New York Tragedy Averted 化悲剧为奇迹的纽约故事
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年7月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年11月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:389
A ‘miracle’ in a city not easily impressed 一个不易被感动的都市所发生的感人「奇迹」
This is what a miracle looks like. It looks like a 60-foot piece of aluminum and steel sticking out of the frigid Hudson River at an odd angle. One end of the wing is attached to the sunken fuselage of a US Airways jetliner, the other claws toward the sky. The mighty Hudson is so cold that brown slush lines its banks like a bathtub ring.
“Miracle” is the buzzword of the city, a city not easily impressed.
And the residents of this city sometimes look at each other and say: “What happened here in New York – this sudden, improvised, all-hands-on-deck rescue – might not have happened in many other places.” But it happened in New York City, a place that knows calamity and knows the proper response.
“If it had been a movie, people probably wouldn’t have believed it,” Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. “It was too good to be true – the perfect landing, the phenomenal response, the rescue of every single person.”
Brief adventure 短暂的历险
“I was thinking – no, I was positive – we were all going to die,” said Paul Jorgensen, 38, a medical-software salesman who flies weekly and was in seat 1A.
It didn’t happen, because this is how a miracle works.
When your engines go dead, you have a guy at the yoke who happens to be an expert glider pilot. He’s also a guy capable of making an instant, once-in-a-lifetime decision. No room for error. No second chance. No turning back.
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impress [ɪmˋprɛs] v. 给……极深的印象;使感动; 使铭记,铭刻
stick out (of something) 突出, 伸出 to protrude from someone or something
stick [stɪk] v. 伸,伸出
fuselage [ˋfjuz!ɪdʒ] n.【空】机身 the main body of an aircraft
slush [slʌʃ] n. 融雪
line [laɪn] v. 沿……排列 to form a bordering line along
ring [rɪŋ] n. 圈;环;环形物 anything which is like a circle in shape
phenomenal [fəˋnɑmən!] adj. 异常的;杰出的;惊人的
positive [ˋpɑzətɪv] adj. 确信的[F][(+of/about)][+(that)]; 确定的
yoke [jok] n. 飞机操纵杆
expert [ˋɛkspɚt] adj. 熟练的,老练的;有经验的[(+at/in/on)]
The pilot is a guy blessed with talent, years of experience and an innate sense of time and distance, lift and aerodynamics, he’s able to bring the nose up and skim the river with the tail, precisely slowing the plane so it settles flat.
Too much, the jetliner will break apart. Too little, it will go in nose first and sink like a stone. Or flip.
It comes down at early rush hour when ferries are plying the river. Instantly, captains change course and in minutes are plucking passengers off that wing.
Was all of that a miracle? No, but it was part of it.
Here’s another part.
Mark Hood, 48, grew up in South Carolina. He had a high school buddy, Billy Campbell. They lost touch. Hood went on to the Citadel, then the Marines. He served in Operation Desert Storm and rose to the rank of major. Then he took on a career in medical-equipment sales, one that made him a weekly flier.
He was near the front of the plane and was one of dozens huddled on a raft. Then he saw a familiar face: Billy Campbell’s. He was also on the plane.
“Billy and I were able to talk a little bit,” Hood says. “I don’t know if you believe in God. But that was a miracle out there.”
This is what a miracle does. It reminds us we’re not always alone when we face misfortune. It reminds us that even in the darkest of times, compassion and kindnessburn in the human spirit. It reminds us that the fortunes of 155 souls can uplift us all.
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bless [blɛs] v. 使有幸得到[H][(+with)]
innate [ˋɪnˋet] adj. 与生俱来的;天生的;固有的
lift [lɪft] n. 升力,上升力 the force that opposes gravity and is needed to raise something
aerodynamics [͵ɛrodaɪˋnæmɪks] n.(用作单)空气动力学;航空动力学 the science that studies the movement of gases and the way solid bodies, such as an aircraft, move through them
skim [skɪm] v. 使掠过;掠过
come down【美俚】发生 Slang to happen; occur
ply [plaɪ] v. 定期往返 to travel over distances regularly by boat or other form of transportation
marine [məˋrin] n. 海军陆战队队员
major [ˋmedʒɚ] n.(美国)陆军(或空军、海军陆战队)少校
take on 接受(挑战); 接受(尤指艰巨工作或重大责任) to undertake or begin to handle
flier [ˋflaɪɚ] n. 飞机乘客
raft [ræft] n.(救生用)橡皮艇
compassion [kəmˋpæʃən] n. 怜悯;同情
uplift [ʌpˋlɪft] v. 振奋;鼓舞
Saving lives all in a day’s work 救人只是应尽的工作职责(译注:all in a day’s work 往往用在对其他人可能很特别,但对某人却稀松平常的情况,意指习以为常、司空见惯)
Less than two hours into her shift, commuter ferry pilot Brittany Catanzaro looked over her shoulder and saw a jet floating in the [Hudson River] as she headed in the opposite direction from New York Pier 79. Immediately, she turned around and steered toward the aircraft.
