A Heart of Gold 黄金之心
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年2月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年10月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:347
This artist has her hearts in the right place – the web – for successful sales 艺术家把心用对了地方,在网络缔造销售佳绩
Lockets long held a special allure for Lauren Bradford, all artist, photographer, entrepreneur and amateur web designer. Her family had introduced her to the nuances of the jewelry trade, and her varied background prepared her well to start a business of her own. Yet, as she prepared to take that step, she wondered: Was there a large enough market out there for lockets?
“I wasn’t sure at first,” she said. “But with the web, you’re really drawing from the entire country and beyond. Today, I send lockets to England and places around the world. We once even shipped to someone working in the Arctic Circle.”
Her customers typically keep photos of family members in their lockets – or, in some cases, fingernail-size images of pets. Others tuck away some of their loved one’s ashes. One of Bradford’s own lockets contains a tiny bit of loose mortar she collected while touring the Christian catacombs in Rome.
Jewelry with significance 意义非凡的饰品
The company’s website, Heartsmith.com, offers several hundred of the hinged charms, to which Bradford gives names such as Veronica, Celeste, Camelot and Peapod.
Two part-time employees help handle marketing, inventory and shipping out of Bradford’s 650-square-foot office. Things get busiest around Christmas, Mother’s Day and now, the run-up to Valentine’s Day.
Heartsmith has attracted a following among members of the U.S. military, who place about 10 percent of its orders, Bradford said. Some of the e-mails she’s received from them stay pinned to her cubicle walls.
One Army major thanked her for the locket he now wears around his neck, containing a photo of his daughter. Another serviceman recalled a long wait to use his ship’s phone to order a gold locket for his wife.
“It’s heartening to be able to read that people are touched by what we do,” Bradford said.
More Information
locket [ˋlɑkɪt] n.(悬于项链下的)纪念品小盒; 盒式项链坠
nuance [njuˋɑns] n.(色调,音调,意义,见解等的)细微差别 a quality of something that is not easy to notice but may be important
trade [tred] n. 行业
varied [ˋvɛrɪd] adj. 各种各样的;不相同的
draw [drɔ] v. 吸引;招来
tuck [tʌk] v. 把……塞进,把……藏入
ashes [ 'æʃɪz ] (pl n) 骨灰 what is left of a human body after it has been cremated
mortar [ˋmɔrtɚ] n. 灰浆,灰泥;黏合物 a mixture of cement or lime or both with sand and water, used as a bond between bricks or stones or as a covering on a wall
catacomb [ˋkætə͵kom] n. 地下墓穴 a series of underground passages and rooms where bodies were buried in the past
hinged [hɪndʒd] adj. 有链的
charm [tʃɑrm] n. 链条(或镯子)上的小饰物
Veronica [vəˋrɑnɪkə] n. 维罗妮卡(女子名); 耶稣面像,印有耶稣面像的织物
Celeste [səˋlɛst] n. 西莱斯特(女子名,涵义:最幸福的人)
Camelot [ˋkæməlɑt] n. 传说中阿瑟王宫廷所在地; 灿烂繁华境界
peapod [ 'pipɑd ] n.(豌豆的)豆荚
following [ˋfɑləwɪŋ] n. 崇拜者,拥护者
major [ˋmedʒɚ] n.(美国)陆军(或空军、海军陆战队)少校
serviceman [ˋsɝvɪsmən] n. 现役军人
Making it work 全力以赴
Bradford started the business in her home in 1999 while taking care of her three children. She planned things so that she would have more time to devote to the business once her youngest grew up. She shunned conventional wisdom and went without a business plan.
“I tried to do it but kept falling asleep,” she said. “In a way, it’s maybe good I never took business courses in college. I might have felt stymied. I just said to myself, ‘I’m going to do this because I know it’s going to work.’”
She bought her initial inventory with a few thousand dollars, using eBay to sell each piece of jewelry for a modest profit. Her brother, a fellow entrepreneur, came up with the name for her business during a brainstorming session in early 1999.
“The really weird thing was that the [web address] was available,” she said.
Bradford taught herself basic web design to get the site going, then hired a developer to help update it two years ago. She also hired a copywriting company to create pages on her site heavy with key words such as “heart locket.” Search services pick up the terms, helping to drive more people to the site. Last year, sales growth topped 40 percent, Bradford said.
“Running a business on the Web is like standing on shifting sand,” she said. “There are waves of technological changes that you have to keep up with or you’ll be left behind.”
Bradford believes she’s well-positioned should a recession occur. “There will always be special events in people’s lives, and jewelry brings with it the feel-good knowledge of giving a sentimental but substantial gift.”
−by Douglass Crouse
More Information
devote to 将...奉献给; 致力于, 专心于
shun [ʃʌn] v. 躲避;忽视
in a way 在某种程度上
modest [ˋmɑdɪst] adj. 不太大(或多)的
fellow [ˋfɛlo] adj. 同伴的;同事的;同类的
copywriting company 广告文案公司 a company whose employees write the text that is used in advertisements
copywriting [ˋkɑpɪ͵raɪtɪŋ] n. 广告文案写作; 撰稿
heavy [ˋhɛvɪ] adj. 大量的
drive [draɪv] v. 驱动; 推动
shifting sand 流沙
should [ʃʊd] v. aux. 助动词(表示语气较强的假设)万一
recession [rɪˋsɛʃən] n.(经济的)衰退;衰退期
sentimental [͵sɛntəˋmɛnt!] adj. 情感上的
substantial [səbˋstænʃəl] adj. 真实的,实在的
Vocabulary Focus
(somebody’s) heart is in the right place 心怀真情(或善意); 心地好 someone is a good and kind person even if they do not always seem to be
allure [əˋlɪʊr] n. 诱惑力,魅力 attraction, charm or excitement
tuck away【口】将某物存起来或藏起来 to put something valuable in a safe place
run-up [ˋrʌn͵ʌp] n. 前奏; 预备期 the period before an important event
heartening [ˋhɑrtnɪŋ] adj. 鼓舞人心的,令人振奋的 making you feel happier and more positive
conventional wisdom 传统观念或世俗认知 something that is generally believed by the public to be true, but might actually be false
stymie [ˈstaɪmɪd] adj. (colloq) 受阻的 to prevent something from happening or someone from achieving a goal
brainstorming session 脑力激荡的讨论会 a meeting where a group gathers to suggest a lot of ideas for a future activity very quickly, before considering some of them more carefully
well-positioned 掌握了良好商机的 being able to satisfy customers’ needs with a product they desire
Inserting Photos Into a Locket 101
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