Taiwan Creates a “Napa Valley” of Teas 茶乡台湾
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年12月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年1月04日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:460
(译注:Napa Valley是美国加州最具代表性的葡萄酒乡)
Taiwan, which has earned an international reputation as a tech design center, is quietly reinventing an ancient industry – tea 以科技设计重镇扬名全球的台湾,正悄悄复苏一项古老的行业:茶
The island of just 23 million people supplies the world with semiconductors and produces iPhones, laptops and GPS systems. But tea-loving Taiwanese have also applied their industrious minds to the refinement of the centuries-old drink, blending tradition with newly developed methods of cultivation.
While its overall share of the world’s tea production is small – in 2004, it produced just 21 tons of tea – its quality has few rivals.
“They take their tea-making seriously,” said Joe Simrany, president of the Tea Association of the U.S.A. “Their oolongs are rated among the best in the world. It’s one of the finest-tasting teas out there.”
One reason Taiwan’s tea expertise has not drawn more international attention is because producers here have more than enough business from local tea connoisseurs eager to pay hundreds of dollars for small batches of the local produce.
“Every day you get up and drink tea,” said Mark Lee, chairman of Taiwan’s largest tea company, Ten Ren Tea, founded 56 years ago. “At lunch, you drink tea. When friends visit, you drink the best-label tea. And before you sleep, you drink tea.”
Lee has spent decades promoting the tea culture in the United States. Family-owned Ten Ren is one of the few Taiwan tea companies selling high-end brew in the United States.
Ten Ren’s growth in the United States reflects the fact that Americans are drinking more tea from Asia. Some believe it has health benefits; others simply like the flavors and more soothing caffeine experience compared to coffee’s jolt. In the past two decades, tea has grown from a $2 billion industry in the United States to about $7 billion today, according to Simrany. Sales of specialty teas, including those from Asia, have jumped from about $250 million a year to more than $1 billion.
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industrious [ɪnˋdʌstrɪəs] adj. 勤勉的,勤奋的,勤劳的
brew [bru] n. 酿制饮料; 一次酿制的酒;一次冲泡的茶;一次煮成的咖啡
soothing [ˋsuðɪŋadj. 使人宽心的; 安慰的; 抚慰的
Educating tea drinkers 教育茶客
“We emphasize the aroma, the taste,” said Chen Hsuan, deputy director of Taiwan’s Tea Research and Extension Station in Yangmei while sipping high-mountain oolong, the signature Taiwan tea.
The government facility, which employs some 60 researchers, contains tasting rooms, labs and small patches of land lined with neat rows of knee-high tea plants. In addition to providing the latest research on tea cultivation, government scientists are continually developing new strains of the crop.
More than 16,000 Taiwan family farms grow tea, and the average plot size is no more than 2 1/2acres. Tea farms in other countries typically are at least 10 times larger, Chen said.
Taiwanese were not always so high-minded about commercial tea production, which dates back hundreds of years to the early Qing Dynasty’s rule over the island. During the 1970s and ’80s, Taiwan transformed itself from an agricultural society to an industrial one.
Despite the shift to a high-tech economy, the government began promoting competitions to boost interest in the local produce and spur farmers to create quality tea. The tea industry, which struggled to compete with cheap teas from countries like Vietnam and Indonesia, invested in costly cultivation processes to grow crops that catered to the newly affluent citizens. Today, the more expensive oolong and paochong teas are picked and processed by hand.
“There was a tea renaissance,” said Steven Jones, a Californian who relocated to Taipei years ago and is now a tea arts instructor at the LuYu Tea Culture Institute, which offers a certificate in master tea brewing that is honored around the globe.
Taiwanese drink tea much like Californians sip wine. They sniff for aroma, slurp for taste and carefully eye the color.
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patch [pætʃ] n. 小块土地
neat [nit] adj. 整洁的;整齐的
plot [plɑt] n. 小块土地
competition [͵kɑmpəˋtɪʃən] n. 比赛,竞赛;赛会
honor [ˋɑnɚ] v. 尊敬,给以荣誉 to accept or pay as valid
sniff [snɪf] v. 嗅,闻
slurp [slɝp] v. 出声地吃(或喝)
An upscale experience 高档的品茶经验
Cha Cha The, which fashion designer Shiatzy Chen recently opened, resembles a lounge. Customers show up for pricy afternoon tea meals and buy designer tea ware and other expensively packaged gifts.