“The thought in my head was, ‘The plane’s going down quickly. We have to get over there,’” Catanzaro said.
In many ways, the ferry captain is a typical 20-year-old. She sports a nearly invisible blue stud in her nose. Her cell phone rings often. She lives at home and hangs out with friends in her free time.
But when she saw the plane in the water, Catanzaro reacted like a seasoned pro that has spent a lifetime around boats. She pulled up close to the plane’s wings, where passengers had taken refuge. With guidance from the crew, she maneuvered the ferry to stay abreast of the plane, which was being pulled down river by a steady current. She deflects praise to her crew, who were hoisting passengers onto the ferry with rescue buckets.
“They were the ones who were down there pulling people out of the water,” Catanzaro said.
Albert Maietti, a shop steward working on Catanzaro’s boat, said conditions were perfect for a rescue. “He landed right in the midst of where all the boats were moving,” Maietti said. “I called my pastor up and said, ‘Please have the church pray we get everyone out.’”
Catanzaro seemed embarrassed by all the attention she attracted.
“Hey, superhero, what are you doing here?” a man nicknamed “Bucket” asked on the ferry’s radio. “Can I get your autograph?”
“No autograph,” Catanzaro replied with a laugh. “But I’ll come see you, though.”
−by Ashley Kindergan
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all in a day’s work 每日常规的一部分, 日常工作 if something difficult or strange is all in a day's work for someone, it is a usual part of their job
shift [ʃɪft] n. 轮班;轮班工作时间 the period of time worked by such a group
look over one’s shoulder 转过头来看 keeping watch for danger or threats to oneself
pier [pɪr] n.(凸式)码头,直码头
stud [stʌd] n. 饰钉;饰钮; 大头钉
hang out(呆在某处,或与某人呆在一起)闲逛
seasoned pro 经验丰富的专业人员 someone with a lot of experience at doing something and who therefore knows to do it well
pull up (使)停下来 to move to a position or place ahead, as in a race
take refuge 避难; 躲避
maneuver [məˋnuvɚ] v. 巧妙地操纵(或处理)
abreast [əˋbrɛst] adv.(朝同一方向)并列,并排
call someone or something up 给某人打电话 to call someone, a group, or a company on the telephone
pastor [ˋpæstɚ] n.(基督教的)本堂牧师
autograph [ˋɔtə͵græf] n. 亲笔;(尤指名人的)亲笔签名
Vocabulary Focus
avert [əˋvɝt] v. 避开,移开[(+from)] to prevent something bad from happening; avoid
buzzword [ˋbʌzwɝd] n.(媒体上的)时髦术语,流行行话 a word or expression that has become fashionable by being used a lot, especially in the media
improvised [ˋɪmprəvaɪzd] adj. 临时做的;临时凑成的 doing something at the time when it is needed without having planned it
all hands on deck 各就各位; 所有人手就位; 全体动员的 something that you say when everyone’s help is needed, especially to do a lot of work in a short amount of time
calamity [kəˋlæmətɪ] n. 灾难;大祸;大灾害 a serious accident or bad event causing damage or suffering
pluck [plʌk] v. 扯,拉; 猛拉 to remove someone quickly from a dangerous or difficult situation
huddle [ˋhʌd!] v. 紧挤在一起 to come close together in a group, especially when cold or fearful
sport [sport] v. 得意地戴着; 引人注目地穿戴; 炫耀 to wear or be decorated with something
refuge [ˋrɛfjudʒ] n. 躲避;避难; 避难所 a place which gives protection or shelter from danger or trouble
deflect [dɪˋflɛkt] v. 偏斜;转向 to direct attention away from one thing to something else
hoist [hɔɪst] v.(用绳索,起重机等)吊起 to lift something heavy, often with special equipment
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