Salt: Valuable, Useful, and Fun! 妙用无穷的盐!
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2005年9月19日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2011年9月14日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:606
A white mountain rises before you. Children zip down its slopes on sleds and build “snowmen” at its base. Have you been transported to some alpine winter wonderland? No, you’re at the Taiwan Salt Museum in Qigu, Tainan County, and the “snowy mountains” are really giant mounds of salt.
The salt museum was opened by the Taiwan Salt Company in 2005 as a fun place for people to learn about the history of salt industry in Taiwan. Early settlers of Taiwan got their salt by trading with Chinese fishermen or by boiling seawater. In 1665, salt fields were constructed near Tainan, and large-scale production of salt began. During the Ming, Qing, and Japanese eras, the industry grew dramatically. In the sixties and seventies, production became automated and more efficient. The result was the closure of many fields and the loss of thousands of jobs.
Despite these improvements in efficiency, the industry just couldn’t compete with cheaper salt coming from Australia. By the 1990s, it had become clear that the Taiwan Salt Company, which had been a government monopoly, would have to privatize and diversify. And diversify they did. The company began to develop health and beauty products, including shampoos, toothpastes, and a highly successful line of cosmetics. In 2002, the company went totally private, and today, it is considered a privatization success story. From simply making salt to making much more, the Taiwan Salt Company has come a long way.
construct [kənˋstrʌkt] v. 建造
dramatically [drəˋmætɪk!ɪ] adv. 戏剧性地,显着地
monopoly [məˋnɑp!ɪ] n. 独占;专卖;垄断
privatize [ˋpraɪvətaɪz] v. 使私有(民营)化
diversify [daɪˋvɝsə͵faɪ] v. 〔指某企业或国家的经济〕多元化; 从事多种经营
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zip [zɪp] v. 有力而迅速地行动(或移动)
sled [slɛd] n. 雪橇
alpine [ˋælpaɪn] adj. (像)高山的
trade with 与…交换, 和…贸易
compete [kəmˋpit] v. 竞争
come a long way: 大有进步 to make a lot of progress and improvement
Salt is the “stuff of life.” It has been a highly valued commodity in every culture and civilization throughout history. It enabled early humans to preserve food, giving them the ability to migrate and survive hard times, and it was so valuable that it was sometimes used like money. Roman soldiers, for example, were paid in salt, and the word “salary” is derived from the Latin word for “salt.” To say that someone is “worth his salt” is to say they are worth the money that is paid to them.
It’s believed there are more than 14,000 uses of salt. Of course, the most obvious one is making food taste better. But besides that, salt can be used as an alternative to expensive (and often toxic) cleaning and beauty products. Salt can be used to keep cut flowers fresh, clean greasy pans, and wash vegetables. It can also remove stains from your teeth, deodorize stinky shoes, and remove sweat stains. Gargling with salt soothes sore throats, and hot pads dipped in saltwater are great for tired and puff eyes.
Salt can also provide us with a little old-fashioned entertainment. How’s that? Well, just head to the salt fields of the Qigu Salt Museum, jump on a sled, and see for yourself.
-By Ben Andrews & Robert Kelly
commodity [kəˋmɑdətɪ] n. 商品
civilization [͵sɪv!əˋzeʃən] n. 文明
preserve [prɪˋzɝv] v. 保存
migrate [ˋmaɪ͵gret] v. 迁移;移居
alternative [ɔlˋtɝnətɪv] n. 供选择的东西
soothe [suð] v. 缓和;减轻
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derive [dɪˋraɪv] v. 起源,由来[(+from)]
besides [bɪˋsaɪdz] prep.在……之外,除……之外
cleaning [ˋklinɪŋ] n. 打扫;去污;清洗
greasy [ˋgrizɪ] adj. 油腻的
stain [sten] n. 污点,污迹
deodorize [diˋodə͵raɪz] v. 将……除臭;脱去……的臭味
hot pad 热敷垫
puff [pʌf] adj. (=puffed) 肿的,肿胀的
provide [prəˋvaɪd] v. 供给[(+with)]
head to(向特定方向)出发
Reading Questions
1..When did the large-scale production of salt begin in Taiwan?
A. In ancient times
B. In the seventeenth century
C. In the past hundred years
D. A few decades ago
2. The automation of Taiwan’s salt industry brought about ___
A. cheaper salt
B. poor quality salt
C. higher profits
D. unemployment
3. Why was salt so valuable in ancient times?
A. It made food taste better, so early humans ate more and grew stronger.
B. It enabled early humans to store food because it kept food from going bad
C. Most early humans couldn’t make salt on their own, so it was very precious.
D. Most early humans thought it had magical properties that could heal sickness.
4. Which of the following uses of salt is NOT discussed in the articles?
A. It can clean dirty dished.
B. It can be used in makeup.
C. It can be used to clean eyeglasses.
D. It can remove odors.
1. ( B ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( B ) |
4. ( C ) |