Discipline Dilemmas 家里有本难念的育儿经
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年8月19日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年12月01日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:374
If you’re a parent, you’ve likely been there, done that and hope not to go there again 如果你本身就是家长,可能早就是过来人了,而且根本就不想再重蹈覆辙
A constant challenge facing parents is figuring out the best way to discipline their children. A third of parents don’t think their methods of discipline are working very well, according to a study of 2,134 parents with children ages 2 to 11 in Canada, Puerto Rico and 32 states in the U.S.
“I think if most parents are honest, the numbers would be even higher than that,” says the study’s author, Dr. Shari Barkin.
Barkin says she conducted the study to help parents and others who raise children do so more effectively. Discipline is an area where parents need and want a lot of help but get little.
Clinical psychologist Eric Herman says the greatest difficulty results because parents wait too late before trying to establish discipline. As soon as there is a problem, address it, he says.
“If you let a problem go on, when you try to discipline a child it may get worse initially. But stick with it and be consistent.”
He also says it’s important that the parents agree on the approaches to discipline.
Smile 管教子女的口诀:SMILE
Parent educator Su Porter outlines a strategy that uses the acronym SMILE:
Say it without rage. S代表英文的say,即不带怒气地告诉子女。
Model appropriate behavior. M代表 model,即以身作则。
Involveeveryone (parents, children, caregivers.) I代表 involve,即集结众人的力量(包括家长、子女和照料者)。
Listen as much as you talk. L代表 listen,口头上的教导和倾听并重。
Encourage because praise for good behavior is more effective than criticism. E代表 encourage,因为对子女的良好行为加以赞美,会远比批评更有效。
Techniques for effective discipline 有效管教子女的技巧
Work toward consistency. Try to make sure that your goals, rules and approaches to stay the same from day to day. Children find frequent changes confusing and may resort to testing limits just to find out what the limits are.
Pay attention to your child’s feelings. If you can figure out why your child is misbehaving, you are one step closer to solving the problem.
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dilemma [dəˋlɛmə] n. 困境,进退两难
result [rɪˋzʌlt] v. 发生,产生
outline [ˋaʊt͵laɪn] v. 概述,略述
model [ˋmɑd!] v. 做…的模范(榜样)
resort [rɪˋzɔrt] v. 诉诸,凭借,求助[(+to)]; 经常去[(+to)]
misbehave [͵mɪsbɪˋhev] v. 行为不礼貌;行为不端;作弊
It often helps to let your child know that you understand. For example, “I know you are feeling sad that your friend is leaving, but you still have to pick up your toys.”
Learn to see mistakes as opportunities to learn. If you do not handle a situation well, don’t despair. Figure out what you could have done differently, and do it the next time. If you feel you have made a real mistake in the heat of the moment, wait to cool down, apologize to your child and explain how you will handle the situation in the future.
Avoiding trouble 避免麻烦滋生
Avoid power struggles whenever possible. Instead, address only those issues that truly are important to you.
Offer choices whenever possible. By giving choices, you can set limits and still allow your child some independence.
Make a game out of good behavior. Your child is more likely to do what you want if you make it fun. For example, you might say, “Let’s have a race and see who can put his coat on first.”
Plan ahead. If you know that certain circumstances always cause trouble, such as a trip to the store, discuss with your child ahead of time what behavior is acceptable and what the consequences will be if he does not obey. Try to plan the shopping trip for a time when your child is well rested and well fed, and take along a small toy to amuse your child if he gets bored.
Praise good behavior. Whenever your child remembers to follow the rules, offer encouragement about how well he did. You do not need an elaborate system of rewards. You can simply say, “Thank you for coming right away,” and hug your child.
-by Cassandra Spratling
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despair [dɪˋspɛr] v. 绝望,丧失信心
take along 携带; 带着
Vocabulary Focus
been there, done that 经历过了 a commonly used expression that means you have experienced something to the point of boredom
acronym [ˋækrənɪm] n. 首字母缩略字 an abbreviation consisting of the first letters of each word in the name of something, pronounced as a word
resort to (something) 依靠, 求助于, 诉诸于 to do something that you do not want to do because you cannot find any other way of achieving something
in the heat of the moment 在(一时)盛怒(或激动、心烦意乱)中 to say or do something without thinking because you are angry or excited
cool down 平静下来; 缓和 to become calmer
power struggle 权力争夺 a fierce or unpleasant competition for power
elaborate [ɪˋlæbə͵ret] adj. 精心制作的;精巧的;详尽的 containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts
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