News for the Peanut Gallery 落花生传奇
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年5月22日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2011年10月19日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:509
Watching from the cheap seats, a group of locals lose interest in a dull performance. To show their dissatisfaction, they mock and toss peanuts at the entertainers. However, the “peanut gallery” should think twice before wasting all their nuts. Peanuts might be more valuable than the performance they are booing!
Roasted, garlicky, salted or unsalted, there are many different ways of processing peanuts. Although high in fat, peanuts contain many vitamins and nutrients. An estimated half-a-billion people depend on them as their main source of protein.
Yet, contrary to what their name implies, peanuts are technically not nuts. They actually belong to the pea family. Also called groundnuts, peanuts have a fascinating life cycle. They start out as yellow flowers, blooming above the ground. Then, due to the flowers’ heavy weight, they bend down to the ground. After they wither, a tiny shoot begins growing from the base of each stem and slowly burrows into the ground. This is where the peanut matures.
Shells found in Peru from around 2500 B.C. are the earliest evidence of cultivating peanuts. However, it was not until discoveries dating back to 950 B.C. that the peanut’s importance was revealed. Archaeologists uncovered peanut-shaped pottery and Peruvian artifacts with peanut illustrations. They also dug up tombs containing bags of peanuts for the dead to take with them into the afterlife.
mock [mɑk] v. 嘲弄,嘲笑
nutrient [ˋnjutrɪənt] n. 营养物,滋养物
wither [ˋwɪðɚ] v. 枯萎,干枯
artifact [ˋɑrtɪ͵fækt] n. 人工制品〔有史学价值的武器﹑工具等〕﹐手工艺品
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dull [dʌl] adj. 乏味的,单调的
boo [bu] v. 向……喝倒采; 嘘(某人)
garlicky [ˋgɑrlɪkɪ] adj. 有大蒜味的
process [ˋprɑsɛs] v. 处理; 加工
contrary [ˋkɑntrɛrɪ] adj. 相反的,对立的[(+to)]
nut [nʌt] n. 坚果;核果
groundnut [ˋgraʊnd͵nʌt] n. 落花生
start out 开始
burrow [ˋbɝo] v. 钻进某处(或某组织)
archaeologist [͵ɑrkɪˋɑlədʒɪst] n. 考古学家
Peruvian [pəˋruvɪən] adj. 秘鲁的;秘鲁人的
illustration [ɪ͵lʌsˋtreʃən] n. 插图,图案
afterlife [ˋæftɚ͵laɪf] n. 来世﹐来生
Peanuts took on a new shape during America’s Civil War. Soldiers lacking food pulled peanuts from fields. Boiling them in salty water ensured they were clean and safe from bacteria. Today, large pots of soggy peanuts still make a delicious snack to people in the southern U.S.
In the 19th century, a doctor in St. Louis, Missouri, created a ground-up paste made from peanuts. He prescribed his protein-rich creamy creation to his patients. His formula led to the tasty treat known as peanut butter and still enjoyed today. Around the same time, the “father of the peanut industry,” George Washington Carver, introduced other uses for peanuts. They included glue, cream, paint, and shampoo, to name just a few. During his lifetime, he came up with more than 300 ways to use the peanut!
Still today, farmers make use of more than just the peanut itself. No part is ever wasted. The peanut’s oil, shell, skin, and even the peanut plant and its roots are employed. They provide snacks at basketball games, spread for bread, and even everyday products such as soap. So whether it is a pea or a nut, the peanut should never be tossed away!
−By Matthew Wilson
ensure [ɪnˋʃʊr] v. 确保﹐保证
prescribe [prɪˋskraɪb] v. 开(药方),为……开(药方)
formula [ˋfɔrmjələ] n. 配方,处方
employ [ɪmˋplɔɪ] v. 使用,利用
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take on 具有; 呈现; 承担
shape [ʃep] n.(表现)形式;体现
soggy [ˋsɑgɪ] adj. 湿透的﹐湿软的
ground-up 碾碎的;磨成粉的
protein [ˋprotiɪn] n. 蛋白质
make use of: 利用 to utilize; to do something useful
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following in NOT true of peanuts?
A. They contain a lot of healthy substances.
B. They reach maturity above the ground.
C. They have been portrayed on ancient objects.
D. They are known by more than one name.
2. What can we infer from the history of peanuts?
A. That they are a recent fad that is just catching on.
B. That they were only important to ancient Peruvians.
C. That they were valued by different cultures.
D. That their popularity has diminished slowly over time.
3. Which of the following is NOT a use for peanuts mentioned in the article?
A. A meal substitute for hungry soldiers.
B. A prescription for patients who needed more protein.
C. A product used to wash your hair.
D. A fertilizer for gardens and crops.
4. What is the chief characteristic of peanuts, according to the article?
A. The fact that they have many different uses.
B. The fact that they grow almost everywhere on earth.
C. The fact that they are always clean and free of bacteria.
D. The fact that they can be used to toss at entertainers at performances.
fad [fæd] n. 一时的流行;一时的风尚
1. ( B ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( A ) |