Celebrating Christmas 庆祝圣诞节
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年12月24日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年1月04日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:331
A Spectacular Celebration 令人叹为观止的圣诞节庆典
Christmas, a great celebration in most parts of the world, commemorates the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Most of us find it hard to imagine the first Christmas because people didn’t have TVs, radios, or even cameras way back then. But God arranged a celebration far more spectacular than anyone could pull off, even in these days of modern technology. He had a big choir of angels perform in the skies so people all around the world could know that this was not just a regular man-made birthday party!
In fact, an even more starling phenomenon announced Jesus’ birth – a bright new star in the galaxy. People from as far away as China, India and distant countries saw it and wondered what it was all about. In order to understand, some inquisitive scholars studied all their ancient writings and found out that an important king would be born and that this star would lead them to him.
It took them about two years to get there because there were no freeways, direction signs or tourist guides, but finally, the star led them to Bethlehem. They brought expensive, valuable gifts of gold, myrrh and incense to give to this very important person who had come into the world.
The Christmas story has been told in nearly all the languages of the world; many plays and musical classics have been written depicting this great revelation to all people. It proclaims that God has a solution for the future of the world that affects lives throughout all generations and lasts for eternity.
The true gift of Christmas is the gift of love from the Creator of the universe. He desired to know each human being personally. This relationship can bring joy and hope and meaning into the lives of all who take the time to discover and accept it.
-by Doris Brougham
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Bethlehem [ˋbɛθləhɛm] n. 伯利恒(耶稣降生地)
way back 很久以前
pull off 成功完成 to perform in spite of difficulties or obstacles; bring off
choir [kwaɪr] n.(教堂的)唱诗班;圣乐团
galaxy [ˋgæləksɪ] n.【天】银河
myrrh [mɝ] n. 没药(用作香料或药品的一种树脂)a sticky, brown substance with a strong smell which is used in making perfume and incense
incense [ˋɪnsɛns] n. (常用于宗教仪式的)香
revelation [rɛv!ˋeʃən] n. 天启; 神示; 被暴露的真相; 被曝光的秘密 a manifestation of divine will or truth
proclaim [prəˋklem] v. 表明,显示[+(that)]
No Vacancy 没空房了
For most Westerners, Christmas holidays are inextricably linked to family. However, while I was growing up, my mother and father were separated from their parents by long distances so we never once spent the holidays with just relatives. The people who enjoyed our Christmas feast with us included anyone my parents had recently met who might not have a place to go.
To this day, my holidays tend to include people I barely know. Thanks to my new friends in Asia, I have enjoyed this kind of hospitality myself. I spent Lunar New Year with members of the Toroko tribe in Hualien, and I enjoyed learning how to make zhongzi with a friend and her children during Dragon Boat Festival.
As for Christmas, every year since I moved here, I’ve celebrated with new friends. A potluck dinner satisfies our appetites with everything from the traditional yams and pumpkin pie to barbequed kebabs and pancakes.
And every year, I read the story of Jesus’ birth again. When I get to the part about innkeepers turning Mary and Joseph away, I sympathize with those business owners. They were probably busy with the countless visitors to the city and their own families. But when they told the couple they had no room to host them, they were passing up a chance to witness one of the most important events in history. They didn’t realize that a miracle was about to take place.
As our lives keep getting busier, we have to scrape together extra minutes to enjoy with our families. In our haste to create quality time, we often forget to include those who may not have anyone to spend their extra minutes with.
I want to learn from the Christmas story. I want my holidays to be full of friends and family, but I hope to welcome a few strangers, too. God may be ready to show me a miracle.
-by Naomi Biesheuvel
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hospitality [͵hɑspɪˋtælətɪ] n. 好客;殷勤招待
potluck [ˋpɑt͵lʌk] n. 百乐餐(参加聚餐者每人各带菜肴共享的餐会)
barbequed [ˋbɑrbɪkjud] adj. 烧烤的;用调料烤的
kebab [kəˋbɑb] n.【印度】烤肉串
innkeeper [ˋɪn͵kipɚ] n. 旅馆主人;客栈老板
pass up【口】拒绝;放弃 to let go by; reject
scrape [skrep] v.【口】(艰难地)凑集,积攒;勉强过日子[(+up/together)]gather (money or other resources) together over time
minute [ˋmɪnɪt] n. 一会儿,片刻
Where is Christmas? 圣诞节的真正所在
Landing in Taipei seven years ago, I crossed the globe, and crossed over to a culture with different holidays and traditions. Just how different things were hit me that first Christmas here.
