A Confusion of Roles 妈妈赢得孩子尊重有诀窍
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年1月10日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月22日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:320
Are moms giving their children too much attention? 做妈妈的是不是在孩子身上投注了过多心力?
A journalist recently asked me to name the No. 1 problem facing today’s family. I think she expected me to address education, the economy or some other “hot” topic. To her surprise, I said, “a confusion of roles.”
In today’s parenting universe, married women with children think of themselves first and foremost as mothers, and married men with children think of themselves first and foremost as fathers. This is confusion. If you are married with children, you are first and foremost a wife or a husband. In your wedding vows, you did not say, “I take you to be my (husband, wife) until children do us part.” Those vows, many generations old, read the way they do for a reason.
在当今的教养主流当中,已婚妇女生了孩子之后,就认为自己首要的角色是母亲;已婚男士有了孩子之后,也认为自己首要的角色是父亲。这是一种错乱。如果你结婚之后有了小孩,你首要的角色仍应是妻子或丈夫。在结婚誓言里,你并没有说:「我愿与你结为夫妻,至『生子』方休。」(译注:原西方的结婚誓言为until/till death do us apart,至死方休)世世代代流传不变的婚姻誓言之所以那么措词,是有原因的。
Does success depend on mom? 孩子的成功是否取决于母亲?
I’ve been telling recent audiences that parenting has become bad for the mental health of women. Today’s all-too typical mother believes that whether her child experiences success or failure in whatever realm is completely up to her. If she is sufficiently attentive to her child’s needs and sufficiently proactive in his life, he will succeed. If not, he will have problems. The natural consequence of this state of over-focus is anxiety, self-doubt and guilt.
Symptomatic of this ubiquitous state of bad mental health is mother-to-mother conversation, which will almost invariably be all about their children: what they’re doing for their children, their children’s latest magnificent accomplishments and so on. That today’s mothers cannot seem to think of anything else to talk about is rather, well, sad.
More Information
parenting [ˋpɛrəntɪŋ] n. 父母对孩子的养育[照顾] the rearing of a child or children, especially the care, love, and guidance given by a parent
vow [vaʊ] n. 誓言,誓约
till death do us part 至死方休 It means that the only thing which can put an end to your marriage is the death of either partner. In other words, no divorce.
all-too 太...; 太过于.. to a high degree;
realm [rɛlm] n. 领域;范围
symptomatic [͵sɪmptəˋmætɪk] adj. 症状的
The more attention you pay a child, the less attention the child will pay to you. The 1950s mother went about her child rearing with an almost casual attitude. It was “all in a day’s work,” as opposed to being all of her day’s work. She exuded a sense of confidence in her authority; therefore, her child recognized her authority. She established a clear boundary between herself and her child ( as in, “I don’t have time for you right now, so go find something of your own to do”) that today’s mother feels prohibited from doing. Thus, today’s mother often feels as if she is under assault from her children from the time they wake up until they consent to occupy their beds.
Setting boundaries 设定界线
In any relationship, a well-defined boundary is necessary to respect. For example, men may “like” women who do not establish clear boundaries, but they have no respect for them. In this regard, it is no mystery why so many of today’s kids seem to have no respect for their mothers, or any other adult for that manner.
I always knew that I could depend on [my mother], but there was enough of a boundary in the relationship to prevent me from ever becoming dependent. This state of affairs is healthy for both parent and child.
Most of the discipline problems today that parents experience with their children have their genesis in this nouveau and very dysfunctional family model. These discipline problems, therefore, are not going to be corrected by manipulating reward and punishment with clever behavioral methods. They will correct themselves when the dysfunction is corrected. The problem here is that it’s difficult to accept that what one is doing is dysfunctional when everyone is doing it.
-by John Rosemond
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go about 从事, 忙于 to approach the doing of something in a particular way
casual [ˋkæʒʊəl] adj. 随便的,漫不经心的 If you are casual, you are, or you pretend to be, relaxed and not very concerned about what is happening or what you are doing.
prohibit [prəˋhɪbɪt] v. 禁止
assault [əˋsɔlt] v. 侵犯人身
genesis [ˋdʒɛnəsɪs] n.【文】起源
in this regard 关于; 在这点上 on this point, on this matter
nouveau ['nuvoʊ] adj. 新近产生的 new and different, often fashionably so
Vocabulary Focus
attentive [əˋtɛntɪv] adj. 注意的,留意的 listening carefully
proactive [proˋæktɪv] adj. 积极主动的 taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it happens
ubiquitous [juˋbɪkwətəs] adj. 普遍存在的﹐ 无处不在的 seeming to be in all places
invariably [ɪnˋvɛrɪəb!ɪ] adv. 不变地,一定地,总是 always
exude [ɪgˋzjud] v.(气味等)散发 to show a lot of a feeling, such as confidence, pain or love
consent [kənˋsɛnt] v. 同意,答应 to agree to do something, or to allow someone to do something
dysfunctional [dɪsˋfʌŋkʃənl] adj. 不正常的 characterized by a breakdown of normal or beneficial relationships between members of the group
Parenting by the Book