Reading Buried History 阅读尘封的历史
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年12月16日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年1月04日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:318
An American computer scientist believes he has found a way to “unroll” papyrus scrolls buried in ash and lava nearly 2,000 years ago一名美国电脑科学家坚信已想出办法,能「展开」埋藏在灰烬和熔岩中近两千年的纸莎草书卷
On Aug. 24, 79 A.D., Italy’s Mount Vesuvius exploded, burying the Roman towns of Herculaneum and Pompeii under tons of super-heated ash, rock and debris in one of the most famous volcanic eruptions in history. Thousands died.
But somehow, hundreds of papyrus scrolls survived – sort of – in a villa at Herculaneum thought to have been owned at one time by Julius Caesar’s father-in-law. The scrolls contained ancient philosophical and learned writings. But they were so badly damaged – literally turned to carbon by the volcanic heat – that they crumbled when scholars first tried to open them centuries later. The remaining scrolls, stored away in Italy and France, haven’t been read – or even unrolled – since 79 AD.
Now, a computer scientist from the University of Kentucky (UK) hopes that modern digital technology will allow him to peer inside two of the fragile scrolls – without physically opening them – and unlock secrets they have held for almost 2,000 years. Brent Seales, professor of engineering in UK’s computer science department, will use an X-Ray CT scanning system to collect interior images of the scrolls’ rolled-up pages. Then, he and his colleagues hope to digitally “unroll” the scrolls on a computer screen so scholars can read them.
“It will be a challenge because today these things look more like charcoal briquettes than scrolls,” Seales said. “But we’re using a non-invasive scanning system, based on medical technology, that lets you slice through an object and develop a three-dimensional data set without having to open it, just as you would do a CT scan on a human body.”
Experts say that if the UK system works as well as hoped, it would provide a safe new way to decipher and preserve more scrolls from Herculaneum, as well as other ancient books, manuscripts and documents that are too fragile to be opened.
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papyrus [pəˋpaɪrəs] n.【植】纸莎草;纸莎草纸 a form of paper used especially by ancient Egyptians and made from a tall, grass-like plant that grows in or near water, especially in North Africa
scroll [skrol] n. 卷轴;裱成卷轴的古书;画卷
Vesuvius [vəˋsuvɪəs] n. 维苏威火山(意大利西南部火山)
Pompeii [pɑmˋpei] n. 庞贝(意大利那不勒斯附近一古城)
villa [ˋvɪlə] n.【英】(城郊)住宅; 别墅
philosophical [͵fɪləˋsɑfɪk!] adj. 哲学的
learned [ˋlɝnɪd] adj. 学术性的 directed toward scholars
crumble [ˋkrʌmb!] v. 粉碎,弄碎
unroll [ʌnˋrol] v.(把卷起的东西)展开,铺开
CT (computed tomography) 电脑断层摄影术
briquette [brɪˈket] n. 煤砖 a small block made from coal dust or charcoal, used as fuel in a fire
slice [slaɪs] v. 切开;划破[Q][(+into/through)]
manuscript [ˋmænjə͵skrɪpt] n. 手写本,手稿;打字稿;原稿
Seales admits that there are hurdles, the biggest being the carbon-based ink thought to have been used on the scrolls. He says that since the papyrus in the scrolls was turned to carbon by the fury of Vesuvius, it might be impossible to visually separate the writing from the pages, even with powerful computer programs.
“The open question is, will we be able to read the writing?” Seales said. “There is a chance that we won’t be able to do it with our current machine, and that we’ll have to re-engineer some things. But if that’s the case, that’s what we will do.”
If it works, what will they find? 书卷内容为何?
The best guess is that the scrolls contain writings by Philodemus, a Roman writer and Epicurean philosopher born about 110 B.C. Philodemus is not considered a classic thinker of the first rank, but he was a contemporary of Cicero. He taught Virgil and is thought to have influenced the Roman poet Horace.
Philodemus also was a friend of Lucius Calpurnius Piso – the father-in-law of Julius Caesar – who at one time owned that luxurious villa at Herculaneum.
The mansion has passed to other hands, however, when it and Herculaneum were buried during the eruption of 79 A.D. Afterward, Herculaneum lay hidden for 1,600 years, until excavators stumbled upon it in 1709.
The villa itself was not uncovered until the mid-1700s. Inside its library, investigators found what they first thought to be lumps of coal but that turned out to be papyrus scrolls – about 1,800 in all – fused into blackened cylinders by furious volcanic heat. The building became known as the Villa of the Papyri.
-by Jim Warren
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fury [ˋfjʊrɪ] n.(天气,疾病,感情等的)狂暴,猛烈
open [ˋopən] adj. 悬而未决的,未定的
Epicurean [͵ɛpɪkjuˋriən] adj.(E-)【哲】伊比鸠鲁派的
contemporary [kənˋtɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] n. 同时代的人;同年龄的人
stumble [ˋstʌmb!] v. 偶然碰见,碰巧发现[(+on/upon/across)]to find someone or something, usually by accident
uncover [ʌnˋkʌvɚ] v. 揭露;发现
lump [lʌmp] n. 一大堆;大量[C][(+of)]
blackened [ˋblækənd] adj. 变黑的
Vocabulary Focus
eruption [ɪˋrʌpʃən] n.(火山)爆发 the sudden and violent release of material such as gas, steam, ash or lava from a volcano
decipher [dɪˋsaɪfɚ] v. 破解(密码等)to discover the meaning of something written badly or in a code
hurdle [ˋhɝd!] n. 障碍,困难 a problem that you have to deal with before you can make progress
excavator [ˋɛkskə͵vetɚ] n. 开凿者;发掘者 someone who removes dirt and stones in a location, usually so it can be built upon
fuse [fjuz] v. 熔化 to cause melt together, especially at a high temperature
cylinder [ˋsɪlɪndɚ] n. 圆柱;圆筒;圆柱状物 an object shaped like a straight tube with long sides and two equal-sized, circular ends
Herculaneum Ancient City Italy Roman Ruins Site Italia Europe World Heritage
Pompeii _ Life and Death in a Roman Town
Rome's Lost City - Amazing Secrets of Herculaneum - Ancient Civilizations
Il Trono della Villa dei Papiri di Ercolano