The invasion of coffeehouse on the island in recent years – led by Starbucks – has stirred worries that Taiwan’s rich tea heritage could be diluted by the gulp-and-go coffee culture. The new cafes offer Wi-Fi, pop music and cakes – the perfect place for students and young professionals to park their laptops.
It appears unlikely, though, that residents of the densely packed island will fall out of love with tea. Teens line up at colorful tea bars on virtually every corner. Workers use cocktail shakers to make zhen zhu nai-cha – known as pearl milk tea in California – a tea concoction with dollops of tapioca. The ever-expanding menu for adventurous tea fans includes green jelly tea, tea-infused pudding and ice cream drinks. There’s even wheat germ milk tea. They all sell for about $1 each.
不过,在这座人口密集的岛上,居民似乎不太可能会停止他们对茶的热爱,理由无他,放眼望去,几乎每个角落都可以看到青少年在色彩缤纷的茶店外排队等候,店员用调酒器来制作加州人称之为pearl milk tea的珍珠奶茶,亦即混合了树薯粉制成的珍珠的茶饮,而迎合富于冒险精神的茶迷的茶饮种类,更是应有尽有,包括绿茶冻、加了茶的布丁和冰淇淋饮料,甚至还有小麦胚芽奶茶,每杯价格都在一美元左右。
Convenience stores 便利商店
The ubiquitous 7-Eleven and other convenience stores offer an array of chilled tea drinks, from oolong in a bottle to cartons of sugared green and black teas. Young people drink them on trains heading to and from school every day. Restaurants serve fried tea leave snacks, beef noodle tea dishes and cakes made with tea. There are tea arts shows on television.
On any Sunday, when [locals] hit the streets with friends and families, tea stores are full of young people sitting on stools and sampling teas – with no pressure to buy. “When people come here, they are not like customers. They are friends,” said Sheng-Ru Wang, whose family operates the venerable Wang’s Tea, which processes its own tea in its shop.
-by John Boudreau
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show up 出现, 露面; 揭露; 出席 to put in an appearance; arrive
stir [stɝ] v. 打动;激起,激发(强烈的感情)
fall out of love with 与..不再相爱 to stop being in love with
gulp [gʌlp] v. 狼吞虎咽地吃;大口地饮
virtually [ˋvɝtʃʊəlɪ] adv. 几乎,差不多
concoction [kənˋkɑkʃən] n. 调制; 烹制
tapioca [͵tæpɪˋokə] n. 树薯粉,木薯淀粉
wheat germ 麦芽精;小麦的胚芽
carton [ˋkɑrtn] n. 纸盒
black tea 红茶
stool [stul] n. 凳子;搁脚凳
venerable [ˋvɛnərəb!] adj.(因年代久远或具有重要历史价值)令人仰慕的
Vocabulary Focus
expertise [͵ɛkspɚˋtiz] n. 专门知识;专门技术 a high level of knowledge or skill
connoisseur [͵kɑnəˋsɝ] n.(尤指艺术品的)鉴赏家,行家 a person who knows a lot about and enjoys one of the arts, or foods, drink, etc. and can judge quality and skill in that subject
jolt [dʒolt] n. 震惊;令人震惊的事 an unpleasant shock or surprise; an emotional shock
specialty [ˋspɛʃəltɪ] n. 特制品,特产,名产 relating to a product of a distinctive kind or superior quality
signature [ˋsɪgnətʃɚ] adj. 为(某人)所特有的;体现个体特征的 closely associated with or serving to identify something; a distinctive mark, characteristic, or sound indicating identity
strain [stren] n.(动植物的)种,品种 a plant that is only slightly different from other plants of the same type
high-minded [ˋhaɪˋmaɪndɪd] adj. 情操高尚的; 品德崇高的 having elevated feelings or thoughts about something; noble
affluent [ˋæflʊənt] adj. 富裕的 obviously rich
renaissance [ˈrenəsɑns] n. 复活, 复兴, 文艺复兴 a new growth of activity or interest in something, especially art, literature or music
dilute [daɪˋlut] v. 削弱;降低 to reduce the strength of a feeling, action, etc
dollop [ˋdɑləp] n. 块;团;份 a small amount of something soft, especially food
ubiquitous [juˋbɪkwətəs] adj. 到处存在的,普遍存在的 seeming to be everywhere
Ten Ren's Tea Time-30sec website Ads
Discovering China: Lu Yu—China's Sage of Tea