Talent Hives 人才库
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年9月25日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:372
Where are the new innovators coming from? 新一代的创新人才从哪儿来?
Find out where the next generation of innovators in entertainment, advertising, tech and sustainability are being nurtured in creative programs.
Entertainment academy 娱乐学院
Mia Riverton, 30, is an actress/producer/writer who in 1999 cofounded a volunteer networking group for Harvard grads in the arts, media and entertainment. The organization now has more than 3,000 members in chapters worldwide.
“It’s mildly ridiculous that a ‘world-class’ institution like Harvard had little to no resources devoted to careers in entertainment. After graduation, I came to Hollywood without knowing anyone beyond a few friends who’d graduated ahead of me. I thought, ‘Why don’t I start a little e-mail list of people I meet who went to Harvard?’ People posted jobs, apartments and event notices. Then we began doing mixers, holding screenings and hosting speakers. That has grown into events such as our annual ‘Harvard in Hollywood’ symposium and a student program called Harvardwood 101. It’s a survey course that exposes students to the breadth of potential career paths, including grad school, the mailroom route and independent filmmaking. About 70 percent of 101 alumni are now working in the arts.”
Real digital 全新数位
Mattias Hansson, 40, helps train 1,300 students a year in digital media, interactive art direction and digital business management in Stockholm and on an island off the coast of Sweden. Graduates are hotly recruited by [top firms].
“Look into the eyes of the creative [people] you know and ask them, if they could choose, would they pick the traditional academic world or an opportunity to learn by doing real stuff, such as building e-communication solutions for MTV, IKEA and others? We don’t have classrooms or auditoriums, and we don’t focus on grades. We don’t educate people to become something. They have to decide that themselves.”
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sustainability [sə͵stenəˋbɪlɪtɪ] n. 永续性; (自然资源)可持续的产业,不破坏环境的产业
chapter [ˋtʃæptɚ] n. 【美】(俱乐部、协会等的)支部,分会 a local branch of an organization, such as a club or fraternity
mildly [ˋmaɪldlɪ] adv. 略微地
beyond [bɪˋjɑnd] prep.(常用于含疑问或否定意义的结构中)除……之外
screening [ˋskrinɪŋ] n. 放映(电影); 播放 a presentation of a movie
host [host] v. 作……主人; 主办,主持
symposium [sɪmˋpozɪəm] n. 讨论会;座谈会 a meeting or conference for discussion of a topic, especially one in which the participants form an audience and make presentations
survey course(介绍一门学科的)概论课
survey [sɚˋve] v. / [ˋsɚve] n. 全面的考察;概观,概论
mailroom ['melrum] n. 邮件收发室
alumnus [əˋlʌmnəs] n. 名复: alumni【主美】男校友;男女合校之男女校友
auditorium [͵ɔdəˋtorɪəm] n. 会堂,礼堂
grade [gred] n.【美】成绩,评分 a position or degree in a scale, as of quality, rank, size, or progression
Start-up school 新创企业学校
Jessica Livingston, 38, cofounded Y Combinator, which trains early-stage tech start-ups for a “semester.”
三十八岁的洁西卡.里文斯顿与人共同创办了Y Combinator这家公司专门为科技新创事业提供训练,为期「一学期」。
“Twice a year, we choose 15 to 20 groups to fund at once.” We work with them in the earliest phases of their start-up. We give them just enough money to quit their jobs and work on their ideas full time. Technical expertise is really important. We offer ours: Because the business side is foreign to our entrepreneurs, …. I walk them through everything they need to do to incorporate, issue stock, appoint board members and so forth. We’ve also developed a bunch of financing documents that our founders can use to save them legal fees, part of our goal to figure out how to launch and run start-ups really cheaply.
「每年两次,我们会挑选十五至二十个团体,并同时提供资助,并且也在这些公司草创初期提供相关咨询与协助,而我们所挹注资金刚好足够让公司人员可以辞掉工作、全时间地投入拓展他们的创意。他们的科技专才当然非常重要,但我们也会提供我们在商业方面的专业知识:因为我们所资助的企业家往往对商业层面一窍不通,…对他们必须知道的所有层面,我们全都会一路指引迷津(译注:walk through在此指一步一步详尽地全程示范、带领指导对方体验整个过程),包括筹组公司、发行股票、选出董事会成员等等。我们还研发出一套现成的融资文件来提供给这些公司创办人,好让他们能省下法律相关费用,而这个做法也是基于我们的另一项目标,那就是设法节省新创公司在成立和经营等方面所耗费的成本。
“The three-month cycle is intensive, and it all escalates to Demo Day, when these mostly first-time entrepreneurs present to a room of about 200 of the top investors in the country.”
Degrees of green 绿色环保学位
Brittni Furrow, 22, is one of 55 graduate students, who, along with 181 undergrads, are studying sustainability at Arizona State University. Furrow hopes to create a labeling system that would make it easy to see how sustainable a product is.
“The School of Sustainability focuses on understanding the world as a massive system: To create large change and reap large benefits, you need to see how all the components interact together. What does sustainability mean from a consumer perspective? Perhaps such as ‘environmentally friendly,’ ‘green,’ and ‘all-natural’ have no meaning; they make it hard to understand what you’re purchasing. There are so many ways to measure and define impact. My goal is to develop a set of mechanisms to aggregate multiple factors into one overall value. Eventually, that value could be converted into a product-label system like the nutrition labels on food, showing how environmentally friendly and socially responsible product are.”
-Interviews by Kate Bonamici Fiaim
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start-up [ˋstɑrtʌp] n. 新运作的公司 a business or an undertaking that has recently begun operation
walk someone through 带领指导.. 体验整个过程 to lead someone through a complex problem or thought process
incorporate [ɪnˋkɔrpə͵ret] v. 组成公司(或社团)
board member 董事会成员 a member of a governing board
and so forth 等等
financing [ˈfaɪnænsɪŋ] n. 融资
labeling [ ˋleb!ɪŋ] n. 标贴; 标志
reap [rip] v. 获得,得到
Vocabulary Focus
hive [haɪv] n. 热闹的场所,繁忙的地方 a place that is busy or full of activity
nurture [ˋnɝtʃɚ] v. 养育,培育,教养 to help a plan or a person to develop and be successful
mixer [ˋmɪksɚ] n.【美】交谊会;交谊舞 a party or social gathering that has been organized so that people in a group can get to know each other
breadth [brɛdθ] n. 广泛性,广度 a wide variety of many different items, features, subjects or qualities
hotly [ˋhɑtlɪ] adv. 热烈地 closely and with determination; in an intense or fiery way
academic [͵ækəˋdɛmɪk] adj. 学术的 connected with studying and thinking, not with practical skills
phase [fez] n. 阶段,时期 any stage in a process of development
foreign [ˋfɔrɪn] adj. 陌生的;不属于本身的 something that is unknown or not within a person’s experience
intensive [ɪnˋtɛnsɪv] adj. 加强的;密集的 involving a lot of effort or activity in a short period of time
escalate [ˋɛskə͵let] v. 逐步上升(增强或扩大)to increase in pressure, or build up to something
mechanism [ˋmɛkə͵nɪzəm] n. (自然现象产生的)物理过程;【化】历程;【生】机制 a way of doing something that is planned or part of a system
Y Combinator's Graham Says Startups Must Improve Lives