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The New Superfoods 新超级食物








Healthful foods you should incorporate into your diet (and how to enjoy them)  你应该纳入日常饮食中的健康食物(以及享用这些食物的方法)


Step aside, blueberries, spinach and broccoli. It’s time to give unsung superfoods a chance. Many of us tend to eat what we know and what we can pronounce and prepare. But mixing things up helps add more healthful micronutrients and phytochemicals into our diets, said Mary Russell, director of nutrition services at the University of Chicago Medical Center.



Trying little-known foods also gets you into ethnic grocery stores, farmers markets and local markets that focus on sustainable, local food, Russell said. “That’s where you can learn from others how to buy, prepare and use unusual foods.”



To help steer your carter in a new direction, try incorporating these healthful foods that you probably aren’t eating – but should be – into your diet.



Grapefruit  葡萄柚


Grapefruit juice boasts more nutrients per calorie than 100 percent apple, grape, pineapple and prune juice. Each serving (one cup of juice) gives you more than 100 percent of your daily recommended vitamin C, which helps neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and lead to infection, aging and disease. It can boost the performance of some medications – but it can interfere with others, so check with your doctor if you take prescription drugs.



Seaweed  海带


Sea vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The kelp family (kombu, wakame and arame) is an excellent source of iodine and has about four times the iron of beef. Arame has more than 10 times the calcium milk does. Nori, the seaweed wrapped around sushi rolls, contains protein, calcium, iron, potassium and more vitamin A than carrots. If you’re taking medications, check with your doctor.



Put kelp in a shaker and use it instead of salt. Add it to soups. Or mix it with olive oil or tamari and use it as a seasoning.






More Information

step aside 让开; 让位

spinach [ˋspɪnɪtʃ] n.【植】菠菜

broccoli [ˋbrɑkəlɪ] n.【植】青花菜,绿花椰,美国花菜,

micronutrient [͵maɪkroˋnjutrɪənt] n. 微量营养素

phytochemical [ˌf aɪtoˈkɛmɪkəl] n.【化】植物化学物质 a planet substance, considered to be beneficial to human health

prune [prun] n. 梅干,洋李脯

free radical 自由基,游离基 a molecule that has an extra electron and therefore reacts very easily with other molecules

boost [bust] v. 提高;增加

prescription [prɪˋskrɪpʃən] n. 处方,药方;处方上开的药

trace element 微量元素

kelp [kɛlp] n. 海草;巨藻

kombu [ˈkɑmbu] n. [医]昆布

wakame [ˈwɑkɑme] n. 海带芽

arame [ˈærəmi] n. 可食海草

iodine [ˋaɪə͵daɪn] n. 碘

shaker [ˋʃekɚ] n. 佐料瓶 a container in which something can be shaken

tamari 酱油 a type of soy sauce, produced mainly in the Chūbu region of Japan









Avocados  酪梨


Don’t shun this creamy fruit because of the fat content. Avocados have good, unsaturated fats, which help with growth and development of the central nervous system and the brain. They’re packed with nearly 20 vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. And they play well with others: When you eat an avocado, it helps the body absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha- and beta-carotene, as well as lutein, from other foods.



Use avocado in place of mayonnaise. Add it to smoothies, salad, salsa, soups or sandwiches.



Dried plums (prunes)  蜜枣干(英文为dried plum,或简称为prune)


These little gems are “a mouthful of rich sweetness,” said dietitian and nutrition therapist Victoria Shanta Retelny of Chicago. High in antioxidants, they also have twice as much as potassium as bananas, and that can help keep blood pressure in check.



Beets  甜菜


The deep red color can be a little intimidating, but earthy beets give us fiber, iron and vitamin C. “Plus, they contain betacyanin, a powerful cancer-fighting agent that has been shown to help prevent colon cancer,” said dietitian Gloria Tsang, founder of the online nutrition community Healthcastle.com. They also contain antioxidants that have been shown to lower total cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol.



Try marinating steamed beets in fresh lemon juice, olive oil and fresh herbs. Grate raw beets onto salads, soups or any other dish. Or simply roast them with other veggies.



Pumpkin  南瓜


Though fresh pumpkin is available only in the fall and winter, canned products are just as healthful, Tsang said. “A serving of pumpkin has nearly 3 grams of fiber, and ispacked with beta carotene – an antioxidant that can help improve immune function and reduce the risk [of developing] cancer and heart disease,” she said.



Cut fresh peeled pumpkin into chunks and roast with a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, Tsang suggests. Or make a soup from canned pumpkin and chicken broth.



by Julie Deardorff





More Information

avocado [͵ævəˋkɑdo] n.【植】鳄梨;鳄梨树

creamy [ˋkrimɪ] adj. 含乳脂的;多乳脂的; 似乳脂的; 乳脂色的,淡黄色的

unsaturated fat 不饱和脂肪 a fat or oil, from either animal or vegetable sources, that is liquid at room temperature and may contribute to reduced blood cholesterol levels

carotene [ˋkærə͵tin] n.【生化】胡萝卜素

lutein [ˋlutɪən] n.【生化】叶黄素;黄体制剂

mayonnaise [͵meəˋnez] n. 蛋黄酱,美乃滋

smoothie [ˋsmuðɪ] n. 水果奶昔

salsa [ˋsɑlsə] n. 墨西哥食物中用西红柿、洋葱做的辣调味汁

gem [dʒɛm] n. 宝物,珍品

mouthful [ˋmaʊθfəl] n. 满口;一口;少量[C][(+of)]

dietitian [͵daɪəˋtɪʃən] n. 营养学者

beet [bit] n. 甜菜,糖萝卜

earthy [ˋɝθɪ] adj. 泥土的; 土质的; 朴实的; 粗俗的

colon [ˋkolən] n. 结肠

grate [gret] v. 磨碎

veggie [ˋvɛdʒɪ] n. 蔬菜

peeled [pild] adj. 剥去皮的

broth [brɔθ] n.(用肉、蔬菜等煮成的清淡的)汤






Vocabulary Focus

unsung [ʌnˋsʌŋ] adj. 被埋没的;未受颂扬的; 默默无闻的 not noticed or praised for hard work, bravery or achievements

boast [bost] v.(指物)以有……而自豪;拥有,包含 to have or possess something to be proud of

seasoning [ˋsiznɪŋ] n. 调味;调味料,佐料 something such as an herb or spice, added to food to improve the flavor

shun [ʃʌn] v. 躲开,避开,回避 to avoid or refuse to accept something

keep (something) in check 抑制..  to stop something from becoming too large or too powerful

agent [ˋedʒənt] n.【化】剂 something that produces a particular effect or change

marinate [ˋmærə͵net] v. 腌泡 to place food in a mixture, in order to add flavor or to make the food tender

pack [pæk] v. 将……挤(塞,装)入;挤(塞,装)满 to crowd things together, especially in large numbers



Mexican Salsa



Nutrition Advice : Health Benefits of Grapefruit



The Amazing Health Benefits of Avocados




Healthy Beet Juice Recipe - Quick And Easy To Make




当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Advanced English Food (食品) The New Superfoods 新超级食物