Dessert: The Last Indulgence 甜点:最后的放肆
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年6月22日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年11月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:342
Eating dessert is important, regardless of economic turmoil 无论经济危机有多严重,吃甜点仍是一大要事
The front line in America’s battle to preserve its sanity, creative spirit and good cheer runs through places like Allen & Son Bar-B-Que in North Carolina, where regular customers know the menu will carry five or six pies, a half-dozen puddings and fruit cobblers, ice cream, cookies, and always the cream cheese pound cake with cream cheese icing.
It extends past Tartine Bakery & Café in San Francisco, where the morning pastry-makers double up the filling in the pain au chocolat.
And it curlicues in front of Charlie Trotter’s in Chicago, where pastry chef Della Gossett wrestles purple Okinawan sweet potatoes away from the savory cooks so that she can spontaneously create a homage to Asian regional cuisine for the dessert menu.
“The popularity of baking and pastry has never been greater in our profession,” says Mark Erickson, dean of culinary and pastry programs at the Culinary Institute of America. “It used to be a subset of culinary training, but now it’s a [career] track within the profession itself.”
Bad economy good for business? 经济愈差,生意愈好?
When gas prices cracked the $4-a-gallon barrier [last year] and the bottom fell out of the housing market, the restaurant industry braced itself for the inevitable fallout. And it has arrived, according to anecdotal reports from restaurateurs in major markets. Customers are dining out a little less often, becoming more particular about where they dine, and are ordering more thriftily when they do venture out.
But one segment appears to have suffered less than others: dessert. Those who normally soothe their sweet tooth are not skipping – not tonight.
只不过,有个领域倒是较少受到波及:那就是甜点。这代表那些习惯吃甜点来慰劳自己的人(译注:sweet tooth指嗜吃甜品者),并没有省略甜点──至少今晚不会。
“If you’re looking for a comfort food, dessert is one of those areas that people are going to turn to.” says Alison Nelson, co-owner of two Chocolate Bar boutiques in New York City.
More Information
turmoil [ˋtɝmɔɪl] n. 骚动;混乱
sanity [ˋsænətɪ] n. 精神健全,精神正常; 清醒
run through 遍布; 迅速传遍 to pierce
cobbler [ˋkɑblɚ] n.【美】脆皮面水果派; 脆皮水果馅饼
icing [ˋaɪsɪŋ] n. 糖衣,酥皮
pastry [ˋpestrɪ] n. 酥皮点心(如馅饼,水果派)
curlicue [ˋkɝlɪ͵kju] v. 迂回延伸; 形成花体, 用花体装饰 to move in a twisting, curving manner
wrestle [ˋrɛs!] v. 与……搏斗
savory [ˋsevərɪ] adj. 可敬的;体面的 morally respectable
spontaneously [spɔnˋteniəslɪ] adj. (行为)自然的,自发的
track [træk] n. 路线;路程 a career path/track refers to the careers available to you after you complete certain studies and entry-level jobs within a company
the bottom falls out of something 某物出现垮台(或暴跌)的局面
fallout [ˋfɔl͵aʊt] n. 余波; 后果
restaurateur [͵rɛstərəˋtɝ] n.【法】餐馆老板
thriftily [ˋθrɪftɪlɪ] adv. 节俭地
sweet tooth 喜好甜食 a fondness or craving for sweets
Karen Barker and her husband Ben own and operate Magnolia Grill in North Carolina. At their upscale contemporary Southern restaurant, a steady 70 percent to 75 percent of their customers have ordered dessert since the restaurant opened 21 years ago. That’s much higher than the industry norm of 40 percent to 50 percent for fine-dining restaurants, and is partly attributable to Karen’s national reputation as a master baker. But the point is, Magnolia’s figure has remained impervious to stock-market crashes.
Creativity in the pastry world 糕点世界创意无穷
Traditional desserts may be more prominent these days, particularly in the South and the heartland, but a scan of the menus at the country’s top progressive restaurants reveals that boundary-pushing is thriving.
Pastry chefs, who tend to be artistically inclined and design-oriented, are taking advantage of the technological innovations spawned by the experimental cuisine movement, employing all manner of mind-blowing techniques and gadgets.
Unlike the timeless tall-cake parade at The Village Bakery in South Carolina, and the classic cobblers and egg custards served at the Carriage House in Mississippi, these edgy creations may exist just for a few moments, never to be nibbled again.
“A lot of my desserts, I don’t think I’d ever redo them the next year,” says pastry chef Elizabeth Dahl of Chicago. “I’m never going to grow as a pastry chef if I have [the] same desserts all the time.”
No matter what form it takes, be it strange or nostalgic, “dessert just brings out the kid in you,” says Barker. “It’s something that really makes people happy, and there are really very few people who are not dessert people. It’s just a nice ending to the meal.”
−by Jerry Shriver
More Information
magnolia [mægˋnolɪə] n.【植】木兰;木兰花
norm [nɔrm] n. 基准;规范
be attributable to 归因于, 归咎于, 归功于…
crash [kræʃ] n. 失败;垮台;破产
prominent [ˋprɑmənənt] adj. 突出的;显著的
progressive [prəˋgrɛsɪv] adj. 进步的, 先进的
boundary-pushing 突破界限; 突破传统 an action that takes something to a point beyond which it has never proceeded
inclined [ɪnˋklaɪnd] adj. 倾向的
mind-blowing [ˋmaɪnd͵bloɪŋ] adj. 令人大为惊叹的; 使人震惊的
parade [pəˋred] n.(多得似乎没有尽头的)一系列
custard [ˋkʌstɚd] n. 蛋奶沙司(与水果、布丁一同食用); 蛋奶冻
edgy [ˋɛdʒɪ] adj. 时尚的; 撩人的 daring, provocative, or trend-setting
nibble [ˋnɪb!] v. 一点一点地咬(或吃)
bring out 使(某种通常不易显露的行为或情感)显现;激发
Vocabulary Focus
front line 前线(战地或工作的第一线,危险且任务重大)the most visible or important position in any situation
homage [ˋhɑmidʒ] n. 尊敬;敬意;崇敬[(+to)] a sign of deep respect and often praise shown for someone or something
subset [ ˈsʌbˌsɛt ] n. 小组; 分组; 子集 a small group that is contained within a larger group
anecdotal [͵ænɪkˋdot!] adj. 传闻的;轶事的 describes information that is not based on facts or careful study
attributable [əˋtrɪbjʊtəb!] adj. 可归因于……的 caused by
impervious [ɪmˋpɝvɪəs] adj. 不受影响的;不为所动的 not influenced or affected by something
spawn [spɔn] v. 大量产生;造成,酿成 to cause something new, or many new things, to grow or start suddenly
nostalgic [nɑsˋtældʒɪk] adj. 怀旧的 referring to feelings of pleasure and sometimes a slight sadness at the same time as you think about things that happened in the past
Tartine Bread