“You mean I have to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?” I asked my buxiban supervisor. For many Americans, including me, Christmas has become a week of vacation, rather than a time of reflection.
Sentimental memories of exchanging gifts and family dinners danced in my head. But here I was, 10,000 miles from home – and I had to work! Sitting at my desk, feeling sorry for myself, little did I know that my young students would teach me where Christmas was.
Heavenly Melody sings, “Christmas isn’t Christmas, ’til it’s Christmas in your heart.” It reminds me that celebrating Jesus’ birth isn’t about being in a certain place, spending money or eating great food. Instead, Christmas is about loving, sharing and forgiving everyday of the year. Rather than lamenting the goodies I’m not eating, who am I feeding. Do I miss the gifts, or give to the needy?
天韵诗班唱着:「一直要等到你心中有圣诞节,圣诞节才会是真正的圣诞节。」(译注:歌名是《Christmas isn’t Christmas》)这旋律提醒了我,庆祝耶稣的降生,并不在于必须到某个特定地点,或是花很多钱,也不是吃好吃的食物。相反地,圣诞节在于一年中的每一天,都要去爱、分享和原谅,而不是只在圣诞节这一天而已。我不该惋惜没有吃到哪些美食,而是该想想,我有没有和有需要的人分享食物!我不该在乎没有收到礼物,而是该检讨自己有没有对有需要的人伸出援手!
I worked Christmas Eve and Christmas Day – and it was one of my best Christmases. In the first class, my young students surprised me with Christmas songs they had practiced. Many used crayons to draw rudimentary Christmas cards that meant more than any fancy card could.
For two days, my classes celebrated the holiday with me, and I realized I wasn’t missing anything. The children taught me that the best gifts were time and attention.
That Christmas passed by in the blink of an eye. We covered our English lessons, but we also celebrated a Christmas that I’ll never forget. Dozing off to sleep that night, 10,000 miles from home, it didn’t matter where I was, or what presents I got. What mattered was what I gave.
那个圣诞节在转瞬间飞逝。我们有上完该上的英文课,但同时也庆祝了这个我难忘怀的圣诞节。当晚,离家一万哩的我,渐渐阖上眼皮入睡(译注:doze off指打瞌睡、打盹儿),其实,我身在何方、收到了哪些礼物,并不重要,重要的是,我给出了什么。
-by Bill Quinn
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goody [ˋgʊdɪ] n.【口】好吃的東西,糖果;吸引人的東西
feed [fid] v.【口】向……提供; 供給
crayon [ˋkreən] n. 顏色粉筆;蠟筆;炭筆
attention [əˋtɛnʃən] n. 关怀
doze off 打瞌睡, 打盹; 睡大覺
Vocabulary Focus
commemorate [kəˋmɛmə͵ret] v. 庆祝;纪念 to remember officially and give respect to a great person or event
inquisitive [ɪnˋkwɪzətɪv] adj. 好问的;好奇的 wanting to discover as much as you can about things
depict [dɪˋpɪkt] v. 描述;描写 to represent or show something in a picture story
inextricably [ɪnˋɛkstrɪkəblɪ] adv. 解不开地; 分不开地 difficult to separate one thing from another because of their close, natural association
haste [hest] n. 匆忙; 仓促 overeager speed
sentimental [͵sɛntəˋmɛnt!] adj. 情感上的 related to feelings rather than reason
lament [ləˋmɛnt] v. 哀悼,悲痛;痛哭;悲嘆 to express sadness and regret about something
rudimentary [͵rudəˋmɛntəri] adj. 基本的,初步的 basic, and not deep or detailed
in the blink of an eye 一眨眼的功夫 extremely quickly
Merry Christmas from Bethlehem
Christmas around the world
Christmas Isn't Christmas (Until it happens in your Heart) - The Glory of Christmas Musical