will accelerate.” says Michael Chui, a McKinsey consultant. As the credit crunch forces frugality on companies everywhere, it should turbocharge the shift toward developing markets.
答案是,研发新产品的传统模式正悄悄地逆转从前的过程。不妨称之为「逆行涓滴的创新」(译注:即和涓滴效应[trickle down effect]相反的模式。涓滴效应指先从先进国家或富裕阶层开始试行发展,之后再往下渐次推广到贫穷国家或贫困阶层,使雨露均沾;而逆行涓滴效应则相反,是先从较落后的国家或贫穷阶层开始试行,成功后再往上推广到富裕国家或富有阶层),也就是创新点子先在开发中市场酝酿成形,然后再回传到西方世界。「如果这种创新极度先进,而且又能节省成本,那么就会格外受到注意,有助加速研发问世的脚步,」「麦肯锡」公司顾问麦可.崔指出。随着信用紧缩(译注:意指金融危机发生后,各家银行纷纷紧缩银根,使企业贷款愈发困难)迫使各地企业不得不更加缩衣节食,而这也会更加速各家企业纷纷把创新流程转移到开发中市场中来试水温。
Nokia has for several years seen most of its growth in the developing world, so it was quick to notice when poor Kenyans started using their cell phones for banking as well as paying for things. “People aren’t saying, ‘Give me the web-based version of this,’” say Jonathan Ledlie, the Nokia researcher developing Mosoko (mo for “mobile,”soko is Swahili for “market”).
Ledlie’s friends in the United States all tell him they’d love to use Mosoko. But Ledlie is skeptical. “I tell them, ‘Oh, c’mon, you’d just look at some mash-up of Craigslist over Google Maps.’” In Kenya, Mosoko’s competition is for-sale signs hammered up on posts or pricey classified ads.
More Information
trickle up 向上逆流; 向上涓敛 the opposite of trickle down
Craigslist 在线分类广告的网站 a network of online advertisements for jobs, housing and various services
first-ever [͵fɝstˋɛvɚ] adj. 破天荒第一次(或第一个)的
take shape 成形;体现
McKinsey 麦肯锡公司 a firm that serves as an advisor to some of the world’s leading businesses and focuses on solving issues of concern to senior management
crunch [krʌntʃ] n. 艰难局面;【口】关键时刻;危机
Swahili 斯华西里语 the official language of the people of coastal eastern Africa
mash-up 混搭; 混搭式应用; 混合技术 a combination of content from multiple sources
hammer [ˋhæmɚ] v. 用锤击; 锤打
post [post] n. 柱; 桩; 杆
Changing strategy 改变策略
Infosys COO S.D. Shibulal is a fan of trying out innovations in emerging markets – he calls them “blank slates” – in part because it doesn’t cost so much if an idea fails. He learned that the hard way during the 1990s Internet boom, when an Infosys spinoff, OnMobile, tried and failed to sell U.S. wireless carriers on plug-and-play services such as mobile-advertising support and ringtones. OnMobile pulled back to India, where it became the largest provider of such services and is now expanding internationally. “It’s inevitable,” Shibulal says, that “innovation will start moving both ways.”
Innovation won’t always trickle up, of course. At Nokia, Ledlie isn’t sure something like Mosoko will ever break through the West’s cluttered retail market. But he’s confident that Nokia has a proving ground for voice recognition in a sales application. Add, Ledlie says. “there’s trickling sideways.” If it works in Kenya, it should work in other developing markets where cell-phone penetration far exceeds desktop Internet. Harold L. Sirkin, coauthor of 2008’s Globality: Competing With Everyone From Everywhere for Everything, cites some successful “sideways” examples, including Brazil’s Natura, a cosmetics firm that bested Western companies on its home turf and has expanded throughout Latin America and now Europe, and China’s Goodbaby, which has 28 percent of the U.S. stroller market.
Trickle-up trends 逆行涓滴趋势
Four factors are changing the traditional stream of innovation: 有四大因素改变了传统的创新流程:
- Developing markets have low-cost, high-quality workers who can both create and execute great ideas. 开发中市场拥有工资低廉的优质劳动者,他们不但能想出绝佳的点子,也有足够能力付诸执行。
- These markets have hard-to-reach consumers who force companies to come up with new ways to serve them 在开发中市场里,其实很难把触角延伸到消费大众,这反而迫使各家企业不得不绞尽脑汁才能想出服务消费者的新招。
- Emerging-market consumers don’t want Western retreads, but their own unique products and services, some of which may also appeal to Westerners. 新兴市场的消费者对西方国家旧瓶装新酒的产品不屑一顾,但却相当青睐本国独树一格的产品和服务,而这当中有些产品可能也会令西方国家民众眼睛为之一亮。
- There are suppliers in developing markets who are rapidly accessing developed markets. 开发中市场的有些供货商正快速地把触角延伸到已开发市场中。
−by Michael Fitzgerald
More Information
COO 营运长 Chief Operating Officer in a corporation, company or agency
try out 试验, 试用
slate [slet] n.(书写用的)石板
learn (something) the hard way 通过自己的(痛苦)经验学到 to learn something by experience, especially by an unpleasant experience
plug-and-play 即插即用的(计算机业界的一种标准,让硬设备能在安装时自行辨识,而不必由使用者设定)
cluttered [ˈklʌtɚd] adj. 混乱的; 乱七八糟的
proving ground(新事物、新观点的)实验场所,试验场合 a situation or place where a new theory, practice or machine can be tested
sideways [ˋsaɪd͵wez] adj. & adv. 向旁边(的); 从旁边(的)
best [bɛst] v.【口】打败;胜过
stroller [ˋstrolɚ] n.【美】折迭式婴儿车
Vocabulary Focus
castoff [ˋkæst͵ɔf] n. 被丢弃的人,废弃物 something that you give away because you no longer want it
classifieds [ˋklæsəfaɪdz] n. 分类广告 small advertisements that are put in a newspaper or a magazine, usually to sell or buy something, or to find or offer a job
frugality [fruˋgælətɪ] n. 节约; 朴素; 节俭 the act of being careful when using resources such as money or food
turbocharge [ˋtɝbo͵tʃɑrdʒ] v. 增强(功能), 加快(应用程序的工作速度等) to accelerate a process or speed something up
spinoff [ 'spɪnˌof ] n. 副产品; 派生产品 a product or company that develops from another more important one
inevitable [ɪnˋɛvətəb!] adj. 不可避免的;必然(发生)的 certain to happen and unable to be prevented
home turf 本土市场 the area that a person or group considers its own
retread [riˋtrɛd] n. (书、电影、歌曲等的)翻版; 翻新 something that is being used again, perhaps in an altered form
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